

Cheer and clap for myself When we succeed, flowers and applause will be given to us.However, there are always more losers than winners in our life.No one will cheer for us after we encounter failures and setbacks.Then, we must learn to clap for ourselves.

Philosopher said, the strong need applause to encourage, need fresh flowers to congratulate. However, the losers in life are in the majority , which requires us to have a kind of good mood. When we’re in trouble, we should clap for ourselves to increase strength, increase the chances of success and increase the confidence of victory.

As a middle school student,I have to take many lessons and face many problems.The huge pressure of competition makes me very helpless.But I said to myself, the key to solving problems is in our own hands. There’s no person who can comfort us better than ourselves. No matter what happens, I will never give up.I cheer and clap for myself, because a beautiful day will come eventually.

Finally, I hope that every life cheer and clap for themselves, filled with sunshine and smiles every day.





Cheer and clap for myself When we succeed, flowers and applause will be given to us.However, there are always more losers than winners in our life.No one will cheer for us after we encounter failures and setbacks.Then, we must learn to clap for ourselves.

Philosopher said, the strong need applause to encourage, need fresh flowers to congratulate. However, the losers in life are in the majority , which requires us to have a kind of good mood. When we’re in trouble, we should clap for ourselves to increase strength, increase the chances of success and increase the confidence of victory.

As a middle school student,I have to take many lessons and face many problems.The huge pressure of competition makes me very helpless.But I said to myself, the key to solving problems is in our own hands. There’s no person who can comfort us better than ourselves. No matter what happens, I will never give up.I cheer and clap for myself, because a beautiful day will come eventually.

Finally, I hope that every life cheer and clap for themselves, filled with sunshine and smiles every day.






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