

Wherever you are, you can see many people equipped with mobile phones. It seems that the world becomes smaller nowadays. You could be found wherever you are so long as you take the mobile phone with you. Some people wonsider the mobile phone necessary and useful to them, while others may dislike it.

People who like the mobile phone are much more concerned about its advantages. It is convenient, for you can connect others easily and quickly. You don' t have to wait for an important call at home all day long. The youth of today send messages, surf on the net, listen to music and even take photos by using the mobile phone. People find it advanced for its attractive functions. In some countries, it even stands for a person' s status.

However, some people don' t like it. Imagine that you go to spend your holiday with your family after days of busy and tiresome work. When you lay on the beach comfortably, your phone rings. Then you have to go back to your office only to find an unimportant customer waiting for you. At that moment, you may even want to throw your phone away, for you just want to relax and get rid of your work.

However, whether you like the mobile phone or not, it has alresdy affected our lives and played an important role in the history of human beings.




当然,有些人不喜欢它。想像一下,在接连几天的繁重工作后,你好不容易可以与家人去度假。当你舒舒服服地躺在沙滩上时,手机响了。你不得不赶回办公室,却发现只是一位无关紧要的客户在等你。那时你或许想把手机扔了,因为你只想远离工作、彻底放松。 然而,无论你喜不喜欢手机,它已经改变了我们的生活,并在人类历史上发挥着重要的作用。

Wherever you are, you can see many people equipped with mobile phones. It seems that the world becomes smaller nowadays. You could be found wherever you are so long as you take the mobile phone with you. Some people wonsider the mobile phone necessary and useful to them, while others may dislike it.

People who like the mobile phone are much more concerned about its advantages. It is convenient, for you can connect others easily and quickly. You don' t have to wait for an important call at home all day long. The youth of today send messages, surf on the net, listen to music and even take photos by using the mobile phone. People find it advanced for its attractive functions. In some countries, it even stands for a person' s status.

However, some people don' t like it. Imagine that you go to spend your holiday with your family after days of busy and tiresome work. When you lay on the beach comfortably, your phone rings. Then you have to go back to your office only to find an unimportant customer waiting for you. At that moment, you may even want to throw your phone away, for you just want to relax and get rid of your work.

However, whether you like the mobile phone or not, it has alresdy affected our lives and played an important role in the history of human beings.




当然,有些人不喜欢它。想像一下,在接连几天的繁重工作后,你好不容易可以与家人去度假。当你舒舒服服地躺在沙滩上时,手机响了。你不得不赶回办公室,却发现只是一位无关紧要的客户在等你。那时你或许想把手机扔了,因为你只想远离工作、彻底放松。 然而,无论你喜不喜欢手机,它已经改变了我们的生活,并在人类历史上发挥着重要的作用。


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