选择工作的标准 英语作文作文2400字


As a junior student ,there's no doubt that we are concerned about our future.Mainly there are four options that we would probably choose. Some of the graduates would like to have a further study — to take part in the postgraduate entrance exams; Some will go abroad; Some will try to develop their own business and of course, this is a very small number. And the last one which is also most people will choose—get a job.

Probably it’s one of the hardest things in our life. Choosing an occupationis what we all should do. Even students who decide to accept further study must think about their future career after graduation. So here is the question :how we choose an occupation?Or what are the criteria of choosing an occupation? The answers are as follows.

As far as I am concerned,there are four criteria for us to choose an occupation. To begin with,what do we want to do and love to do.Everyone has their own hobbies and interests, and everyone has his or her own aspirations. This is the source of power that we desire to reach the shore of success. The relationship between work and interest is a matter of immediate separation. When an occupation is an interest, itis the luckandthe perfect combination. Next,what we are fitted

for. It depends on our characteristics and personalities.Through the analysis of the inner personality, we can find out what kind of job a person is fitted for, how to work, how to deal with others in the work, and the strength of judgment and decision-making ability. Besides, what we are skilled in.One's ability is the foundation of one's work and meanwhile, what kind of ability tells a person's level.The last but not the least, development space.In the process of job hunting, the most common problem encountered by professionals is the comparison between "salary" and "development space", which is a problem of distribution of interests.Salary represents immediate interest, while development space represents long-term interests.Salary can be improved with the development of a person's career, so development is of great importance.

The above views may or may not be correct, they are only for your reference.In fact, we can’t say a job is good or bad. It's like wearinga shoe. We will not buy it neither it's too small norit's too big. Only if the size fits that you will feel comfortable and wear it all the time, which is, a job that suits us is best.

As a junior student ,there's no doubt that we are concerned about our future.Mainly there are four options that we would probably choose. Some of the graduates would like to have a further study — to take part in the postgraduate entrance exams; Some will go abroad; Some will try to develop their own business and of course, this is a very small number. And the last one which is also most people will choose—get a job.

Probably it’s one of the hardest things in our life. Choosing an occupationis what we all should do. Even students who decide to accept further study must think about their future career after graduation. So here is the question :how we choose an occupation?Or what are the criteria of choosing an occupation? The answers are as follows.

As far as I am concerned,there are four criteria for us to choose an occupation. To begin with,what do we want to do and love to do.Everyone has their own hobbies and interests, and everyone has his or her own aspirations. This is the source of power that we desire to reach the shore of success. The relationship between work and interest is a matter of immediate separation. When an occupation is an interest, itis the luckandthe perfect combination. Next,what we are fitted

for. It depends on our characteristics and personalities.Through the analysis of the inner personality, we can find out what kind of job a person is fitted for, how to work, how to deal with others in the work, and the strength of judgment and decision-making ability. Besides, what we are skilled in.One's ability is the foundation of one's work and meanwhile, what kind of ability tells a person's level.The last but not the least, development space.In the process of job hunting, the most common problem encountered by professionals is the comparison between "salary" and "development space", which is a problem of distribution of interests.Salary represents immediate interest, while development space represents long-term interests.Salary can be improved with the development of a person's career, so development is of great importance.

The above views may or may not be correct, they are only for your reference.In fact, we can’t say a job is good or bad. It's like wearinga shoe. We will not buy it neither it's too small norit's too big. Only if the size fits that you will feel comfortable and wear it all the time, which is, a job that suits us is best.


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