1. 高中作文教学及修改的原则
1.1 坚持认真的原则
教师在实施高中作文教学及修改工作中,必须要德艺双馨树立威信,几乎所有的高中作文教师都是从学生时代过来的,那么就会理解德艺双馨在学生心目中的地位和重要性,学生对老师的要求是德艺双馨,既是一位品质好、又是一位业务强的好老师,甚至是多才多艺、" 万能的" ,所以高中语文老师的第一技巧就是树立威信,而这一威信是以品质和才学做基点的,有了威信学生们自然会支持你,作文成绩才能真正抓上来。在认真原则的坚持和实施过程中,最初伊始,对每一个高中生的作文都要逐字逐句地要求,逐字逐句地修改,从而有效地掌握好每一名学生的作文状况。
1.2 坚持仔细的原则
这种仔细就是要春风化雨地建立感情,在日常授课和交往的过程中,在作文的教学和修改的过程中,高中语文老师尽可能与学生们建立起深厚的感情,为作文教学和仔仔细细地修改作文,为学生们匡扶阙失、弥补不足打下坚实的基础,即便是个别学生犯错误的时候,作文老师也要尽量和风细雨地去交流、去说服,不能急躁暴跳、恶意中伤,那样会毁掉与学生之间的感情,影响学生们学习作文的积极性和能动性,而是要广大作文教师在完成" 闻道、授业、解惑" 这份天职时,要春风化雨地去教诲,与学生们建立起深厚的师生感情,让广大高中生快快乐乐的学习作文,与作文共同插上飞翔的翅膀。
1.3 坚持时效的原则
即在作文修改的过程中,及时把修改的意见和结果反馈给学生们,这就是高中作文修改的时效原则,也是高中作文教学中重要的一个环节。同时,还要在修改和批改作文中建立起奖惩机制,即通过奖罚分明来实现公信,要想让作文教学和作文修改取得最大的成功,切实可行、行之有效的奖惩制度是不可或缺的,众所周知," 天下事不难于立法、而难于法之必行" ,就是说一旦制度形成后,学生们就要按照制度去严格执行,而且在违反制度和不遵守制度时,也要按照制度进行责罚,对遵守制度的优秀学生还要予以适当的奖励。这种有赏有罚、赏罚分明的作文教学和修改机制,是保证作文插上升格翅膀的重要前提。
1.4 坚持创新的原则、
1.5 坚持科学的原则
在高中作文教学,尤其是高中作文修改过程中,科学教学、科学修改、科学提升教学成绩,这三个" 科学" 牢牢地稳固住了高中作文教学及修改的基石,紧紧地跟随着高中作文教学的节奏与节拍,尤其是实现了同心同德的高中作文教学科学管理之后,教学和修改一切都会正常运转、一切都会井然有序、一切都有条不紊,从而构建起高中作文修改的一个高质效、理想化的教学模式,让作文修改的升格翅膀去自动生成。
2. 高中作文修改的相关建议
2.1 要有全面性修改,让高中作文在修改中查缺补漏
在作文教学之处,要实施一个全面性的修改,从而根据学生们的作文特点、作文缺点进行摸底,为提升广大高中生作文水平奠定基础。例如,在《亲情》作文教学中,毋庸置疑,亲情是一个人生永恒的话题,必须要在学生们执笔写作之前认清、认准这一点,让高中生懂得把贯穿在生命的整个过程的亲情写得淋漓尽致,在修改类似作文的时候,首先要检查有没有" 慈母手中线,游子身上衣" 这一类关于亲情经典语言的引用,有没有写出对亲情的讴歌,有没有写出对亲情的寄托,是否树立出文章中让人印象深刻的亲人形象……这些都是全面修改、评卷的内容,除此之外,还要对文章的字词、文章的句子进行修订,为学生们来一次全面的查缺补漏,以便在今后的作文教学中对症下药。
2.2 要有针对性修改,让高中作文在修改中惩前毖后
2.3 要有实效性修改,让作文水平在修改中逐步提升
2.4 要有目标性修改,让作文水平在修改中展翅飞腾
就是在高中作文修改教学进程中,树立相应的教学目标,梯次推进、梯次提高,让广大高中生在计划、有序中提升作文水平。要抓实抓牢,一定要在作文写作上下功夫,在作文修改上下功夫,在边学边改上下功夫。要求深求透, 全力提高作文教学和写作水平,让每一
3. 总结
1. The principle of high school composition teaching and modification
In high school composition teaching and modification work, need to firmly grasp and flexible use of the following five principles, can really to pay special attention to the high school composition teaching and modification, a composition as soon as possible with wings to take off.
