

Coping with The Aging Population 应对人口老龄化


As birth rate declines and life expectancy greatly expends, China faces a serious 由于出生率下降和预期寿命大大延长,中国面临严重的人口老龄化问题,

problem of aging population, which causes great concern to the general public . 这个问题引起大众极大关注。

The aging population poses great challenges to our social development .One of the 人口老龄化给社会带来了巨大的挑战,

direct results is a drop in the labor force supply.


Labor shortage will affect the productivity of the whole society and undermine the key foundation of the country’s economic growth.


What ’s more , young people will face greater pressure of taking care of the elderly members because the families become smaller and smaller .



Facing this grave situation ,our government should take effective measures .On the 面对这一严峻的局势,我们政府应该采取有效的措施。

one hand ,more nursing homes should be established in order to offer the elderly 一方面,要建设更多的养老院以给与老人更好的照顾。

better care and treatment. On the other hand , sound social security mechanism should 另一方面,建立社会安全机制,以保障老人的权利和利益。

be set up to guarantee the rights and interest of the aged . Only in this way can the senior citizens peacefully spend the last phase of their life.


How to Deal with Internet Rumors ? 如何应对网络谣言


Undoubtedly, the internet has provided us with an nonparallel channel for information transmission. 毫无疑问,网络给我们提供了一个独特的信息传播渠道。

But at the same time we can’t deny that it has made lies and rumors easier to spread. 但是,与此同时,我们无法否认,网络也使得谎言和流言更加容易传播。


First and foremost, the spread of such rumors as those about social or natural 首先,关于社会或者自然灾害的流言会给公众带来恐慌、扰乱社会秩序。

disasters can result in panic and disorder among the populace. Besides, malicious scandals can infringe on citizens’ legitimate rights, ruin the image of concerned 另外,恶意的传闻会践踏公民的合法权益,影响相关公司的形象,最终违纪国家民主。companies and finally endanger national democracy. Last but not least, the spreading of rumors can damage the harmonious atmosphere on the internet, which is

harmful to its long-term development.



How to deal with this problem? I think it requires the joint efforts between the 如何应对这一问题,我认为这需要政府与公民的齐心协力。

government and netizens. On the part of the government, it should formulate tough measures to punish those who maliciously spread rumors on the internet. On the part 一方面,政府应该严厉惩罚那些在网络上恶意传播谣言的人。

of netizens, they should be critical with all the information presented on websites and 另一方面,网名应该对网络上的信息持有批评的态度,拒绝传播无根无据的谣言。

never spread groundless news to other netizens. Only in this way can we kill internet rumors and purify the internet atmosphere.


On the Meaning of Being Volunteers做志愿者的意义


V olunteer service, which is a kind of service without pay, have been received widely by university students.


Nowadays, more and more college students want to be volunteers.



On the meaning of being volunteers lies in the contributions for the society and the personal growth. For one thing, volunteer service is good for us to


build a harmonious society. It will be made person's relationship closer, if everyone are willing to do something for others.


For another thing, being volunteers can help us establish love and make us grow up.另一方面,志愿者服务可以帮助我们建立爱让我们成长。


When we do some volunteer service, it is hard to avoid difficult things.In the process of solution to the difficulties, we learnt how to care about others and we grow a lot. 志愿者服务中难免会遇到困难,在此解决问题的过程中,我们学会了如何关心别人,自己也得到了成长。

As far I can see, being volunteers is helpful for not only society but also ourselves. Everyone should join in the volunteer service.


Coping with The Aging Population 应对人口老龄化


As birth rate declines and life expectancy greatly expends, China faces a serious 由于出生率下降和预期寿命大大延长,中国面临严重的人口老龄化问题,

problem of aging population, which causes great concern to the general public . 这个问题引起大众极大关注。

The aging population poses great challenges to our social development .One of the 人口老龄化给社会带来了巨大的挑战,

direct results is a drop in the labor force supply.


Labor shortage will affect the productivity of the whole society and undermine the key foundation of the country’s economic growth.


What ’s more , young people will face greater pressure of taking care of the elderly members because the families become smaller and smaller .



Facing this grave situation ,our government should take effective measures .On the 面对这一严峻的局势,我们政府应该采取有效的措施。

one hand ,more nursing homes should be established in order to offer the elderly 一方面,要建设更多的养老院以给与老人更好的照顾。

better care and treatment. On the other hand , sound social security mechanism should 另一方面,建立社会安全机制,以保障老人的权利和利益。

be set up to guarantee the rights and interest of the aged . Only in this way can the senior citizens peacefully spend the last phase of their life.


How to Deal with Internet Rumors ? 如何应对网络谣言


Undoubtedly, the internet has provided us with an nonparallel channel for information transmission. 毫无疑问,网络给我们提供了一个独特的信息传播渠道。

But at the same time we can’t deny that it has made lies and rumors easier to spread. 但是,与此同时,我们无法否认,网络也使得谎言和流言更加容易传播。


First and foremost, the spread of such rumors as those about social or natural 首先,关于社会或者自然灾害的流言会给公众带来恐慌、扰乱社会秩序。

disasters can result in panic and disorder among the populace. Besides, malicious scandals can infringe on citizens’ legitimate rights, ruin the image of concerned 另外,恶意的传闻会践踏公民的合法权益,影响相关公司的形象,最终违纪国家民主。companies and finally endanger national democracy. Last but not least, the spreading of rumors can damage the harmonious atmosphere on the internet, which is

harmful to its long-term development.



How to deal with this problem? I think it requires the joint efforts between the 如何应对这一问题,我认为这需要政府与公民的齐心协力。

government and netizens. On the part of the government, it should formulate tough measures to punish those who maliciously spread rumors on the internet. On the part 一方面,政府应该严厉惩罚那些在网络上恶意传播谣言的人。

of netizens, they should be critical with all the information presented on websites and 另一方面,网名应该对网络上的信息持有批评的态度,拒绝传播无根无据的谣言。

never spread groundless news to other netizens. Only in this way can we kill internet rumors and purify the internet atmosphere.


On the Meaning of Being Volunteers做志愿者的意义


V olunteer service, which is a kind of service without pay, have been received widely by university students.


Nowadays, more and more college students want to be volunteers.



On the meaning of being volunteers lies in the contributions for the society and the personal growth. For one thing, volunteer service is good for us to


build a harmonious society. It will be made person's relationship closer, if everyone are willing to do something for others.


For another thing, being volunteers can help us establish love and make us grow up.另一方面,志愿者服务可以帮助我们建立爱让我们成长。


When we do some volunteer service, it is hard to avoid difficult things.In the process of solution to the difficulties, we learnt how to care about others and we grow a lot. 志愿者服务中难免会遇到困难,在此解决问题的过程中,我们学会了如何关心别人,自己也得到了成长。

As far I can see, being volunteers is helpful for not only society but also ourselves. Everyone should join in the volunteer service.



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