


1. --You are a student, are you?



2. Children always are __________(好奇)about strange things.

3. They use chopsticks_________(而不是)knife and fork.

4. If you are ___________(招待)to a formal dinner.

5. Staple food __________rice, noodles _____ dumplings. (从... 到... 变化)

6. If you wish to have your rice to ______with other dishes, you should say so in good time.

7. If you don’t eat it, just ______the food in the plate.

8. --Does he know how to work out the problem?

--Yes, he has __________ a good idea to solve it.

9. Please tell me the way you thought of ____________(care)of the garden.

10. Languages_________(frequent) change.

11. Every minute should be ___________(利用)to make our life meaningful.

12. Ellen is __________(fluently) in both English and French, Which gives her an advantage over others.

13. If you dream _____ a foreign language, you have ______(real)

mastered it.

14. He didn’t _______(认出)his old friend at once.

15. The weather here is nicer than ______ in Wuhan.

16. He looked at the _______, angrily.

17. The second beggar wanted to do the same, but a ______ thought made him change his_______.(改变主意)

18. The man stopped, _________ into his pocket and took something out.

19. Some ducks were frightened by the noise of the engine and ________(hurry) off ____________(四面八方)quacking loudly. 改错

1. I am writing to tell you what things are going.

2. They found me a comfortable room on second floor.

3. I plan to make friend with them so that we can help each other on the course work.(两处)

4. There is not almost enough money to buy a mew car.

5. Because your concern, I find that life is full of hope.

6. A lot of questions were came up at the meeting.

7. Everyone else seems very nice and warmly here.

8. Well, I had better to stop now.

9. I ’m glad to say that you are making gradually progresses.(两处)

10. Go straightly on and you will find the shop on your left.


1. --You are a student, are you?



2. Children always are __________(好奇)about strange things.

3. They use chopsticks_________(而不是)knife and fork.

4. If you are ___________(招待)to a formal dinner.

5. Staple food __________rice, noodles _____ dumplings. (从... 到... 变化)

6. If you wish to have your rice to ______with other dishes, you should say so in good time.

7. If you don’t eat it, just ______the food in the plate.

8. --Does he know how to work out the problem?

--Yes, he has __________ a good idea to solve it.

9. Please tell me the way you thought of ____________(care)of the garden.

10. Languages_________(frequent) change.

11. Every minute should be ___________(利用)to make our life meaningful.

12. Ellen is __________(fluently) in both English and French, Which gives her an advantage over others.

13. If you dream _____ a foreign language, you have ______(real)

mastered it.

14. He didn’t _______(认出)his old friend at once.

15. The weather here is nicer than ______ in Wuhan.

16. He looked at the _______, angrily.

17. The second beggar wanted to do the same, but a ______ thought made him change his_______.(改变主意)

18. The man stopped, _________ into his pocket and took something out.

19. Some ducks were frightened by the noise of the engine and ________(hurry) off ____________(四面八方)quacking loudly. 改错

1. I am writing to tell you what things are going.

2. They found me a comfortable room on second floor.

3. I plan to make friend with them so that we can help each other on the course work.(两处)

4. There is not almost enough money to buy a mew car.

5. Because your concern, I find that life is full of hope.

6. A lot of questions were came up at the meeting.

7. Everyone else seems very nice and warmly here.

8. Well, I had better to stop now.

9. I ’m glad to say that you are making gradually progresses.(两处)

10. Go straightly on and you will find the shop on your left.


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