1.1 adhere to the principle of carefully
Teachers in high school composition teaching and modification work, must be smashing prestige, almost all high school composition teacher from the student, then you will understand smashing position and importance in the eyes of students, students to the teacher's requirement is smashing, is a good quality, and a strong business of good teacher, and even is versatile, "everything", so the first technique is to establish credibility high school Chinese teacher, and the authority is based on quality and learn to do basis points, a prestige students will support you, thesis result can catch up. In seriously adhere to and implement the principle of process, at the beginning of the original, for every high school student's composition word for word, word for word change, thus effectively grasp every student's composition.
1.2 adhere to the principle of carefully
This carefully to develop a relationship is to be in the rain, in the process of teaching and daily interaction, and modified in the composition of the teaching process, the high school language teacher and students to establish deep feelings as far as possible, for the composition teaching and thoughtfully modify the composition, for the students they que, make up the shortfall to lay a solid foundation, even individual students to make mistakes, composition teacher should also try to breeze compared to exchange, to persuade, can't be mad, malicious slander, that will destroy and the affection between students, affect the students learning enthusiasm and initiative of the composition, but to composition teachers at the completion of "wen dao, knowledge and to reassure" this duty, to be in the rain to teaching, students and teachers and students to establish deep feelings, let the general high school students happy to learn composition, together with the composition with wings to fly.
1.3 adhere to the principle of limitation
In the process of composition change, in a timely manner to modify opinions and the result feedback to the students, this principle is high school composition changes of aging, is also an important link in high school composition teaching. At the same time, also in the changes and correcting a composition set up rewards and punishment mechanism, namely by rewards and punishment distinct gongxin CPA, want to let the composition teaching and composition to modify the biggest success, practical and effective system of rewards and punishments is indispensable, as we all know, "what's going on in the world is not difficult to legislation, and difficult to law will", that is to say, once the system formation, to strictly enforce the students will
be in accordance with the system, and in violation of the system and don't follow the system, also should be carried out in accordance with the system of punishment, to abide by the system to be the top students in the appropriate reward. This reward punishment and reward is distinct composition teaching and modification mechanism, composition status on wing is the important premise.
1.4 adhere to the principle of innovation,
In high school composition teaching, especially in the process of the high school composition changes, high school language teacher is also important to the implementation principle of innovation, through innovation changes to ensure that high school composition changes with time, and fully guarantee the high school examination composition snuggled tightly with The Times, seize and retaining the flavor of The Times, but also in the composition change, on the basis of rewards and punishment system, order form innovation mechanism, obviously, if the composition on grades don't come, everything appears a bit, and innovation is the high school composition result an effective guarantee.
1.5 adhere to the principle of science
In high school composition teaching, especially high school composition changes in the process, improve teaching achievement in science teaching, science, modify, and the three "scientific" firmly keep www.dgeali0.com the cornerstone of the high school composition teaching and modification, closely follow the high school composition teaching rhythm and beat, especially to realize the scientific management, unite as one of high school composition teaching of the normal operation of teaching and modify everything, everything is orderly, everything in an orderly way, thus to build up a high-quality high school composition change effect and ideal teaching mode, to automatically generate composition changes upgraded its wings.
2. High school composition modification Suggestions
In view of the high school composition teaching practice, combined with high school composition teaching and the modified experience, put forward the following a few Suggestions for success:
2.1 for a comprehensive revision, let high school composition in the modification of 20
In the composition teaching, to implement a comprehensive revision, which based on the characteristics of the students' composition, composition faults in parts, lay a foundation for enhancing the general high school students writing level. For example, in the "affection" of composition teaching, there is no doubt that the family is an eternal topic in life, must be before the students set words to recognize, look this, let high school students know how write runs through the whole process of the life of the family to get incisively and vividly, in modification of similar composition,www.hendht.net www.hgmse.net the first thing to check for "the loving mother hand line, wandering onto clothing" this is the kind of affection of classical language reference, is there a write to the family of the acura, have to write to the family of are set out in the articles impressive image of loved ones... These are comprehensive modification, evaluation content, in addition, but also to revise articles in words, sentences, for the students to a full 20, in order to suit the remedy to the case in the thesis teaching in the future.
