

My friend Linda has some problems. First, she is not good at schoolwork /study. It is quite a normal problem. I think she should ask teachers for help and review the notes every day. Second, she said she usually argued with her parents. I think they have some different views/ ideas. If I were Linda, I would write a letter to them and express my feeling and ideas. Also, I would say sorry to them.

In the end, her friend never returns her money. I think she should talk with her friend seriously and never lend money to that friend any more. In fact, this is good for her friend.

Problems and worries are normal in life. I hope Linda can solve her problems soon.

If I am the headmaster

There are lots of rules in our school. Some of them are very good for us, but some are not. If I am the headmaster, I will make some changes.

First, I will make a new schedule. I think nowadays students have little time to do sports. If they do more sports, they will be stronger. I will make students do more sports and take up new hobbies.

Also, we have too many classes a day. If I am the headmaster, students will just have four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. They can join different clubs after school.

In some foreign countries, students don’t have classes on Friday afternoons. Why? Because they should take some meaningful activities such as

volunteering, visiting Old People ’s Home, cleaning up the parks and so on. If I am the headmaster, I will make it come true in my school.

I think school life will be more colorful and meaningful if my ideas come true.

My friend Linda has some problems. First, she is not good at schoolwork /study. It is quite a normal problem. I think she should ask teachers for help and review the notes every day. Second, she said she usually argued with her parents. I think they have some different views/ ideas. If I were Linda, I would write a letter to them and express my feeling and ideas. Also, I would say sorry to them.

In the end, her friend never returns her money. I think she should talk with her friend seriously and never lend money to that friend any more. In fact, this is good for her friend.

Problems and worries are normal in life. I hope Linda can solve her problems soon.

If I am the headmaster

There are lots of rules in our school. Some of them are very good for us, but some are not. If I am the headmaster, I will make some changes.

First, I will make a new schedule. I think nowadays students have little time to do sports. If they do more sports, they will be stronger. I will make students do more sports and take up new hobbies.

Also, we have too many classes a day. If I am the headmaster, students will just have four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. They can join different clubs after school.

In some foreign countries, students don’t have classes on Friday afternoons. Why? Because they should take some meaningful activities such as

volunteering, visiting Old People ’s Home, cleaning up the parks and so on. If I am the headmaster, I will make it come true in my school.

I think school life will be more colorful and meaningful if my ideas come true.


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