中美关系作为当今世界上最重要、最富活力以及最为复杂的双边关系, 自1979年两国建交以来的30年, 在中美双方共同努力下, 中美关系不断取得积极进展并日臻成熟。30年来, 中美关系的发展已今非昔比, 两国关系从最初的安全上的战略需求到经济上的相互依赖再到今天的多领域、多层次、多面向的交流合作, 中美关系呈现出愈益多彩的景观。但由于中美两国政治制度、发展模式、意识形态和历史文化传统不同, 中美两国关系发展依然受到世界总体形势、各自国内政治、文化因素以及台湾、人权、经贸等问题的制约和影响。总之, 今天中美关系的内涵、领域、任务特别是特点已经发生了较大的变化。而中美关系能否持续、健康的发展又受到这些变化的深刻影响, 然而也只有深刻把握中美关系特点的变化, 才能更加有的放矢的推动中美关系健康持续的发展。正是基于这样的认识, 本文就以中美建交30年为背景, 以中美建交30年的特点变化为研究重点, 对中美关系30年来的变化进行了剖析, 并在此基础上对中美关系的发展进行了思考。希冀能为中美关系的发展提供一点政策建议与参考。
本文正文分四个部分:第一部分主要阐述了中美关系自建交发展至今天呈现出的基本特点。重点分析了中美关系所呈现出的大国性、差异性、复杂性、全球性特点。第二部分主要对中美关系30年特点进行了5个方面的比较研究。作为本文研究重点与难点, 本部分采用比较分析、案例分析等方法对发展中美关系的出发点与动力、中美关系的社会基础、中美关系机制化建设、中美关系定位、中美关系依存度进行了详细比较。第三部分在第二部分的基础上, 针对中美关系30年所发生的变化, 得出了一些启示。包括全局长远的战略观是发展中美两国建设性合作关系的关键;持续扩大的共同利益是维系中美关系的坚实基础;尊重和照顾彼此核心利益是中美关系稳定发展的首要原则;创新对话合作的体制机制是中美关系深入发展的重要平台;民间友好交往是推动中美关系持久发展的不竭动力五个方面。第四部分主要论述了发展中美关系面临的现实问题与挑战。这些挑战主要包括台湾问题、经济贸易问题、人权民主等价值观问题、国内政治问题以及战略互信问题。
The China-U.S. relations are the most important, most dynamic and most complex bilateral relationships in the word nowadays. The China-U.S. relations have made positive progress and become more and more mature since 1979. The China-U.S. relations have undergone tremendous changes from the initial demands for the development of strategic securities to the economic interdependences to multi-areas, multi-level exchanges and cooperations today, which have shown increasingly colorful landscape presents. However, as the two countries having different political systems, development models, ideologies and histories and cultural traditions, the China-U.S. relations are still subject to the general situations in the world, their domestic politics and cultural factors as well as Taiwan, human rights, economy, trades and other issues. In short, the connotation, fields, tasks, especially the characteristics of The China-U.S. relations have taken place of great changes today. But the China-U.S. relations can be sustained and developed healthily by the profound impacts of these changes, moreover, only if grasping the changes deeply of the characteristics of the China-US relations, we can promote development of the China-US relations healthily and continuously. So this paper analyzes and thinks these changes of the China-U.S. relations for 30 years, Hoping for offering policy advices for the development of the China-U.S. relations.
The main body of this paper consists of four parts:The first part describes the basic characteristics shown in the development of the China-U.S. relations since 1979, focusing on the basic characteristics of great states, differences, complexities and global world.As the second part of this article, this part compares the main characteristics of the China-U.S. relations for 30 years from five aspects. This part compares the motion of developing the China-U.S. relations, the social basis of developing the China-U.S. relations, the mechanism construction of the China-U.S. relations, the dependence of the China-U.S. relations in detail.The third part has drawn some inspiration on the basis of these changes for 30 years, including:the overall long-term strategic view is the key of developing the China-U.S. constructive and cooperative relations; the common interests continuing to expand are a solid foundation maintaining the China-U.S. relations; Respecting and caring for each other ’s core interests is the primary principle of developing the China-U.S. relations; innovating institutional mechanisms for dialogue and cooperation is an important platform for developing the China-U.S. relations; the civil friendly communions are inexhaustible motive forces to promote the sustained development of the China-U.S. relations. The fourth part discusses the problems and challenges of developing the China-U.S. relations. These challenges include the Taiwan issue, economic trade issues, human rights, democracy, values, domestic political issues and the strategic mutual trust issues.