2.2 to targeted revision, let high school composition in curing the modification
Targeted modification has been an effective measure to modify teaching high school composition, has been widely used by high school composition teachers also need to get more in the future high school composition teaching further promotion. , for example, or in the "family
composition as an example, the specific modification including acura object, affection on the level of the arrangement, the appearance description of relatives and so on, will be targeted to modify the main object and content, especially in the relative image of the shape and appearance on the description of characters, it will be written in narrative works bear the brunt of the corresponding modification and composition content.
2.3 be effectiveness, composition level gradually increase in the modification
The effect of high school composition changes is to teach changing, let the students in the row stood to real ascension. For example, in the "affection" modify the composition teaching, in view of the appearance description, description, plot description language, such as modified, and then in the following, such as "mother", "father" and similar composition inspection appearance description,www.yuandh.com www.fukong.org language description, plot depicts the application of writing skills, on the one hand, in a vertical line made changes in the composition, make up for deficiencies and defects in time, and shall be fully correct in the reform process. On the other hand, to find the problem to be correct at any time, at any time at any time of the fault to cover at any time, in a nutshell, is to high school composition changes do line stood in the process of change, the composition changes into the deep, to success.
2.4 to be targeted to modify, let composition level in the wings of the change was rising
Is in high school composition changes in the process of teaching, establish the corresponding teaching goal, arrangement in advance, the pilot to improve, to the general high school students enhance the level of composition in the plan, orderly. To get a grip on reality, must be in writing, in the composition modification, change in learning while fluctuation kongfu. For deep penetration, to improve the level of composition teaching and writing, let each high school composition with wings of status and success of the wings.
3. Summary
In the teaching of high school, high school composition in the process of change in the future, or moved on, and accumulated rich experience in the modification, the implementation of successful modification method, makes the general high school students to be able to ascend in the modified, progress in the modification and progress in the modification, real let high school composition with wings of success, let more high school students in composition teaching benefits, growth and success in the us.
1. 高中作文教学及修改的原则
1.1 坚持认真的原则
教师在实施高中作文教学及修改工作中,必须要德艺双馨树立威信,几乎所有的高中作文教师都是从学生时代过来的,那么就会理解德艺双馨在学生心目中的地位和重要性,学生对老师的要求是德艺双馨,既是一位品质好、又是一位业务强的好老师,甚至是多才多艺、" 万能的" ,所以高中语文老师的第一技巧就是树立威信,而这一威信是以品质和才学做基点的,有了威信学生们自然会支持你,作文成绩才能真正抓上来。在认真原则的坚持和实施过程中,最初伊始,对每一个高中生的作文都要逐字逐句地要求,逐字逐句地修改,从而有效地掌握好每一名学生的作文状况。
1.2 坚持仔细的原则
这种仔细就是要春风化雨地建立感情,在日常授课和交往的过程中,在作文的教学和修改的过程中,高中语文老师尽可能与学生们建立起深厚的感情,为作文教学和仔仔细细地修改作文,为学生们匡扶阙失、弥补不足打下坚实的基础,即便是个别学生犯错误的时候,作文老师也要尽量和风细雨地去交流、去说服,不能急躁暴跳、恶意中伤,那样会毁掉与学生之间的感情,影响学生们学习作文的积极性和能动性,而是要广大作文教师在完成" 闻道、授业、解惑" 这份天职时,要春风化雨地去教诲,与学生们建立起深厚的师生感情,让广大高中生快快乐乐的学习作文,与作文共同插上飞翔的翅膀。
1.3 坚持时效的原则
即在作文修改的过程中,及时把修改的意见和结果反馈给学生们,这就是高中作文修改的时效原则,也是高中作文教学中重要的一个环节。同时,还要在修改和批改作文中建立起奖惩机制,即通过奖罚分明来实现公信,要想让作文教学和作文修改取得最大的成功,切实可行、行之有效的奖惩制度是不可或缺的,众所周知," 天下事不难于立法、而难于法之必行" ,就是说一旦制度形成后,学生们就要按照制度去严格执行,而且在违反制度和不遵守制度时,也要按照制度进行责罚,对遵守制度的优秀学生还要予以适当的奖励。这种有赏有罚、赏罚分明的作文教学和修改机制,是保证作文插上升格翅膀的重要前提。
1.4 坚持创新的原则、
1.5 坚持科学的原则
在高中作文教学,尤其是高中作文修改过程中,科学教学、科学修改、科学提升教学成绩,这三个" 科学" 牢牢地稳固住了高中作文教学及修改的基石,紧紧地跟随着高中作文教学的节奏与节拍,尤其是实现了同心同德的高中作文教学科学管理之后,教学和修改一切都会正常运转、一切都会井然有序、一切都有条不紊,从而构建起高中作文修改的一个高质效、理想化的教学模式,让作文修改的升格翅膀去自动生成。
