

In the time, in my heart the most beautiful girl is Sun yanzi who is well received by so many people coming from all over the world.

In my eyes, her songs are very nice. As we know, she is always full of energy and confidence on the stage. On the other hand, we all think highly of what she has always help the human who needs to help, helping the poor children go to school and blind people see the bright world again. The reason why I regard her as my idol。I feel very proud of her. In 2007, she was blind white cane love love Ambassador mass action, and in July with World Vision, visiting poverty-stricken areas in Niger in Africa.

Singapore 2008 is a goodwill ambassador for Mercy Corps aid organization. Visited the earthquake affected areas of China, donated by charities about 254 million yuan. Participate in disaster relief programs in Chengdu after the primary to the town of Shifang saponins, guest music teacher, to teach children to sing songs, play games, and students. Pegasus primary school in Dujiangyan, see a cute one year old boy, not only squat funny boy, but also carefully wipe his saliva.And was introduced this year after a lapse of four years of the new album "is the time."

She also received a lot of awards, such as the 2010 won the decade's most influential music figures, ten years Hong Kong and Taiwan Golden Melody Awards; 2011 received the first "Business China" Youth Award for the best local music and e masterpiece poet Award.

She once said: "I am not a superstar, not a pop music days, no more than I know myself, I just though she just ... ..." Indeed, though she is Stefanie, her sincerity, simplicity and happiness will always affect me.

March 31 and a Dutch man Nadeem registration of marriage. On May 8 wedding in Singapore.

I really wish she could have been happy with.

一直以来,我任我最美的女孩是孙燕姿,她是新加坡华人女歌手,她被来自世界各地的人所接受。在我眼中,她的歌曲是非常好听。我们知道,在舞台上她总充满了能量和自信。另一方面,我们高度评价她总是帮助一些需要帮助的人,她让穷人的孩子上学和那些失明的孩子再次看到世界。这就是我为什么把她当作我偶像的原因。我因她而感到骄傲。 2007年她是白手杖爱盲行动的传爱大使,并于7月随世界展望会,探访了非洲尼日尔的贫困区。


她也获得了非常多的奖,如2010年获得了十年最具影响力音乐人物,十年港台十大金曲奖;2011年获得了第一届“通商中国”青年奖和e 乐本地最佳作词人奖。 并于今年推出时隔四年的新专辑《是时候》。




In the time, in my heart the most beautiful girl is Sun yanzi who is well received by so many people coming from all over the world.

In my eyes, her songs are very nice. As we know, she is always full of energy and confidence on the stage. On the other hand, we all think highly of what she has always help the human who needs to help, helping the poor children go to school and blind people see the bright world again. The reason why I regard her as my idol。I feel very proud of her. In 2007, she was blind white cane love love Ambassador mass action, and in July with World Vision, visiting poverty-stricken areas in Niger in Africa.

Singapore 2008 is a goodwill ambassador for Mercy Corps aid organization. Visited the earthquake affected areas of China, donated by charities about 254 million yuan. Participate in disaster relief programs in Chengdu after the primary to the town of Shifang saponins, guest music teacher, to teach children to sing songs, play games, and students. Pegasus primary school in Dujiangyan, see a cute one year old boy, not only squat funny boy, but also carefully wipe his saliva.And was introduced this year after a lapse of four years of the new album "is the time."

She also received a lot of awards, such as the 2010 won the decade's most influential music figures, ten years Hong Kong and Taiwan Golden Melody Awards; 2011 received the first "Business China" Youth Award for the best local music and e masterpiece poet Award.

She once said: "I am not a superstar, not a pop music days, no more than I know myself, I just though she just ... ..." Indeed, though she is Stefanie, her sincerity, simplicity and happiness will always affect me.

March 31 and a Dutch man Nadeem registration of marriage. On May 8 wedding in Singapore.

I really wish she could have been happy with.

一直以来,我任我最美的女孩是孙燕姿,她是新加坡华人女歌手,她被来自世界各地的人所接受。在我眼中,她的歌曲是非常好听。我们知道,在舞台上她总充满了能量和自信。另一方面,我们高度评价她总是帮助一些需要帮助的人,她让穷人的孩子上学和那些失明的孩子再次看到世界。这就是我为什么把她当作我偶像的原因。我因她而感到骄傲。 2007年她是白手杖爱盲行动的传爱大使,并于7月随世界展望会,探访了非洲尼日尔的贫困区。


她也获得了非常多的奖,如2010年获得了十年最具影响力音乐人物,十年港台十大金曲奖;2011年获得了第一届“通商中国”青年奖和e 乐本地最佳作词人奖。 并于今年推出时隔四年的新专辑《是时候》。





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