

写一个你喜欢的偶像,说出理由。 My favorite star is a basketball player who named Michael Jordan in NBA. He is one of the most famous basketball players in NBA. There are a few factors to illustrate why I love this star.

First of all, I do believe that the example is essential for those who want to succeed. I will take two examples to prove my point. It is universally acknowledged that learners are quite different than others. They require

making much endeavour in their study and even they don't have free time to entertaining. I always could persist on studying when I was in high

school. The primary reason is that I got a powerful spirit which comes from this male. On the other hand, I will take the other one of basketball players, Kobe Bryant. He is leader player in his team in NBA. He says that Michael Jordan is always extremely studious and hard. As a saying goes that I can accept the failure, but I can't not trying by Michael Jordan. That's why I can get the scholarship and many awards.

As far as I'm concerned, you must have a standard at the first provided that you want to succeed whatever you do. On the other hand, we must insist on this spirit which comes from your stars in your goal. Then, I do believe that you will make a success in every aspect.

写一个你喜欢的偶像,说出理由。 My favorite star is a basketball player who named Michael Jordan in NBA. He is one of the most famous basketball players in NBA. There are a few factors to illustrate why I love this star.

First of all, I do believe that the example is essential for those who want to succeed. I will take two examples to prove my point. It is universally acknowledged that learners are quite different than others. They require

making much endeavour in their study and even they don't have free time to entertaining. I always could persist on studying when I was in high

school. The primary reason is that I got a powerful spirit which comes from this male. On the other hand, I will take the other one of basketball players, Kobe Bryant. He is leader player in his team in NBA. He says that Michael Jordan is always extremely studious and hard. As a saying goes that I can accept the failure, but I can't not trying by Michael Jordan. That's why I can get the scholarship and many awards.

As far as I'm concerned, you must have a standard at the first provided that you want to succeed whatever you do. On the other hand, we must insist on this spirit which comes from your stars in your goal. Then, I do believe that you will make a success in every aspect.


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