

An Opening Speech For a the International Symposium of Computer

An Opening Speech For a the International Symposium of Computer

Good morning, distinguished guests and friends, ladies and gentlemen, The International Symposium is opening at our school today. On behalf of our university, it is my honor and great pleasure to declare the opening of the Symposium. I would like to express the warm welcome and gracious greeting to all of the participants and friends.

First of all, the International Symposium of Computer Science is extremely famous in the world. The participants are heads of computer science, most of them are outstanding professors, scientists and scholars in this field. This must be a significant communication, covering much content. It must be a conference for boosting up confidence, overcoming difficulties and

strengthening international cooperation. Therefore, I believe this International Symposium will be a good opportunity for you to substitute your good thoughts, to share the latest research results of your experiments. What's more, it is a benefit for your further cooperation in the field of computer science as well.

Also, to some extent, the Symposium provides an ideal platform to our university in computer science development . Moreover it's helpful for our

teachers and students to push forward research in this field. Additional, it is to improve our students' cognition about computer science, to generate students' interest and enthusiasm for learning computer science.

Finally, I would like to carry my good wishes for the International

symposium.I do hope it will be a great success. Welcome everyone who participates in the Symposium.

Wishing everyone will enjoy your stay here.

Thank you !

An Opening Speech For a the International Symposium of Computer

An Opening Speech For a the International Symposium of Computer

Good morning, distinguished guests and friends, ladies and gentlemen, The International Symposium is opening at our school today. On behalf of our university, it is my honor and great pleasure to declare the opening of the Symposium. I would like to express the warm welcome and gracious greeting to all of the participants and friends.

First of all, the International Symposium of Computer Science is extremely famous in the world. The participants are heads of computer science, most of them are outstanding professors, scientists and scholars in this field. This must be a significant communication, covering much content. It must be a conference for boosting up confidence, overcoming difficulties and

strengthening international cooperation. Therefore, I believe this International Symposium will be a good opportunity for you to substitute your good thoughts, to share the latest research results of your experiments. What's more, it is a benefit for your further cooperation in the field of computer science as well.

Also, to some extent, the Symposium provides an ideal platform to our university in computer science development . Moreover it's helpful for our

teachers and students to push forward research in this field. Additional, it is to improve our students' cognition about computer science, to generate students' interest and enthusiasm for learning computer science.

Finally, I would like to carry my good wishes for the International

symposium.I do hope it will be a great success. Welcome everyone who participates in the Symposium.

Wishing everyone will enjoy your stay here.

Thank you !


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