

Guyue: Hai,Lily and Lucy,what are you searching for?

Lily:We are searching for some beautiful nature scenery suited to visit to during the National Day.

Lucy :Do you have a good idea ?

Guyue:Of course! There are many beautiful natural scenery in my hometown ,the northeast China.Last year ,during the nation day I had a wonderful tour to Changbaishan.

Lucy: I have ever heard of Changbaishan,but I know little about it.Would you like to say something about it?

Guyue:OK! Changbaishan is located in the southeast of Jilin . It is China's largest nature reserve and is home to the rare Manchurian tiger (满洲虎), snow leopards and wild ginseng. (雪豹和野生人参。 )

Lily:O h,look ! What a spectacular (壮观) scenery it is ! The surface of the Lake is smooth as a mirror, with the reflections of grotesque cliffs upon it in numerous exotic shapes.

Guyue:That’s the most famous scenic (风景优美的 )area in

Changbaishan :Baitoushan (白头山) and Tianchi (天池), a 2 million year old volcanic crate the lake at the mountain summit. Tianchi

has a circumference of 13km and has an average depth of 204 meters . Skirted on all sides by mountains, the lake is known for its sublime natural beauty.

Lucy:I see a hot spring ,hot mistry air fill the whole space ,It looks like boiled water.

Guyue: Hot mistry air fills the whole space all the year round . Hot springs is considered sacred by both Koreans (朝鲜人)and

Manchus (满族人). You can’t miss eating spring eags and cron. Lily and Lucy:That’s really an excellent bio-tour destination! We can't help to go there .

Guyue: I wish you enjoy yourselves there!

Lily and Lucy: Thanks you very much! By the way,where do you want to go ?

Guyue: I will have a tour to beijing to see the beautiful maple leaves of Xiangshan with my parents.

Lily and Lucy:That sounds really good! Tt’s the best time to enjoy the red maples and climbing mountain is good for your health. Guyue: What you said is very good ! I hope we will have a wonderful tourist !

Guyue: Hai,Lily and Lucy,what are you searching for?

Lily:We are searching for some beautiful nature scenery suited to visit to during the National Day.

Lucy :Do you have a good idea ?

Guyue:Of course! There are many beautiful natural scenery in my hometown ,the northeast China.Last year ,during the nation day I had a wonderful tour to Changbaishan.

Lucy: I have ever heard of Changbaishan,but I know little about it.Would you like to say something about it?

Guyue:OK! Changbaishan is located in the southeast of Jilin . It is China's largest nature reserve and is home to the rare Manchurian tiger (满洲虎), snow leopards and wild ginseng. (雪豹和野生人参。 )

Lily:O h,look ! What a spectacular (壮观) scenery it is ! The surface of the Lake is smooth as a mirror, with the reflections of grotesque cliffs upon it in numerous exotic shapes.

Guyue:That’s the most famous scenic (风景优美的 )area in

Changbaishan :Baitoushan (白头山) and Tianchi (天池), a 2 million year old volcanic crate the lake at the mountain summit. Tianchi

has a circumference of 13km and has an average depth of 204 meters . Skirted on all sides by mountains, the lake is known for its sublime natural beauty.

Lucy:I see a hot spring ,hot mistry air fill the whole space ,It looks like boiled water.

Guyue: Hot mistry air fills the whole space all the year round . Hot springs is considered sacred by both Koreans (朝鲜人)and

Manchus (满族人). You can’t miss eating spring eags and cron. Lily and Lucy:That’s really an excellent bio-tour destination! We can't help to go there .

Guyue: I wish you enjoy yourselves there!

Lily and Lucy: Thanks you very much! By the way,where do you want to go ?

Guyue: I will have a tour to beijing to see the beautiful maple leaves of Xiangshan with my parents.

Lily and Lucy:That sounds really good! Tt’s the best time to enjoy the red maples and climbing mountain is good for your health. Guyue: What you said is very good ! I hope we will have a wonderful tourist !


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