2. 高中作文修改的相关建议
2.1 要有全面性修改,让高中作文在修改中查缺补漏
在作文教学之处,要实施一个全面性的修改,从而根据学生们的作文特点、作文缺点进行摸底,为提升广大高中生作文水平奠定基础。例如,在《亲情》作文教学中,毋庸置疑,亲情是一个人生永恒的话题,必须要在学生们执笔写作之前认清、认准这一点,让高中生懂得把贯穿在生命的整个过程的亲情写得淋漓尽致,在修改类似作文的时候,首先要检查有没有" 慈母手中线,游子身上衣" 这一类关于亲情经典语言的引用,有没有写出对亲情的讴歌,有没有写出对亲情的寄托,是否树立出文章中让人印象深刻的亲人形象……这些都是全面修改、评卷的内容,除此之外,还要对文章的字词、文章的句子进行修订,为学生们来一次全面的查缺补漏,以便在今后的作文教学中对症下药。
2.2 要有针对性修改,让高中作文在修改中惩前毖后
2.3 要有实效性修改,让作文水平在修改中逐步提升
2.4 要有目标性修改,让作文水平在修改中展翅飞腾
就是在高中作文修改教学进程中,树立相应的教学目标,梯次推进、梯次提高,让广大高中生在计划、有序中提升作文水平。要抓实抓牢,一定要在作文写作上下功夫,在作文修改上下功夫,在边学边改上下功夫。要求深求透, 全力提高作文教学和写作水平,让每一
3. 总结
1. The principle of high school composition teaching and modification
In high school composition teaching and modification work, need to firmly grasp and flexible use of the following five principles, can really to pay special attention to the high school composition teaching and modification, a composition as soon as possible with wings to take off.
1.1 adhere to the principle of carefully
Teachers in high school composition teaching and modification work, must be smashing prestige, almost all high school composition teacher from the student, then you will understand smashing position and importance in the eyes of students, students to the teacher's requirement is smashing, is a good quality, and a strong business of good teacher, and even is versatile, "everything", so the first technique is to establish credibility high school Chinese teacher, and the authority is based on quality and learn to do basis points, a prestige students will support you, thesis result can catch up. In seriously adhere to and implement the principle of process, at the beginning of the original, for every high school student's composition word for word, word for word change, thus effectively grasp every student's composition.
1.2 adhere to the principle of carefully
This carefully to develop a relationship is to be in the rain, in the process of teaching and daily interaction, and modified in the composition of the teaching process, the high school language teacher and students to establish deep feelings as far as possible, for the composition teaching and thoughtfully modify the composition, for the students they que, make up the shortfall to lay a solid foundation, even individual students to make mistakes, composition teacher should also try to breeze compared to exchange, to persuade, can't be mad, malicious slander, that will destroy and the affection between students, affect the students learning enthusiasm and initiative of the composition, but to composition teachers at the completion of "wen dao, knowledge and to reassure" this duty, to be in the rain to teaching, students and teachers and students to establish deep feelings, let the general high school students happy to learn composition, together with the composition with wings to fly.
1.3 adhere to the principle of limitation
In the process of composition change, in a timely manner to modify opinions and the result feedback to the students, this principle is high school composition changes of aging, is also an important link in high school composition teaching. At the same time, also in the changes and correcting a composition set up rewards and punishment mechanism, namely by rewards and punishment distinct gongxin CPA, want to let the composition teaching and composition to modify the biggest success, practical and effective system of rewards and punishments is indispensable, as we all know, "what's going on in the world is not difficult to legislation, and difficult to law will", that is to say, once the system formation, to strictly enforce the students will
be in accordance with the system, and in violation of the system and don't follow the system, also should be carried out in accordance with the system of punishment, to abide by the system to be the top students in the appropriate reward. This reward punishment and reward is distinct composition teaching and modification mechanism, composition status on wing is the important premise.
