





As we all know, in this competitive society, people often face pressure from different aspects. Every coin has two sides, the proper pressure is our motivation, and too much pressure will be harmful to affect our health and work, therefore, in the face of the pressure, we must learn to face and deal with it.

Facing stress, different people have different ways of dealing with it. In my opinion, first of all, we should correctly understand the pressure. In this increasingly competitive society, we must be aware of the two pressures of positive and negative. No matter facing the positive pressure or the negative pressure, we should make full use of it, avoid being hurt, and change the pressure into motive force. Second, we must constantly adjust our emotions and attitudes, and try to transform or release pressure. When we are too tired to face the pressure, we can choose to watch a movie, do some exercise, or go shopping, through these activities to transfer or release pressure. Finally, the more a person wants to get, the more pressure he gets. Therefore, we should learn to be content, there is a saying that good, contentment.

In a word, pressure is inevitable in our life, we must learn to face it correctly and deal with it. Let stress become the driving force of our progress







As we all know, in many occasions in our lives, we often want to give up because of some

setbacks. Such as losing jobs, failing important examinations and so on. These failures cause great trouble to our lives, make us feel helpless, and begin to become tired of life. However, if we have hope, we will not let that failure dominate our mood. Therefore, hope is of vital importance in our life.

In my opinion, hope is very important in our life. First of all, people want to be optimistic

about the future, and if people have hope and always look forward to the future, his life will be colorful. Secondly, having hope can help people get rid of the fear of daily life, and will not feel

helpless and tired of daily life. Finally, when a man has hope all the time, his life will be better.

Generally speaking, hope plays an important role in our life and is an indispensable part of

our life. We should always have hope and look forward to a better future.








As we all know, food is a part of our survival, our life can not do without food, food safety

relates to our healthy life. However, with the development of information technology, we often

hear some news reports about food pollution. So, who will be responsible for food pollution?

Different people have different views. Some people think that food companies are looking

for huge profits, lack of responsibility, leading to unsafe food flowing into the market, and some people criticize the lack of government supervision. However, in my opinion, food manufacturers and the government have undeniable responsibility. On the one hand, making food with low barriers to entry, the government did not properly perform their duties of supervision. Food company food production threshold is low, some companies in order to seek higher profits,

ignoring the safety of food materials, leading to food contamination from the source, in addition, because the government inspection is not enough, resulting in contaminated food flows into the market, the vast majority of people buy food consumption. On the other hand, the government not enough punishment, because of the low barriers to entry, or even illegal food manufacturers, all from the consequences of punishment is not serious, let food manufacturers hold fluky psychology, to continue the production of contaminated food, from profiteering. I think these

two aspects, it is always in the main causes of food contamination in the market circulation.

Food is an integral part of our lives, and food safety concerns all of us. The government and

food manufacturers should attach importance to food safety and prevent polluting food from flowing into the market. Only in this way can people enjoy healthy food safely.









With the development of society, more and more Internet Slang appears in the news and

official documents. Some people think that internet slang is vivid, fashion, full of humour and wisdom, and can be found in news and official documents. Some people think that Internet Slang lacks depth of thinking and is too simple to appear in news and official documents. Everything has two sides. In my opinion, Internet Slang should not be banned in news and official documents.

On the one hand, many Internet Slang have been widely used in our lives. Internet slang is

vivid, fashionable, and full of humour and wisdom, so that people can easily understand it. Moreover, with the development of Internet, internet slang is more and more easy to be spread. No matter in news or in official documents, we can't completely prohibit its use. On the other hand, it is not very practical to prohibit the use of Internet Slang in news and official documents, and there are a large number of newspapers and magazines and official documents every day. Overseeing the use of all these languages is very time-consuming and expensive.

Of course, the use of Internet Slang in news and official documents can cause many

problems, but we should not completely prohibit its use. So what we can do is to be more careful

with the use of Internet Slang in news and official documents.





As we all know, with the development of social economy and science and technology, although modern life is full of various kinds of entertainment, people sometimes feel inexplicable loneliness. Are people now lonely? In my opinion, I think modern people are more lonely than ever.

Why are modern people more lonely than ever before? On the one hand, with the development of the city, in order to realize the dream of college graduates more and more people choose to work in the city, they are from friends and relatives, alone in a strange city in the struggle, this is a lot of modern people feel the direct cause of loneliness. On the other hand, with the development of technology, mobile phones and computers are widely appearing in our lives. Many modern people are addicted to all kinds of online games and social interactions, but lack of more realistic friends and relatives. Even though they sometimes come out with friends, many people are still playing their own mobile phones.

In a word, I think modern people are more lonely than ever. In the face of this problem, I think we should put down the mobile phone, go out of the house, make more friends, and make people become more intimate with people.





