


Nations should care for each other, love and help each other, and let friendship spread like flowers. BecauseXinjiang is a multi-ethnic region(多民族地区), we need to be more united(团结).

Everyone has one of the best friends of the nation, I also have a national junior partner who is Uygur. His name is Yi Er fanjiang, and he is very cheerful and lovely.He is always ready to help others, such as doing nice things for the class, offering seats to the old and so on. Every time we teach each other languages. I often ask her uygur language, and he always answers me patiently. So I am willing to help him with Chinese.

Nations must care for each other. Our friendship hopes to continue forever. We not only should get along well with national friends, but also a broader understanding of more national friends.Only we are united(团结) Will our country become a big and harmonious (和谐的)family!


Nations should care for each other, love and help each other, and let friendship spread like flowers. BecauseXinjiang is a multi-ethnic region(多民族地区), we need to be more united(团结).

Everyone has one of the best friends of the nation, I also have a national junior partner who is Uygur. His name is Yi Er fanjiang, and he is very cheerful and lovely.He is always ready to help others, such as doing nice things for the class, offering seats to the old and so on. Every time we teach each other languages. I often ask her uygur language, and he always answers me patiently. So I am willing to help him with Chinese.

Nations must care for each other. Our friendship hopes to continue forever. We not only should get along well with national friends, but also a broader understanding of more national friends.Only we are united(团结) Will our country become a big and harmonious (和谐的)family!


Nations should care for each other, love and help each other, and let friendship spread like flowers. BecauseXinjiang is a multi-ethnic region(多民族地区), we need to be more united(团结).

Everyone has one of the best friends of the nation, I also have a national junior partner who is Uygur. His name is Yi Er fanjiang, and he is very cheerful and lovely.He is always ready to help others, such as doing nice things for the class, offering seats to the old and so on. Every time we teach each other languages. I often ask her uygur language, and he always answers me patiently. So I am willing to help him with Chinese.

Nations must care for each other. Our friendship hopes to continue forever. We not only should get along well with national friends, but also a broader understanding of more national friends.Only we are united(团结) Will our country become a big and harmonious (和谐的)family!


Nations should care for each other, love and help each other, and let friendship spread like flowers. BecauseXinjiang is a multi-ethnic region(多民族地区), we need to be more united(团结).

Everyone has one of the best friends of the nation, I also have a national junior partner who is Uygur. His name is Yi Er fanjiang, and he is very cheerful and lovely.He is always ready to help others, such as doing nice things for the class, offering seats to the old and so on. Every time we teach each other languages. I often ask her uygur language, and he always answers me patiently. So I am willing to help him with Chinese.

Nations must care for each other. Our friendship hopes to continue forever. We not only should get along well with national friends, but also a broader understanding of more national friends.Only we are united(团结) Will our country become a big and harmonious (和谐的)family!


Nations should care for each other, love and help each other, and let friendship spread like flowers. BecauseXinjiang is a multi-ethnic region(多民族地区), we need to be more united(团结).

Everyone has one of the best friends of the nation, I also have a national junior partner who is Uygur. His name is Yi Er fanjiang, and he is very cheerful and lovely.He is always ready to help others, such as doing nice things for the class, offering seats to the old and so on. Every time we teach each other languages. I often ask her uygur language, and he always answers me patiently. So I am willing to help him with Chinese.

Nations must care for each other. Our friendship hopes to continue forever. We not only should get along well with national friends, but also a broader understanding of more national friends.Only we are united(团结) Will our country become a big and harmonious (和谐的)family!


Nations should care for each other, love and help each other, and let friendship spread like flowers. BecauseXinjiang is a multi-ethnic region(多民族地区), we need to be more united(团结).

Everyone has one of the best friends of the nation, I also have a national junior partner who is Uygur. His name is Yi Er fanjiang, and he is very cheerful and lovely.He is always ready to help others, such as doing nice things for the class, offering seats to the old and so on. Every time we teach each other languages. I often ask her uygur language, and he always answers me patiently. So I am willing to help him with Chinese.

Nations must care for each other. Our friendship hopes to continue forever. We not only should get along well with national friends, but also a broader understanding of more national friends.Only we are united(团结) Will our country become a big and harmonious (和谐的)family!


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