Step 1 导入
环境保护是世界各国共同关注的热点话题, 保护地球是我们每个人的责任, 因此写好环保说明文具有特别重要的现实意义, 这也是高考赋于广大考生的重要使命。
Step 2理清写作内容, 把握写作步骤
(一) 介绍过去良好环境状况
环保说明文往往首先描绘某地过去良好的环境状况, 如绿树成荫, 牛羊成群, 花草吐香, 麦苗成浪, 以激起人们对美好环境状况的无限向往和对破坏环境行为的深切痛恨。写作该要点时教会学生掌握体现自我特色的常见句型。如:" Trees and flowers can be seen everywhere.""Our village is surrounded by trees, flowers and green grass.""Many kinds of birds and animals regard our village as their home.""Crops grow very well in the fields.""What a beautiful living place we have!"等等。熟悉这些句型并在环保说明文中有选择地加以使用, 这对缩短写作时间, 提高写作正确率很有好处。
(二) 介绍污染严重现状
造成环境污染的原因虽然很多, 但不外乎取柴、挣钱或开辟农田而乱砍树木, 导致水土流失; 乱用农药或其它化学药品污染河流、湖泊; 随意排放工业废水造成水流污染; 机器轰鸣, 汽车奔驰, 影响人们工作、休息或生活, 造成噪音污染。写作此要点时, 让学生们熟悉具有自我特色的常用词汇和句型。如表污染类型的有:air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, noise pollution, sandstorm;表造成污染物质的有:waste water, poisonous gases, chemical medicine;表污染手段的有:cut down many trees, put waste water into the river, send out poisonous gases, make too much noise;表污染词性变化的有:pollute(vt), polluted (adj.), pollution(n.);表污染严重状况的句型有:"The whole land has become a desert.""Fishes can't live in the river, which smells terrible.""People can't sleep well at night.""Birds and rare animals no longer come here."
(三) 呼吁采取抗污措施
对污染严重状况的描绘一定会激起人们对破坏环境行为的愤恨, 也一定会激起当地政府的高度重视, 政府和群众一定会采取各种措施防止污染, 保护环境. 然而环保问题是一个需要长期重视的社会问题, 全社会应做好准备打一场长期反对污染的战争. 表达这一要点时, 让学生熟悉政府和群众已觉醒的句型。如:"Our government and people have realized the importance of protecting our environment.""We have realized how serious the pollution has become.""Our government has passed laws to protect our environment.""We have come to know we can't stand the pollution any longer."也应熟悉表各种防止污染措施的句型. 如:"We should try to plant as many trees and flowers as possible.""Everyone is forbidden to put waste water into rivers and lakes.""Factories can't send out poisonous gases any more."还应熟悉对全社会进行呼吁以促使其进一步行动起来的句型。如:"We should fight a long battle against pollution.""We should take more measures /actions/steps to fight against pollution."
Step 3、用好过渡性词汇, 增强文章的连贯性
不少学生写环保说明文时, 不知道使用或不会使用过渡性词汇, 写出来的文章缺少连接, 缺少过渡, 缺少逻辑性。学生除应增强过渡性词汇使用意识之外, 还应熟悉环保说明文过渡性词汇使用的特点。因环保说明文在文意表达上多用于因果式、递进式和转折式逻辑关系, 因此过渡性词汇的使用也重在对具有因果、递进、转折关系的内容进行连接。如强调各种污染行为所造成的严重危害时可使用表因果关系的过渡性词汇。如:as a result (of), because of , thanks to;强调更严重的污染行为或更严重的污染结果时可使用表递进关系的过渡性词汇。如:even, still, besides, what's more, what's worse, worse still, worse than all, worse than ever, to make the matter worse;强调人们已开始意识到问题的严重性时可使用表示转折关系的过渡性词汇。如:fortunately, luckily, to our joy,等等。
Step 4 用好情感性语句, 增强文章的情感性
写环保说明文时, 写作者因对过去美好的环境状况非常留念, 对现在严重的污染状况十分痛恨, 对未来美好环境状况无限憧憬, 写作时定会自始至终充满着激情, 此时应有意识地使用情感性语句来增加文章的感染性, 以唤起人们对环保的高度重视. 常见的情感性语句有:"What a beautiful scene it was!"(用于文章开始部分, 对过去优美环境进行赞美性总结)"Our
