[了不起的盖茨比]中的"美国梦" 英文作文4700字


American Dream in “The Great Gatsby”

F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel, “The Great Gatsby”, is one of the few novels he wrote in 1925. The novel takes place during the 1920’s following the 1st World War. It is written about a young man named Nick, from the east he moved to the west to learn about the bond business. He ends up moving next to a mysterious man named Gatsby who ends up giving him the lesion of his life.

After the circle love with Gatsby and his cousin Daisy, Gatsby was killed by the trick of Tom. Through reading the book, it shows how the experience of selfness and humanity after World War 1 that made the high social optimistic over their lives. It showed how they wanted to forget the past and make themselves back into their own social class. Also, by the experience of Daisy and Jordan treatment from the men in the stories make the reader to see that time didn’t change the relationship between man and man.

This novel is a great novel to give an example on how reality is to people even the high social class. Through the discussion of the passage, author wants to show how the path leads to the “American Dream ” can turn into a negative or positive outcome in a person’s life.

When Mr. Fitzgerald wrote “The Great Gatsby,” he described the actions of the human society. Actually, not only did he describe and critic the high class but also the lower class, all these leads to critiquing the American Dream. The American Dream was a idea give to believe that a man should being happy, wealthy, and loved which has cause any man to go in search for this idea. All that is end up being found is the fact of having the illusion of having more material is to be happy than being happy by valuing what you already have.

Gatsby is just a great example of failing to valuing his materials. He had everything he wanted (except Daisy of course) but he never used or appreciated the materials he was surrounded by. He didn’t value anything but Daisy since the reason for everything he did was for her. It only leaves to question to whether he really loved her or wanted her wealth or maybe just even the accomplishment of having her. For all we can know Daisy could just be trophy toward Gatsby and Tom since they never considered her opinion as if she was an object.

On the other hand, Nick chasing his American dream of learning the bond business Through the process he fell for Jordan and was the observer of Gatsby’s life, make him to go back home. In the end, everyone just wants the American Dream but everybody’s definition is different which just indicates that I’ll never be accomplished. Once we accomp lish something, we end up being hungry for another goal.

A big part of the American dream is to love, which seemed to be Gatsby’s main goal. Daisy gave him motivation to have the dream, which

caused him to chase after it. Although he reaches as far as he possibly could, he still couldn’t reach his first target, daisy.

“However, we conclude by reminding ourselves that we should not think of Gatsby as a condemnation of America, but rather as a warning bell, we can say, as relevant today as when it was published.”

Another thing we need to realize is the incorrect American Values. Wealth and class has always been a big component. Daisy is a perfect example of wealth and high class while Gatsby will never leave his lower class, which still continues to be a problem for his American Dream. Although he “invented” himself to be high class, he will never leave the lower class and get Daisy, which makes him fail to get the American Dream. Even with Tom’s dream, his American Dream is never fulfilled because if he was happy he wouldn’t lie and have a mistress. No matter the wealth and class, it still won’t help you get your dream faster. In which this article, perfectly touched the small details that ended up equaling to my theme.

In a conclusion, The Great Gatsby was a great book for everyone, not only for American, but deserves everyone to have a self-examination. ---how can we have a correct value of love, wealth and authority? How can we deal of the balance of them? This book shows what chasing the American Dream can make you do. Nick just wanted the American Dream but he found love, hatred and just decided to take the route back home. Gatsby after achieving almost his full American Dream just ended up death. That shows that the American Dream is just a false hope. What attracts us to it is the thrill of accomplishing that goal but it just strives us to make another goal. The Great Gatsby was written to show us our flaws. So we should all learn from it to be ourselves and never to change for any cause or anyone.

American Dream in “The Great Gatsby”

F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel, “The Great Gatsby”, is one of the few novels he wrote in 1925. The novel takes place during the 1920’s following the 1st World War. It is written about a young man named Nick, from the east he moved to the west to learn about the bond business. He ends up moving next to a mysterious man named Gatsby who ends up giving him the lesion of his life.

After the circle love with Gatsby and his cousin Daisy, Gatsby was killed by the trick of Tom. Through reading the book, it shows how the experience of selfness and humanity after World War 1 that made the high social optimistic over their lives. It showed how they wanted to forget the past and make themselves back into their own social class. Also, by the experience of Daisy and Jordan treatment from the men in the stories make the reader to see that time didn’t change the relationship between man and man.

This novel is a great novel to give an example on how reality is to people even the high social class. Through the discussion of the passage, author wants to show how the path leads to the “American Dream ” can turn into a negative or positive outcome in a person’s life.

When Mr. Fitzgerald wrote “The Great Gatsby,” he described the actions of the human society. Actually, not only did he describe and critic the high class but also the lower class, all these leads to critiquing the American Dream. The American Dream was a idea give to believe that a man should being happy, wealthy, and loved which has cause any man to go in search for this idea. All that is end up being found is the fact of having the illusion of having more material is to be happy than being happy by valuing what you already have.

Gatsby is just a great example of failing to valuing his materials. He had everything he wanted (except Daisy of course) but he never used or appreciated the materials he was surrounded by. He didn’t value anything but Daisy since the reason for everything he did was for her. It only leaves to question to whether he really loved her or wanted her wealth or maybe just even the accomplishment of having her. For all we can know Daisy could just be trophy toward Gatsby and Tom since they never considered her opinion as if she was an object.

On the other hand, Nick chasing his American dream of learning the bond business Through the process he fell for Jordan and was the observer of Gatsby’s life, make him to go back home. In the end, everyone just wants the American Dream but everybody’s definition is different which just indicates that I’ll never be accomplished. Once we accomp lish something, we end up being hungry for another goal.

A big part of the American dream is to love, which seemed to be Gatsby’s main goal. Daisy gave him motivation to have the dream, which

caused him to chase after it. Although he reaches as far as he possibly could, he still couldn’t reach his first target, daisy.

“However, we conclude by reminding ourselves that we should not think of Gatsby as a condemnation of America, but rather as a warning bell, we can say, as relevant today as when it was published.”

Another thing we need to realize is the incorrect American Values. Wealth and class has always been a big component. Daisy is a perfect example of wealth and high class while Gatsby will never leave his lower class, which still continues to be a problem for his American Dream. Although he “invented” himself to be high class, he will never leave the lower class and get Daisy, which makes him fail to get the American Dream. Even with Tom’s dream, his American Dream is never fulfilled because if he was happy he wouldn’t lie and have a mistress. No matter the wealth and class, it still won’t help you get your dream faster. In which this article, perfectly touched the small details that ended up equaling to my theme.

In a conclusion, The Great Gatsby was a great book for everyone, not only for American, but deserves everyone to have a self-examination. ---how can we have a correct value of love, wealth and authority? How can we deal of the balance of them? This book shows what chasing the American Dream can make you do. Nick just wanted the American Dream but he found love, hatred and just decided to take the route back home. Gatsby after achieving almost his full American Dream just ended up death. That shows that the American Dream is just a false hope. What attracts us to it is the thrill of accomplishing that goal but it just strives us to make another goal. The Great Gatsby was written to show us our flaws. So we should all learn from it to be ourselves and never to change for any cause or anyone.


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