雅思高分作文语料库 教育类作文2800字


Language for IELTS Writing



1. children: primary education/elementary education

2. students: school (general education)

adolescents / juveniles / youngsters / youths n. 青少年 adolescent adj. 青春期的

adolescent worries 青春期的烦恼

3. high school graduates

4. higher education: university students/graduates

5. young adults (泛指18+岁)


the approach/method/fashion of education

1. parenting / upbringing n. 家庭教育

A good parent should help children (to) know what is important in life, what role they will play in their world, and how they are expected to behave. (the purposes/aims of education 家庭教育 的目的)

2. schooling n. 学校教育

Teachers should help children (to) learn how to cooperate with others and how to contribute to the life of their community. (the purposes/aims of education 学校教育的目的)

aptitude (for) / talent (for) n. 天资,禀赋

cultivate / foster / nurture v. 培养(nature 先天vs. nurture 后天)

specialist n. 专才

generalist n. 通才

all-rounded / well-rounded / versatile adj. 全面的

awareness / sense n. 意识

the development of students' personality and values 学生个性 和价值观的发展

mold (or mould英式拼写) one’s character 塑造某人的性格 mold (or mould英式拼写) someone into something 把某人塑 造成…..

a (or the) the sense of responsibility (or duty / obligation) 责任 感

teaching students how to judge right and wrong and how to behave well (素质教育的具体内容)

values and attitudes prevalent among someone 在某些人中普 遍存在的价值观、态度

help foster in the young the morally sound values and outlook on the world and life 帮助年轻人树立正确的价值观、世界观 和人生观

physical and psychological soundness (or well-being / welfare) 身体和心理的健康

promote the student’s physical, psychological (or mental),

intellectual and emotional development 促进学生身体、心理、 智力和情感的发展

behave v. 行为举止

behavior n. 行为举止

a valuable member of society 有价值的社会一员

make contributions to social progress 对社会进步做贡献

contribute to social well-being (or welfare) 为社会健康发展做 贡献

achieve life value 实现人生价值

pedagogy n. / pedagogical (or teaching) methodology 教学法 =teaching method

educational adj. 教育的,有教育意义的

inspiring adj. 激励的,启发心灵的,鼓舞人心的

impart knowledge (to someone) /inculcate knowledge (in / into / upon someone) 传授知识

obtain (or acquire) knowledge and skills 获得知识和技能

students’ command (or grasp) of something 学生对……的掌握 a good command of English 良好的英语语言能力

give someone an edge/advantage in 给某人某方面的优势 motivated adj. 积极的,有动力的

give students motivation to do something /motivate the students to do something


initiative n. 主动性

encourage sb. to take the initiative to do sth鼓励某人积极主 动做某事

reasoning ability 推理能力

analyzing skills and problem-solving ability 分析和解决问题的 能力

research skills 研究技能

creative / original adj. 有创造力的

creativity / originality n. 创造力

creative thinking 创新思维

critical thinking 批判性思维

encourage students to think critically 鼓励学生用辩证的眼光 看问题

think independently 独立思考

communication and social skills 沟通、社交能力

team spirit 团队精神

Language for IELTS Writing



1. children: primary education/elementary education

2. students: school (general education)

adolescents / juveniles / youngsters / youths n. 青少年 adolescent adj. 青春期的

adolescent worries 青春期的烦恼

3. high school graduates

4. higher education: university students/graduates

5. young adults (泛指18+岁)


the approach/method/fashion of education

1. parenting / upbringing n. 家庭教育

A good parent should help children (to) know what is important in life, what role they will play in their world, and how they are expected to behave. (the purposes/aims of education 家庭教育 的目的)

2. schooling n. 学校教育

Teachers should help children (to) learn how to cooperate with others and how to contribute to the life of their community. (the purposes/aims of education 学校教育的目的)

aptitude (for) / talent (for) n. 天资,禀赋

cultivate / foster / nurture v. 培养(nature 先天vs. nurture 后天)

specialist n. 专才

generalist n. 通才

all-rounded / well-rounded / versatile adj. 全面的

awareness / sense n. 意识

the development of students' personality and values 学生个性 和价值观的发展

mold (or mould英式拼写) one’s character 塑造某人的性格 mold (or mould英式拼写) someone into something 把某人塑 造成…..

a (or the) the sense of responsibility (or duty / obligation) 责任 感

teaching students how to judge right and wrong and how to behave well (素质教育的具体内容)

values and attitudes prevalent among someone 在某些人中普 遍存在的价值观、态度

help foster in the young the morally sound values and outlook on the world and life 帮助年轻人树立正确的价值观、世界观 和人生观

physical and psychological soundness (or well-being / welfare) 身体和心理的健康

promote the student’s physical, psychological (or mental),

intellectual and emotional development 促进学生身体、心理、 智力和情感的发展

behave v. 行为举止

behavior n. 行为举止

a valuable member of society 有价值的社会一员

make contributions to social progress 对社会进步做贡献

contribute to social well-being (or welfare) 为社会健康发展做 贡献

achieve life value 实现人生价值

pedagogy n. / pedagogical (or teaching) methodology 教学法 =teaching method

educational adj. 教育的,有教育意义的

inspiring adj. 激励的,启发心灵的,鼓舞人心的

impart knowledge (to someone) /inculcate knowledge (in / into / upon someone) 传授知识

obtain (or acquire) knowledge and skills 获得知识和技能

students’ command (or grasp) of something 学生对……的掌握 a good command of English 良好的英语语言能力

give someone an edge/advantage in 给某人某方面的优势 motivated adj. 积极的,有动力的

give students motivation to do something /motivate the students to do something


initiative n. 主动性

encourage sb. to take the initiative to do sth鼓励某人积极主 动做某事

reasoning ability 推理能力

analyzing skills and problem-solving ability 分析和解决问题的 能力

research skills 研究技能

creative / original adj. 有创造力的

creativity / originality n. 创造力

creative thinking 创新思维

critical thinking 批判性思维

encourage students to think critically 鼓励学生用辩证的眼光 看问题

think independently 独立思考

communication and social skills 沟通、社交能力

team spirit 团队精神


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