

1 ❝

假如你的名字叫吴敏,你从中国日报上看到一则公司招聘经理助理的启事, 你写封应聘信❝





November 12,2011

Dear Sir/Madam,

In reply to your advertisement in China Daily, I wish to apply for the position of manager assistant.

I graduated from Hubei University in 2001 with the major of International Trade. I have been engaging in the trade business since then. I am good at computer operation and speak fluent English.

I would like to work in your company and hope I may be granted an interview.

Yours sincerely,

Wu Min

2 ❝

说明:假设你是一个外企的职员。因故要辞职,特向公司总经理Mr. White 写辞职信。内容如下:❝





❝Dear Mr. White,

I regret to inform you that I decided to resign from my job next month(May,20th). As an emplyeer of the company, I have strived with my work for five years.I

propose leaving for it is inconvenient. Now, I want to have a new work instead, which is not far away from my home.

3 ❝Thank you for giving me many chances to learn and to gain the valuable experiences in the company. I hope my resignation would not cause you much trouble.I will put off my resignation two months if you couldn't find someone to displace me for the time being.

❝I would appreciate if you could let me have a reference letter before I leave.

❝Yours faithfully,❝xxx

代替销售部经理Smith 给ABC 公司White 写封信,内容如下:

1. 感谢对方12月11日的对数码相机的询价;

2. 现在告诉有关情况及所需产品的价格及详细信;

3. 本公司生产的数码相机质量好,性能可靠,价格低;

4. 如订购10台以上,可享受5%的折扣;

5. 如果订购的数量更大,可享受10%的折扣;

6. 希望从速订购。

4 Dec20th, 2008

Dear Mr. White,

Thank you for your enquiry of digital cameras dated Dec11th. We enclosed a copy of pricelist of the products that you requested and other related information. The digital cameras made by our company are good at quality, reliable at function and low at price. You can enjoy 5% discount if you order ten (or above) sets of the machine. You will have 10% discount if you order a bigger quantity of the products. If there is anything else you’d like to know, please contact us anytime. We are looking forward to your prompt order.

Yours Sincerely


Manager of Sales Department

假如你是公司老板,营销部经理肖进将出国办事,你现在写一封介绍信给英国的老朋友John ,信的内容如下:❝

1. 介绍肖进的基本情况(学历,工作经验,个性,你的评价等);❝

2. 持信人去英国的目的;❝

3. 由于John 在营销方面具有丰富的经验和广泛的联系,请求能在业务上给与支持;❝

4. 希望John 有机会来中国参观;❝5. 表示感谢。

5 ❝

Dear John,❝I am very pleased to introduce Mr. Xiao Jin, our marketing manager, who will be in London on business next month.

❝Mr. Xiao graduated from Beijing University, majoring in

Business Administration. Since graduation, he has been working in our marketing department for 7 years. So he is quite experiencedin marketing and he has close business relationship with

customers. Moreover, he is very active, responsible, reliable and hardworking.

❝I would appreciate it if you could give him any support and

help he may need. I hope you can visit China in the near future and I will show you around to enjoy its beautiful scenery.


Jin Ming❝

以David Smith 的名义写一封投诉信(a letter of complaint)。❝


内容:你在5月17 日在阳光百货大楼买了一台洗衣机,回家使用不到两周就坏了,经多次维修,还不能正常使用,要求更换或退款,但是售货员不允,因此向总经理投诉。❝

Words for reference:❝

更换:replacement ❝退款:refunding

6 Dear Sir / Madam, I am writing to complain about the quality of your product and the attitude of your salesman. On May 17 I bought a washing machine at Sunshine department store. I had used it only two weeks when it was broken. What’s worse, it still can’t work normally after several times’repair. I took it to your store in order to ask for replacement or refunding, but the salesperson refused my demands. Therefore ,I have to write the letter of complaint.I will appreciate anything you can do to help me on this matter.respectfully, David Smith假定你是Media Hotel 的人事部经理李卫, 你的秘书王芳打算到离她家较近的一家外贸公司应聘相应职位, 请你为她写一封推荐信。

信中介绍王芳的基本情况:前进职业技术学院商务英语专业毕业, 擅长英语, 能熟练操作计算机, 待人诚恳, 与人相处和睦。工作效率高。有三年秘书工作经验. 其他你认为应介绍的情况。收信人: John Brown 新秋外贸公司人事经理。


7 March 28th, 2008

Mr. John BrownPersonnel Manager The New Autumn Foreign Trade CompanyDear Mr. John Brown,I have been asked to write a letter of recommendation for Miss Wang Fang. I am very pleased to do so.Wang Fang has worked as a secretary in my company for three years. She is an excellent assistant. During her work with my company, she enjoyed her responsibility and tried her best to do what she can do. She has got much experience in her work. She is an easy-going person and can get on well with other people. She treatspeople with sincerity. Everyone here likes her very much.