beautiful environment is gone!" (用于文章中间部分, 描绘污染的严重状况)"I'm sure as long as we try every possible means, we're sure to have a beautiful environment again."(用于文章结尾部分, 对未来美好环境进行憧憬)
根据特殊语境的情感需要, 同学们还可以有选择地使用具有一定感情态度的过渡性插入语, 如:As far as I know, As we all know, I'm sure, I'm afraid,等等, 以增强文章的情感性。
Step5 分析环境时态特点, 正确把握写作时态
不少同学写环保说明文时没有明确的时态概念, 也没有准确表达时态的意识, 他们常常随心所欲地使用时态, 或一律使用一般现在时, 或一律使用一般过去时, 或将一般现在时与一般过去时任意交替使用, 造成大面积时态错误, 影响了文意的准确表达和语言的准确性, 造成不应有的失分现象. 显然, 写环保说明文时, 同学们应认真分析写作内容发生的时间, 从而准确判断适用的时态. 因环保说明文的内容常常介绍过去、现在和未来的环境状况, 因此时态有明显的规律性. 交待现在污染状况的内容主要应用一般现在时表达, 说明过去污染状况的内容主要应用一般过去时表达, 憧憬环保前景的内容主要应用一般将来时表达。
根据以下四幅图, 撰写一篇短文, 呼吁人们爱护森林, 保护我们赖以生存的环境。
注意:1.描述准确全面;2. 题图衔接连贯;3. 词数:120左右。
One possible version:
Our earth used to be a beautiful place. Thick trees and green grass covered the hills and it was the best home for birds and animals. What a beautiful scene it was! However, as time went on, people destroyed the forest to grow crops. What was worse, people let their cattle eat up the grass. So you can see a stretch of wasteland instead of green hills now. As a result, when it rains, the soil is washed down the hills, strong winds blow away the rich soil that lies on the top of the fields. We do hope all the people will take good care of our forests and plant more trees to improve the environment in which we are living. I'm sure as long as we try every possible means, we're sure to have a beautiful environment again.
Step 1 导入
环境保护是世界各国共同关注的热点话题, 保护地球是我们每个人的责任, 因此写好环保说明文具有特别重要的现实意义, 这也是高考赋于广大考生的重要使命。
Step 2理清写作内容, 把握写作步骤
(一) 介绍过去良好环境状况
环保说明文往往首先描绘某地过去良好的环境状况, 如绿树成荫, 牛羊成群, 花草吐香, 麦苗成浪, 以激起人们对美好环境状况的无限向往和对破坏环境行为的深切痛恨。写作该要点时教会学生掌握体现自我特色的常见句型。如:" Trees and flowers can be seen everywhere.""Our village is surrounded by trees, flowers and green grass.""Many kinds of birds and animals regard our village as their home.""Crops grow very well in the fields.""What a beautiful living place we have!"等等。熟悉这些句型并在环保说明文中有选择地加以使用, 这对缩短写作时间, 提高写作正确率很有好处。
(二) 介绍污染严重现状
造成环境污染的原因虽然很多, 但不外乎取柴、挣钱或开辟农田而乱砍树木, 导致水土流失; 乱用农药或其它化学药品污染河流、湖泊; 随意排放工业废水造成水流污染; 机器轰鸣, 汽车奔驰, 影响人们工作、休息或生活, 造成噪音污染。写作此要点时, 让学生们熟悉具有自我特色的常用词汇和句型。如表污染类型的有:air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, noise pollution, sandstorm;表造成污染物质的有:waste water, poisonous gases, chemical medicine;表污染手段的有:cut down many trees, put waste water into the river, send out poisonous gases, make too much noise;表污染词性变化的有:pollute(vt), polluted (adj.), pollution(n.);表污染严重状况的句型有:"The whole land has become a desert.""Fishes can't live in the river, which smells terrible.""People can't sleep well at night.""Birds and rare animals no longer come here."
