

The effect of genetically modified(GM) on rat offspring


Table 1 shows that it has no clear difference in the total number of the pups deriving from each experimental group, however, the death number of pups is extremely different by the end of the 3rd week of lactation(1). Four female rats fed on GM soya flour and their babies were chosen to be noted the pups death number, and the outcomes were exhibited in table 2(1). It reflects that the proportion of death of birth highly ranges from 46% to 64%(1). These data reveal that the mortality of the baby rats of control group(TT) which the females were fed on tradition soya and the positive group(ST) which the females were fed on the standard laboratory diet without exposure to any type of soya was approximately 47% lower than that of treatment group(GT) which the females were fed on GM soya(2). It seems that GM soya cases high death rate of rat offspring(3).

The percentage of dead pups from the three groups at different times is displayed in table 3. There seems to be a tendency that the death rate is high and subsequently turn to be low in all of the experiment groups(1). It may be thought that the newborn mice are easy to die under some uncontrollable and unclear factors(2). For another, the babies in GT die far more than those in other groups, and it is up to 31.1% at the 1st week(1). This may due to a weaker body for pups in GT(2).

Based on the data of table 4, the number of rat babies by two weeks of age in ST and TT is rapid rising and subsequently brings down with weight ranging from 10g t0 50g(1). It indicates that the weight of most of rat babies ranges from 20g to 30g(1). There is no rat babies weighting at the range of 40-50g in GT and TT. The rat babies' weight focus on the range of 10-30g in GT, and on the range of 20-30g in TT, and on the range of 20-40g in ST(1). It reveals that GM soya contributes to a negative effect for rat babies' weight(2). It meas that soya may cause rat babies' weight decline, and the GM technique intensifies the affection (3). Rat babies' organ mass shows that all organs of pups derived from GT are lighter than the same of other groups except brain mass(tab 5)(1). It signifies that GM soya contributes to bringing down rat offsprings' organ mass, but there is no influence on their brains(2). This may be reasonable to suppose that GM soya leads rat offsprings to be malformed(3).

Discussion and conclusion

This paper reveals that GM soya is lethal for rat offsprings, especially for them at the age of one week. It also reflects that GM soya creates rat offsprings with a common brain and lighter viscera. Our results agree with Ermakova's (2005)(1). His study signified that GM potatoes have a negative influence for rats. However, our results have few similarities with those of Brake and Evenson(2004). The difference could due to the different experiment's origin. He started with pregnant rats while we begin with rats before pregnant(1).

Our study only presents affection of GM soya to rat offsprings' dead rate and birth weight utilizing some of rats. It may have no enough data to confirm our results(3). Nevertheless, we provide basal data and direction of further research(2). For another, it is not clear that whether other GM foods have the same effect on rat offsprings or other animals, and whether GM foods have a negative affection for other aspects of rats such as feeling, smelling, and other sensory systems. Those require more experiments to reveal finally result(4).

The effect of genetically modified(GM) on rat offspring


Table 1 shows that it has no clear difference in the total number of the pups deriving from each experimental group, however, the death number of pups is extremely different by the end of the 3rd week of lactation(1). Four female rats fed on GM soya flour and their babies were chosen to be noted the pups death number, and the outcomes were exhibited in table 2(1). It reflects that the proportion of death of birth highly ranges from 46% to 64%(1). These data reveal that the mortality of the baby rats of control group(TT) which the females were fed on tradition soya and the positive group(ST) which the females were fed on the standard laboratory diet without exposure to any type of soya was approximately 47% lower than that of treatment group(GT) which the females were fed on GM soya(2). It seems that GM soya cases high death rate of rat offspring(3).

The percentage of dead pups from the three groups at different times is displayed in table 3. There seems to be a tendency that the death rate is high and subsequently turn to be low in all of the experiment groups(1). It may be thought that the newborn mice are easy to die under some uncontrollable and unclear factors(2). For another, the babies in GT die far more than those in other groups, and it is up to 31.1% at the 1st week(1). This may due to a weaker body for pups in GT(2).

Based on the data of table 4, the number of rat babies by two weeks of age in ST and TT is rapid rising and subsequently brings down with weight ranging from 10g t0 50g(1). It indicates that the weight of most of rat babies ranges from 20g to 30g(1). There is no rat babies weighting at the range of 40-50g in GT and TT. The rat babies' weight focus on the range of 10-30g in GT, and on the range of 20-30g in TT, and on the range of 20-40g in ST(1). It reveals that GM soya contributes to a negative effect for rat babies' weight(2). It meas that soya may cause rat babies' weight decline, and the GM technique intensifies the affection (3). Rat babies' organ mass shows that all organs of pups derived from GT are lighter than the same of other groups except brain mass(tab 5)(1). It signifies that GM soya contributes to bringing down rat offsprings' organ mass, but there is no influence on their brains(2). This may be reasonable to suppose that GM soya leads rat offsprings to be malformed(3).

Discussion and conclusion

This paper reveals that GM soya is lethal for rat offsprings, especially for them at the age of one week. It also reflects that GM soya creates rat offsprings with a common brain and lighter viscera. Our results agree with Ermakova's (2005)(1). His study signified that GM potatoes have a negative influence for rats. However, our results have few similarities with those of Brake and Evenson(2004). The difference could due to the different experiment's origin. He started with pregnant rats while we begin with rats before pregnant(1).

Our study only presents affection of GM soya to rat offsprings' dead rate and birth weight utilizing some of rats. It may have no enough data to confirm our results(3). Nevertheless, we provide basal data and direction of further research(2). For another, it is not clear that whether other GM foods have the same effect on rat offsprings or other animals, and whether GM foods have a negative affection for other aspects of rats such as feeling, smelling, and other sensory systems. Those require more experiments to reveal finally result(4).


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