Wang Fang graduated from the Business English Major of the Qian-jinProfessional Technical College. Her English is excellent. She can speak and write English very well and she can operate a computer skillfully. I think the most important personalities are her loyalty and reliability.I really feel very sorry to lose her, but she intends to apply for a proper position in a foreign trade company near her home. I sincerely recommend her to you. I ’ll appreciate it very much if you can give her your help.

Yours Sincerely Li WeiPersonnel Manager Media Hotel

8 说明:以商务管理2班全班学生的名义于2009年3月15日给外教Mr. Morgan Stanley写一封邀请信,邀请他携夫人参加周末化装舞会(masked ball)。会上每个人都要表演一个节目,请做好准备。


March 15, 2009

Dear Mr. Morgan Stanley,

We are very glad to invite you and Mrs. Stanley to our masked ball which will be held in the dancing hall on the second floor of No. 3 Building from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. on March 21(Friday). Everyone present will give a performance. Please get ready for it. We are looking forward to your arrival.

Yours sincerely,

Class 2, Business Administration


Mr. White的同事John 为White 先生于2008-6-2留下一份电话留言便笺(Telephone Message Note). 内容如下:1).White 先生外出办事期间,他的朋友Johnson 先生从新加坡打来电话。2)Johnson 先生明天乘飞机来上海。望White 先生到机场接他。3). 飞机到达时间是17点10分。航班号是:

CUF2546Dear Mr. White,

Telephone Message Note

June 2, 2008

Your friend Mr. Johnson called from Singapore when you were away for business. Mr. Johnson said that he will fly to Shanghai tomorrow morning, and he hopes that you will go to the airport and pick him. The plane will arrive at 17:10, and the flight no. is CUF2546.


10 ❝




浩瀚大酒店:Haohan International hotel❝

退房:Check out❝存储箱:Safe Deposit Box 前台,总台:the Front Desk Dear Customers,


From January 1st 2008, the check-out hour will be

changed from 12:00 am to 12:30 am. Please do return the key to the Front Desk while you are checking out. If you lose the key, we will charge you RMB 20 yuan.

If there are any valuable belongings with you, please

keep them in the free Safe Deposit Box at the Front Desk. We will be irresponsible for any loss in your room or in the publicarea of the hotel.

Haohan International Hotel

11 ❝二、说明:根据下列内容,以公司人事部的名义写一张通告全体办公室员工的内部通知。

❝内容:公司人事部决定为公司员工提供英语口语培训的机会。聘请一名有经验的美国老师帮助大家提高英语口语技能。时间安排在每周一、三、五下班前1小时,4:30—5:30。地点在公司的会议室。请参加的员工和人事部Green 小姐联系。课程从下周一开始。2007年12月15日。


❝To: employees working in all offices

❝From: Personnel Department

❝Re: spoken English training opportunities

❝Date: December 15, 2007

❝Personnel Department of our company has decided to offer spoken English training

opportunities to employees working in all offices. A experienced American teacher will be employed to help you improve your spoken English. You will be trained one hour before duty off on Monday,

Wednesday and Friday at company’s conference room. Those who will attend this program should contact Ms Green of the Personnel Department. The course will begin next week.