As we all know, in this competitive society, people often face pressure from different aspects. Every coin has two sides, the proper pressure is our motivation, and too much pressure will be harmful to affect our health and work, therefore, in the face of the pressure, we must learn to face and deal with it.

Facing stress, different people have different ways of dealing with it. In my opinion, first of all, we should correctly understand the pressure. In this increasingly competitive society, we must be aware of the two pressures of positive and negative. No matter facing the positive pressure or the negative pressure, we should make full use of it, avoid being hurt, and change the pressure into motive force. Second, we must constantly adjust our emotions and attitudes, and try to transform or release pressure. When we are too tired to face the pressure, we can choose to watch a movie, do some exercise, or go shopping, through these activities to transfer or release pressure. Finally, the more a person wants to get, the more pressure he gets. Therefore, we should learn to be content, there is a saying that good, contentment.

In a word, pressure is inevitable in our life, we must learn to face it correctly and deal with it. Let stress become the driving force of our progress







As we all know, in many occasions in our lives, we often want to give up because of some

setbacks. Such as losing jobs, failing important examinations and so on. These failures cause great trouble to our lives, make us feel helpless, and begin to become tired of life. However, if we have hope, we will not let that failure dominate our mood. Therefore, hope is of vital importance in our life.

In my opinion, hope is very important in our life. First of all, people want to be optimistic

about the future, and if people have hope and always look forward to the future, his life will be colorful. Secondly, having hope can help people get rid of the fear of daily life, and will not feel

helpless and tired of daily life. Finally, when a man has hope all the time, his life will be better.

Generally speaking, hope plays an important role in our life and is an indispensable part of

our life. We should always have hope and look forward to a better future.








As we all know, food is a part of our survival, our life can not do without food, food safety

relates to our healthy life. However, with the development of information technology, we often

hear some news reports about food pollution. So, who will be responsible for food pollution?

Different people have different views. Some people think that food companies are looking

for huge profits, lack of responsibility, leading to unsafe food flowing into the market, and some people criticize the lack of government supervision. However, in my opinion, food manufacturers and the government have undeniable responsibility. On the one hand, making food with low barriers to entry, the government did not properly perform their duties of supervision. Food company food production threshold is low, some companies in order to seek higher profits,

ignoring the safety of food materials, leading to food contamination from the source, in addition, because the government inspection is not enough, resulting in contaminated food flows into the market, the vast majority of people buy food consumption. On the other hand, the government not enough punishment, because of the low barriers to entry, or even illegal food manufacturers, all from the consequences of punishment is not serious, let food manufacturers hold fluky psychology, to continue the production of contaminated food, from profiteering. I think these

two aspects, it is always in the main causes of food contamination in the market circulation.

Food is an integral part of our lives, and food safety concerns all of us. The government and

food manufacturers should attach importance to food safety and prevent polluting food from flowing into the market. Only in this way can people enjoy healthy food safely.









With the development of society, more and more Internet Slang appears in the news and

official documents. Some people think that internet slang is vivid, fashion, full of humour and wisdom, and can be found in news and official documents. Some people think that Internet Slang lacks depth of thinking and is too simple to appear in news and official documents. Everything has two sides. In my opinion, Internet Slang should not be banned in news and official documents.

On the one hand, many Internet Slang have been widely used in our lives. Internet slang is

vivid, fashionable, and full of humour and wisdom, so that people can easily understand it. Moreover, with the development of Internet, internet slang is more and more easy to be spread. No matter in news or in official documents, we can't completely prohibit its use. On the other hand, it is not very practical to prohibit the use of Internet Slang in news and official documents, and there are a large number of newspapers and magazines and official documents every day. Overseeing the use of all these languages is very time-consuming and expensive.

Of course, the use of Internet Slang in news and official documents can cause many

problems, but we should not completely prohibit its use. So what we can do is to be more careful

with the use of Internet Slang in news and official documents.





As we all know, with the development of social economy and science and technology, although modern life is full of various kinds of entertainment, people sometimes feel inexplicable loneliness. Are people now lonely? In my opinion, I think modern people are more lonely than ever.

Why are modern people more lonely than ever before? On the one hand, with the development of the city, in order to realize the dream of college graduates more and more people choose to work in the city, they are from friends and relatives, alone in a strange city in the struggle, this is a lot of modern people feel the direct cause of loneliness. On the other hand, with the development of technology, mobile phones and computers are widely appearing in our lives. Many modern people are addicted to all kinds of online games and social interactions, but lack of more realistic friends and relatives. Even though they sometimes come out with friends, many people are still playing their own mobile phones.

In a word, I think modern people are more lonely than ever. In the face of this problem, I think we should put down the mobile phone, go out of the house, make more friends, and make people become more intimate with people.


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