


A minute does farm work, a minute harvest! So long as usually is unceasing diligently and the unceasing accumulation, when test certainly can pass at one fell swoop, does not have the pain paying, has how possibly has harvests?As the saying goes that, The "study is the lamp, the endeavor is the oil, must think the lamp is bright, must refuel. "hits a inappropriate analogy in, is diligent is just like diligently military practices narrow and small to say" Yi Jinjing ": Regardless of how clumsy method, so long as matches by diligently diligently, surely may "decayed be mysterious", thus obtains the considerable result, therefore I always believed, the study is first must be diligent definitely, any side Buddhist-nature, 策略性 the thing left

has been diligent without knowing where to begin mentions.

Did not have inadequately to recognize is studies in the process indeed to have some thing, the Heaven all has indeed prepared set of best studies methods and the strategy for each people, only our very many people had not found these skills, the method, the strategy.

The "knowledge, the knowledge, partly depending on study, one partly depends on asked. "this is a truth absolutely. Is for gain admission to a good university in the high school three years, but and is said the student does not have the free development completely the space, so long as under student or have the plan in parents’ instruction to arrange own study and the life, plans own extra-curricular development, this also is the study strategy.

How regardless of the environment, a "minute does do farm work, a

minute harvest, the" only diligent rest, the striving to improve upward person only then cannot finally succeed!










A minute does farm work, a minute harvest! So long as usually is unceasing diligently and the unceasing accumulation, when test certainly can pass at one fell swoop, does not have the pain paying, has how possibly has harvests?As the saying goes that, The "study is the lamp, the endeavor is the oil, must think the lamp is bright, must refuel. "hits a inappropriate analogy in, is diligent is just like diligently military practices narrow and small to say" Yi Jinjing ": Regardless of how clumsy method, so long as matches by diligently diligently, surely may "decayed be mysterious", thus obtains the considerable result, therefore I always believed, the study is first must be diligent definitely, any side Buddhist-nature, 策略性 the thing left

has been diligent without knowing where to begin mentions.

Did not have inadequately to recognize is studies in the process indeed to have some thing, the Heaven all has indeed prepared set of best studies methods and the strategy for each people, only our very many people had not found these skills, the method, the strategy.

The "knowledge, the knowledge, partly depending on study, one partly depends on asked. "this is a truth absolutely. Is for gain admission to a good university in the high school three years, but and is said the student does not have the free development completely the space, so long as under student or have the plan in parents’ instruction to arrange own study and the life, plans own extra-curricular development, this also is the study strategy.

How regardless of the environment, a "minute does do farm work, a

minute harvest, the" only diligent rest, the striving to improve upward person only then cannot finally succeed!










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