12 ❝

根据下列提示为日出软件公司行政办公室(administration office)写一则海报(poster )。写成一个段落,要求内容和格式完整。❝

你公司为了庆祝2008年新年,决定于2007年12月29日星期五下午3点在市体育中心举行一场足球友谊赛,由策划部(the Planning Department)对销售部,由著名裁判主哨,比赛由福利部(the Welfare Department )负责组织。❝出海报日期为12月25日。

❝In order to celebrate the New Year of 2008, our company has decided to hold a soccer friendly match which is organized by the Welfare Department in the Sports Centre at 3 o’clock on 29th December, 2007(Friday afternoon). The two teams are: the Planning Department vs. the Marketing Department. A famous referee will be invited to the match. Everyone in our company will be welcome.Administration Office December 25th, 2007

13 ❝

一、根据以下信息,给Miss Nancy Smith写一封电子邮件,内容如下:❝

To: Miss Nancy Smith❝

From: Lin Wei❝

Date: 2008-6-10❝

Address: Reservation@Hilton.com❝


1.Arison 公司计划在Hilton Hotel举办软件技术研讨会;❝

2. 计划安排20人入住,需要预定10个带浴室的双人房,需租用会议室3天,并需提供6月16-18日的午餐;❝

3. 入住日期是2008年6月16-18日;❝4. 希望尽快回复,并告知房价、会议室租金及用餐情况。❝

To: Miss Nancy Smith❝

From: Lin Wei❝

Date: 2008-6-10❝

Address: Reservation@Hilton.com❝

Subject: Hotel Booking ❝

Dear Miss Nancy Smith, ❝We are going to hold a workshop on software technology at Hilton Hotel. We would like to book ten double rooms with bath for twenty persons and the conference room for three days. What is more, the lunches for June 16 through 18 need be served in your hotel. We will stay in your hotel from June 16 to June 18, 2008. It is hoped toreceive your reply to give information about room rate, conference room rent and meal as soon as possible.

❝Yours sincerely,

❝Arison Company

Lin Wei

14 Mrs.Eder 有一所大房子,想找两人合租,请你根据下列

内容写一份出租广告。内容如下:紧邻Kennedy 路和Portland 地铁站,但所处街道安静。两个大房间,有花园,中央供暖,家具齐全。不吸烟者优先,大学生更好。房租周付,110美金。


Words for reference:中央供暖:Central-heated


A Large House to Share

Kennedy Rd.-Portland Subway Station, quiet, 2 lrg br with garden, Ch, furn, non-smoker/

college student preferable, 110 US. dollars p/w, call 721-4592, Mrs. Eller

1 ❝

假如你的名字叫吴敏,你从中国日报上看到一则公司招聘经理助理的启事, 你写封应聘信❝





November 12,2011

Dear Sir/Madam,

In reply to your advertisement in China Daily, I wish to apply for the position of manager assistant.

I graduated from Hubei University in 2001 with the major of International Trade. I have been engaging in the trade business since then. I am good at computer operation and speak fluent English.

I would like to work in your company and hope I may be granted an interview.

Yours sincerely,

Wu Min

2 ❝

说明:假设你是一个外企的职员。因故要辞职,特向公司总经理Mr. White 写辞职信。内容如下:❝





❝Dear Mr. White,

I regret to inform you that I decided to resign from my job next month(May,20th). As an emplyeer of the company, I have strived with my work for five years.I

propose leaving for it is inconvenient. Now, I want to have a new work instead, which is not far away from my home.

3 ❝Thank you for giving me many chances to learn and to gain the valuable experiences in the company. I hope my resignation would not cause you much trouble.I will put off my resignation two months if you couldn't find someone to displace me for the time being.

❝I would appreciate if you could let me have a reference letter before I leave.

❝Yours faithfully,❝xxx

代替销售部经理Smith 给ABC 公司White 写封信,内容如下:

1. 感谢对方12月11日的对数码相机的询价;

2. 现在告诉有关情况及所需产品的价格及详细信;

3. 本公司生产的数码相机质量好,性能可靠,价格低;

4. 如订购10台以上,可享受5%的折扣;

5. 如果订购的数量更大,可享受10%的折扣;

6. 希望从速订购。

4 Dec20th, 2008

Dear Mr. White,

Thank you for your enquiry of digital cameras dated Dec11th. We enclosed a copy of pricelist of the products that you requested and other related information. The digital cameras made by our company are good at quality, reliable at function and low at price. You can enjoy 5% discount if you order ten (or above) sets of the machine. You will have 10% discount if you order a bigger quantity of the products. If there is anything else you’d like to know, please contact us anytime. We are looking forward to your prompt order.