1.4 adhere to the principle of innovation,
In high school composition teaching, especially in the process of the high school composition changes, high school language teacher is also important to the implementation principle of innovation, through innovation changes to ensure that high school composition changes with time, and fully guarantee the high school examination composition snuggled tightly with The Times, seize and retaining the flavor of The Times, but also in the composition change, on the basis of rewards and punishment system, order form innovation mechanism, obviously, if the composition on grades don't come, everything appears a bit, and innovation is the high school composition result an effective guarantee.
1.5 adhere to the principle of science
In high school composition teaching, especially high school composition changes in the process, improve teaching achievement in science teaching, science, modify, and the three "scientific" firmly keep www.dgeali0.com the cornerstone of the high school composition teaching and modification, closely follow the high school composition teaching rhythm and beat, especially to realize the scientific management, unite as one of high school composition teaching of the normal operation of teaching and modify everything, everything is orderly, everything in an orderly way, thus to build up a high-quality high school composition change effect and ideal teaching mode, to automatically generate composition changes upgraded its wings.
2. High school composition modification Suggestions
In view of the high school composition teaching practice, combined with high school composition teaching and the modified experience, put forward the following a few Suggestions for success:
2.1 for a comprehensive revision, let high school composition in the modification of 20
In the composition teaching, to implement a comprehensive revision, which based on the characteristics of the students' composition, composition faults in parts, lay a foundation for enhancing the general high school students writing level. For example, in the "affection" of composition teaching, there is no doubt that the family is an eternal topic in life, must be before the students set words to recognize, look this, let high school students know how write runs through the whole process of the life of the family to get incisively and vividly, in modification of similar composition,www.hendht.net www.hgmse.net the first thing to check for "the loving mother hand line, wandering onto clothing" this is the kind of affection of classical language reference, is there a write to the family of the acura, have to write to the family of are set out in the articles impressive image of loved ones... These are comprehensive modification, evaluation content, in addition, but also to revise articles in words, sentences, for the students to a full 20, in order to suit the remedy to the case in the thesis teaching in the future.
2.2 to targeted revision, let high school composition in curing the modification
Targeted modification has been an effective measure to modify teaching high school composition, has been widely used by high school composition teachers also need to get more in the future high school composition teaching further promotion. , for example, or in the "family
composition as an example, the specific modification including acura object, affection on the level of the arrangement, the appearance description of relatives and so on, will be targeted to modify the main object and content, especially in the relative image of the shape and appearance on the description of characters, it will be written in narrative works bear the brunt of the corresponding modification and composition content.
2.3 be effectiveness, composition level gradually increase in the modification
The effect of high school composition changes is to teach changing, let the students in the row stood to real ascension. For example, in the "affection" modify the composition teaching, in view of the appearance description, description, plot description language, such as modified, and then in the following, such as "mother", "father" and similar composition inspection appearance description,www.yuandh.com www.fukong.org language description, plot depicts the application of writing skills, on the one hand, in a vertical line made changes in the composition, make up for deficiencies and defects in time, and shall be fully correct in the reform process. On the other hand, to find the problem to be correct at any time, at any time at any time of the fault to cover at any time, in a nutshell, is to high school composition changes do line stood in the process of change, the composition changes into the deep, to success.
2.4 to be targeted to modify, let composition level in the wings of the change was rising
Is in high school composition changes in the process of teaching, establish the corresponding teaching goal, arrangement in advance, the pilot to improve, to the general high school students enhance the level of composition in the plan, orderly. To get a grip on reality, must be in writing, in the composition modification, change in learning while fluctuation kongfu. For deep penetration, to improve the level of composition teaching and writing, let each high school composition with wings of status and success of the wings.
3. Summary
In the teaching of high school, high school composition in the process of change in the future, or moved on, and accumulated rich experience in the modification, the implementation of successful modification method, makes the general high school students to be able to ascend in the modified, progress in the modification and progress in the modification, real let high school composition with wings of success, let more high school students in composition teaching benefits, growth and success in the us.