


1.it,book, is ,whose ,?

2.you, thank ,very ,much .

3.are, welcome, you.

4.bag, my ,blue ,is .

5.favourite, what’s, day, your, ?

6.teacher, is, your ,who, English ?

7.have, I, on, Tuesday, Chinese,

8.subject, do, what, best, like, you, ?

9.do, best, you, why,maths, like, ?

10.doing, what, you, are,?

11.are, you, so, great, !

12.reading, he, is,

13.how many , you, have, scores, got, ?

14.this,juice,is, ?

15.English, this, in, what’s, ?

16.is, it, where,?

17.she,where, is ,from, ?

18.it, the , Eiffel Tower , is , ?

19.an, insect, what’s, ?

20.are, you, clever, so,

21.to, welcome, home, my,

22.this, picture, is, your, ?

23.the, man, in purple, is, who, ?

24.this, is, brother, your, ?

25.people, in, family, how many, ?

26.are, they, who, ?

27.is, father, your, what, ?

28.who, the, is, next to, man, you, ?

29.why, you, like, do, art, ?

30.the Great wall, is, where, ?

31. 没问题____________

32. 你是正确的_________________

33. 小意思,小菜一碟____________________

34. 你真聪明。______________________

35. 谢谢你。_________________________

36. 我希望如此_______________________


1.it,book, is ,whose ,?

2.you, thank ,very ,much .

3.are, welcome, you.

4.bag, my ,blue ,is .

5.favourite, what’s, day, your, ?

6.teacher, is, your ,who, English ?

7.have, I, on, Tuesday, Chinese,

8.subject, do, what, best, like, you, ?

9.do, best, you, why,maths, like, ?

10.doing, what, you, are,?

11.are, you, so, great, !

12.reading, he, is,

13.how many , you, have, scores, got, ?

14.this,juice,is, ?

15.English, this, in, what’s, ?

16.is, it, where,?

17.she,where, is ,from, ?

18.it, the , Eiffel Tower , is , ?

19.an, insect, what’s, ?

20.are, you, clever, so,

21.to, welcome, home, my,

22.this, picture, is, your, ?

23.the, man, in purple, is, who, ?

24.this, is, brother, your, ?

25.people, in, family, how many, ?

26.are, they, who, ?

27.is, father, your, what, ?

28.who, the, is, next to, man, you, ?

29.why, you, like, do, art, ?

30.the Great wall, is, where, ?

31. 没问题____________

32. 你是正确的_________________

33. 小意思,小菜一碟____________________

34. 你真聪明。______________________

35. 谢谢你。_________________________

36. 我希望如此_______________________


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