"Where is the happiness? Where is happiness? Happiness in that hard, arduous sweat. " With the song, I want to ask what is happiness? Where is it?Children think that happiness is the life can be light of heart from care, mom and dad happy together; the students think that the happiness is to get good grades, will have a good time; young people think happiness is to find a good job, and then talk about love with vigour and vitality. Different people, to the well-being of a different bolt release.
In my opinion, happiness is a positive attitude towards life, is in a good mood. Happyandhealthygrowthismoreimportantthananythingelse. As long as we are confident, optimistic, will find happiness!
" 幸福在哪里? 幸福在哪里? 幸福在那辛勤的,辛勤的汗里" 伴着悦耳的歌声,我不禁想问:幸福是什么? 它究竟在哪里?
孩子们认为幸福是无忧无虑的生活,能和爸爸妈妈快乐的在一起; 学生们认为幸福是考出好成绩,将来能过上好日子; 青年们认为幸福是找到好的工作,再谈场轰轰烈烈的爱情。不同的人,对幸福有不同的栓释。
"Where is the happiness? Where is happiness? Happiness in that hard, arduous sweat. " With the song, I want to ask what is happiness? Where is it?Children think that happiness is the life can be light of heart from care, mom and dad happy together; the students think that the happiness is to get good grades, will have a good time; young people think happiness is to find a good job, and then talk about love with vigour and vitality. Different people, to the well-being of a different bolt release.
In my opinion, happiness is a positive attitude towards life, is in a good mood. Happyandhealthygrowthismoreimportantthananythingelse. As long as we are confident, optimistic, will find happiness!
" 幸福在哪里? 幸福在哪里? 幸福在那辛勤的,辛勤的汗里" 伴着悦耳的歌声,我不禁想问:幸福是什么? 它究竟在哪里?
孩子们认为幸福是无忧无虑的生活,能和爸爸妈妈快乐的在一起; 学生们认为幸福是考出好成绩,将来能过上好日子; 青年们认为幸福是找到好的工作,再谈场轰轰烈烈的爱情。不同的人,对幸福有不同的栓释。