

The advantages and disadvantages of telecommunication It is a not-uncommon social phenomenon that It is widely used telecommunication. For example, people use mobile phones, network, fax, and so on.Especially popular among the teenagers, but will still have to write the traditional way of communication. Some persons hold that telecommunication brought people a lot of convenience. Not only shortens the time of receiving information ,but also reduce the cost.What’s more, it is not affected by the weather, the influence of the traffic. Anytime to communicate with each other, you can even video.

Nevertheless, everything has two sides , both advantageous one side, also has a disadvantages.Some people deem it can result in obesity as people mostly sit on a chair or lie in bed. Meanwhile, the high tech such as mobile phone can bring much radiation that is also bad for our health.

From my standpoint, with compared the advantages and disadvantages of both,I insist that it is necessary to use telecommunication in our daily life.On one hand, it’s various and popular functions, making it possible that people can enjoy Long-distance communication.On the other hand, it brings

more entertainment and saves much time.

Should parents send their kids to art classes?

Nowdays, there is a growing concern over such a social phenomenon –school parents send their kids to art classes .We find some citiziens hold the opinion that sending their kids to art classes should be advocated.On the one hand ,more parents are convinced that their kids are gifted gifts from the god,and art classes make it more likely to find out the artistic potential hiddden in them.On the other hand,it is beneficial for children’s well –balanced development and it can shape their personalities.

In apite of the possible benefits mentioned,like others,someone is strongly against it.They think it performs a dramatically little function in their growing.It does harm to deprive children of their pleaure to play after school.

When it comes to me,it is more advisable to choose the former rather than the opposite one.Sending their kids to art school exerts an influence on enriching their knowledge and on broadening their horizens.Finally,to speak flankly,it pave the way for their future.

Do you think it’s better to read old-fashioned book or E-book? With the rapid development and wide spread of science and technology.E-book swidelyused rapidly in our daily life as a tool to study.Compared with the traditional way of reading,it seams more popular among people,especially students.They insist that E-book is more portable and handy.In addition,not only can it save the trees from being cut down,but also it is be benefical to build environment-friendly society.

Nevertheless,some other people hold that reading old-fashioned book should be advocated.To begin with,it can protect our vision.What’s more ,reading old-fashioned book can put our heart into reading and appreciating.Meanwhile,contributed to inherit and develop our traditional culture by reading old-fashioned book.

As far as I’m concerned,I am inclined to stand by the former.On the one hand,it can save time in searching for books in library.On the other hand,with multi-functions,it convenient to develop reading speed.Thus choosing E-book will be more visable.

The advantages and disadvantages of telecommunication It is a not-uncommon social phenomenon that It is widely used telecommunication. For example, people use mobile phones, network, fax, and so on.Especially popular among the teenagers, but will still have to write the traditional way of communication. Some persons hold that telecommunication brought people a lot of convenience. Not only shortens the time of receiving information ,but also reduce the cost.What’s more, it is not affected by the weather, the influence of the traffic. Anytime to communicate with each other, you can even video.

Nevertheless, everything has two sides , both advantageous one side, also has a disadvantages.Some people deem it can result in obesity as people mostly sit on a chair or lie in bed. Meanwhile, the high tech such as mobile phone can bring much radiation that is also bad for our health.

From my standpoint, with compared the advantages and disadvantages of both,I insist that it is necessary to use telecommunication in our daily life.On one hand, it’s various and popular functions, making it possible that people can enjoy Long-distance communication.On the other hand, it brings

more entertainment and saves much time.

Should parents send their kids to art classes?

Nowdays, there is a growing concern over such a social phenomenon –school parents send their kids to art classes .We find some citiziens hold the opinion that sending their kids to art classes should be advocated.On the one hand ,more parents are convinced that their kids are gifted gifts from the god,and art classes make it more likely to find out the artistic potential hiddden in them.On the other hand,it is beneficial for children’s well –balanced development and it can shape their personalities.

In apite of the possible benefits mentioned,like others,someone is strongly against it.They think it performs a dramatically little function in their growing.It does harm to deprive children of their pleaure to play after school.

When it comes to me,it is more advisable to choose the former rather than the opposite one.Sending their kids to art school exerts an influence on enriching their knowledge and on broadening their horizens.Finally,to speak flankly,it pave the way for their future.

Do you think it’s better to read old-fashioned book or E-book? With the rapid development and wide spread of science and technology.E-book swidelyused rapidly in our daily life as a tool to study.Compared with the traditional way of reading,it seams more popular among people,especially students.They insist that E-book is more portable and handy.In addition,not only can it save the trees from being cut down,but also it is be benefical to build environment-friendly society.

Nevertheless,some other people hold that reading old-fashioned book should be advocated.To begin with,it can protect our vision.What’s more ,reading old-fashioned book can put our heart into reading and appreciating.Meanwhile,contributed to inherit and develop our traditional culture by reading old-fashioned book.

As far as I’m concerned,I am inclined to stand by the former.On the one hand,it can save time in searching for books in library.On the other hand,with multi-functions,it convenient to develop reading speed.Thus choosing E-book will be more visable.


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