(三) 呼吁采取抗污措施
对污染严重状况的描绘一定会激起人们对破坏环境行为的愤恨, 也一定会激起当地政府的高度重视, 政府和群众一定会采取各种措施防止污染, 保护环境. 然而环保问题是一个需要长期重视的社会问题, 全社会应做好准备打一场长期反对污染的战争. 表达这一要点时, 让学生熟悉政府和群众已觉醒的句型。如:"Our government and people have realized the importance of protecting our environment.""We have realized how serious the pollution has become.""Our government has passed laws to protect our environment.""We have come to know we can't stand the pollution any longer."也应熟悉表各种防止污染措施的句型. 如:"We should try to plant as many trees and flowers as possible.""Everyone is forbidden to put waste water into rivers and lakes.""Factories can't send out poisonous gases any more."还应熟悉对全社会进行呼吁以促使其进一步行动起来的句型。如:"We should fight a long battle against pollution.""We should take more measures /actions/steps to fight against pollution."
Step 3、用好过渡性词汇, 增强文章的连贯性
不少学生写环保说明文时, 不知道使用或不会使用过渡性词汇, 写出来的文章缺少连接, 缺少过渡, 缺少逻辑性。学生除应增强过渡性词汇使用意识之外, 还应熟悉环保说明文过渡性词汇使用的特点。因环保说明文在文意表达上多用于因果式、递进式和转折式逻辑关系, 因此过渡性词汇的使用也重在对具有因果、递进、转折关系的内容进行连接。如强调各种污染行为所造成的严重危害时可使用表因果关系的过渡性词汇。如:as a result (of), because of , thanks to;强调更严重的污染行为或更严重的污染结果时可使用表递进关系的过渡性词汇。如:even, still, besides, what's more, what's worse, worse still, worse than all, worse than ever, to make the matter worse;强调人们已开始意识到问题的严重性时可使用表示转折关系的过渡性词汇。如:fortunately, luckily, to our joy,等等。
Step 4 用好情感性语句, 增强文章的情感性
写环保说明文时, 写作者因对过去美好的环境状况非常留念, 对现在严重的污染状况十分痛恨, 对未来美好环境状况无限憧憬, 写作时定会自始至终充满着激情, 此时应有意识地使用情感性语句来增加文章的感染性, 以唤起人们对环保的高度重视. 常见的情感性语句有:"What a beautiful scene it was!"(用于文章开始部分, 对过去优美环境进行赞美性总结)"Our
beautiful environment is gone!" (用于文章中间部分, 描绘污染的严重状况)"I'm sure as long as we try every possible means, we're sure to have a beautiful environment again."(用于文章结尾部分, 对未来美好环境进行憧憬)
根据特殊语境的情感需要, 同学们还可以有选择地使用具有一定感情态度的过渡性插入语, 如:As far as I know, As we all know, I'm sure, I'm afraid,等等, 以增强文章的情感性。
Step5 分析环境时态特点, 正确把握写作时态
不少同学写环保说明文时没有明确的时态概念, 也没有准确表达时态的意识, 他们常常随心所欲地使用时态, 或一律使用一般现在时, 或一律使用一般过去时, 或将一般现在时与一般过去时任意交替使用, 造成大面积时态错误, 影响了文意的准确表达和语言的准确性, 造成不应有的失分现象. 显然, 写环保说明文时, 同学们应认真分析写作内容发生的时间, 从而准确判断适用的时态. 因环保说明文的内容常常介绍过去、现在和未来的环境状况, 因此时态有明显的规律性. 交待现在污染状况的内容主要应用一般现在时表达, 说明过去污染状况的内容主要应用一般过去时表达, 憧憬环保前景的内容主要应用一般将来时表达。
根据以下四幅图, 撰写一篇短文, 呼吁人们爱护森林, 保护我们赖以生存的环境。
注意:1.描述准确全面;2. 题图衔接连贯;3. 词数:120左右。
One possible version:
Our earth used to be a beautiful place. Thick trees and green grass covered the hills and it was the best home for birds and animals. What a beautiful scene it was! However, as time went on, people destroyed the forest to grow crops. What was worse, people let their cattle eat up the grass. So you can see a stretch of wasteland instead of green hills now. As a result, when it rains, the soil is washed down the hills, strong winds blow away the rich soil that lies on the top of the fields. We do hope all the people will take good care of our forests and plant more trees to improve the environment in which we are living. I'm sure as long as we try every possible means, we're sure to have a beautiful environment again.