中美关系作为当今世界上最重要、最富活力以及最为复杂的双边关系, 自1979年两国建交以来的30年, 在中美双方共同努力下, 中美关系不断取得积极进展并日臻成熟。30年来, 中美关系的发展已今非昔比, 两国关系从最初的安全上的战略需求到经济上的相互依赖再到今天的多领域、多层次、多面向的交流合作, 中美关系呈现出愈益多彩的景观。但由于中美两国政治制度、发展模式、意识形态和历史文化传统不同, 中美两国关系发展依然受到世界总体形势、各自国内政治、文化因素以及台湾、人权、经贸等问题的制约和影响。总之, 今天中美关系的内涵、领域、任务特别是特点已经发生了较大的变化。而中美关系能否持续、健康的发展又受到这些变化的深刻影响, 然而也只有深刻把握中美关系特点的变化, 才能更加有的放矢的推动中美关系健康持续的发展。正是基于这样的认识, 本文就以中美建交30年为背景, 以中美建交30年的特点变化为研究重点, 对中美关系30年来的变化进行了剖析, 并在此基础上对中美关系的发展进行了思考。希冀能为中美关系的发展提供一点政策建议与参考。
本文正文分四个部分:第一部分主要阐述了中美关系自建交发展至今天呈现出的基本特点。重点分析了中美关系所呈现出的大国性、差异性、复杂性、全球性特点。第二部分主要对中美关系30年特点进行了5个方面的比较研究。作为本文研究重点与难点, 本部分采用比较分析、案例分析等方法对发展中美关系的出发点与动力、中美关系的社会基础、中美关系机制化建设、中美关系定位、中美关系依存度进行了详细比较。第三部分在第二部分的基础上, 针对中美关系30年所发生的变化, 得出了一些启示。包括全局长远的战略观是发展中美两国建设性合作关系的关键;持续扩大的共同利益是维系中美关系的坚实基础;尊重和照顾彼此核心利益是中美关系稳定发展的首要原则;创新对话合作的体制机制是中美关系深入发展的重要平台;民间友好交往是推动中美关系持久发展的不竭动力五个方面。第四部分主要论述了发展中美关系面临的现实问题与挑战。这些挑战主要包括台湾问题、经济贸易问题、人权民主等价值观问题、国内政治问题以及战略互信问题。
The China-U.S. relations are the most important, most dynamic and most complex bilateral relationships in the word nowadays. The China-U.S. relations have made positive progress and become more and more mature since 1979. The China-U.S. relations have undergone tremendous changes from the initial demands for the development of strategic securities to the economic interdependences to multi-areas, multi-level exchanges and cooperations today, which have shown increasingly colorful landscape presents. However, as the two countries having different political systems, development models, ideologies and histories and cultural traditions, the China-U.S. relations are still subject to the general situations in the world, their domestic politics and cultural factors as well as Taiwan, human rights, economy, trades and other issues. In short, the connotation, fields, tasks, especially the characteristics of The China-U.S. relations have taken place of great changes today. But the China-U.S. relations can be sustained and developed healthily by the profound impacts of these changes, moreover, only if grasping the changes deeply of the characteristics of the China-US relations, we can promote development of the China-US relations healthily and continuously. So this paper analyzes and thinks these changes of the China-U.S. relations for 30 years, Hoping for offering policy advices for the development of the China-U.S. relations.
The main body of this paper consists of four parts:The first part describes the basic characteristics shown in the development of the China-U.S. relations since 1979, focusing on the basic characteristics of great states, differences, complexities and global world.As the second part of this article, this part compares the main characteristics of the China-U.S. relations for 30 years from five aspects. This part compares the motion of developing the China-U.S. relations, the social basis of developing the China-U.S. relations, the mechanism construction of the China-U.S. relations, the dependence of the China-U.S. relations in detail.The third part has drawn some inspiration on the basis of these changes for 30 years, including:the overall long-term strategic view is the key of developing the China-U.S. constructive and cooperative relations; the common interests continuing to expand are a solid foundation maintaining the China-U.S. relations; Respecting and caring for each other ’s core interests is the primary principle of developing the China-U.S. relations; innovating institutional mechanisms for dialogue and cooperation is an important platform for developing the China-U.S. relations; the civil friendly communions are inexhaustible motive forces to promote the sustained development of the China-U.S. relations. The fourth part discusses the problems and challenges of developing the China-U.S. relations. These challenges include the Taiwan issue, economic trade issues, human rights, democracy, values, domestic political issues and the strategic mutual trust issues.