Yours Sincerely


Manager of Sales Department

假如你是公司老板,营销部经理肖进将出国办事,你现在写一封介绍信给英国的老朋友John ,信的内容如下:❝

1. 介绍肖进的基本情况(学历,工作经验,个性,你的评价等);❝

2. 持信人去英国的目的;❝

3. 由于John 在营销方面具有丰富的经验和广泛的联系,请求能在业务上给与支持;❝

4. 希望John 有机会来中国参观;❝5. 表示感谢。

5 ❝

Dear John,❝I am very pleased to introduce Mr. Xiao Jin, our marketing manager, who will be in London on business next month.

❝Mr. Xiao graduated from Beijing University, majoring in

Business Administration. Since graduation, he has been working in our marketing department for 7 years. So he is quite experiencedin marketing and he has close business relationship with

customers. Moreover, he is very active, responsible, reliable and hardworking.

❝I would appreciate it if you could give him any support and

help he may need. I hope you can visit China in the near future and I will show you around to enjoy its beautiful scenery.


Jin Ming❝

以David Smith 的名义写一封投诉信(a letter of complaint)。❝


内容:你在5月17 日在阳光百货大楼买了一台洗衣机,回家使用不到两周就坏了,经多次维修,还不能正常使用,要求更换或退款,但是售货员不允,因此向总经理投诉。❝

Words for reference:❝

更换:replacement ❝退款:refunding

6 Dear Sir / Madam, I am writing to complain about the quality of your product and the attitude of your salesman. On May 17 I bought a washing machine at Sunshine department store. I had used it only two weeks when it was broken. What’s worse, it still can’t work normally after several times’repair. I took it to your store in order to ask for replacement or refunding, but the salesperson refused my demands. Therefore ,I have to write the letter of complaint.I will appreciate anything you can do to help me on this matter.respectfully, David Smith假定你是Media Hotel 的人事部经理李卫, 你的秘书王芳打算到离她家较近的一家外贸公司应聘相应职位, 请你为她写一封推荐信。

信中介绍王芳的基本情况:前进职业技术学院商务英语专业毕业, 擅长英语, 能熟练操作计算机, 待人诚恳, 与人相处和睦。工作效率高。有三年秘书工作经验. 其他你认为应介绍的情况。收信人: John Brown 新秋外贸公司人事经理。


7 March 28th, 2008

Mr. John BrownPersonnel Manager The New Autumn Foreign Trade CompanyDear Mr. John Brown,I have been asked to write a letter of recommendation for Miss Wang Fang. I am very pleased to do so.Wang Fang has worked as a secretary in my company for three years. She is an excellent assistant. During her work with my company, she enjoyed her responsibility and tried her best to do what she can do. She has got much experience in her work. She is an easy-going person and can get on well with other people. She treatspeople with sincerity. Everyone here likes her very much.

Wang Fang graduated from the Business English Major of the Qian-jinProfessional Technical College. Her English is excellent. She can speak and write English very well and she can operate a computer skillfully. I think the most important personalities are her loyalty and reliability.I really feel very sorry to lose her, but she intends to apply for a proper position in a foreign trade company near her home. I sincerely recommend her to you. I ’ll appreciate it very much if you can give her your help.

Yours Sincerely Li WeiPersonnel Manager Media Hotel

8 说明:以商务管理2班全班学生的名义于2009年3月15日给外教Mr. Morgan Stanley写一封邀请信,邀请他携夫人参加周末化装舞会(masked ball)。会上每个人都要表演一个节目,请做好准备。


March 15, 2009

Dear Mr. Morgan Stanley,

We are very glad to invite you and Mrs. Stanley to our masked ball which will be held in the dancing hall on the second floor of No. 3 Building from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. on March 21(Friday). Everyone present will give a performance. Please get ready for it. We are looking forward to your arrival.

Yours sincerely,

Class 2, Business Administration


Mr. White的同事John 为White 先生于2008-6-2留下一份电话留言便笺(Telephone Message Note). 内容如下:1).White 先生外出办事期间,他的朋友Johnson 先生从新加坡打来电话。2)Johnson 先生明天乘飞机来上海。望White 先生到机场接他。3). 飞机到达时间是17点10分。航班号是:

CUF2546Dear Mr. White,

Telephone Message Note

June 2, 2008

Your friend Mr. Johnson called from Singapore when you were away for business. Mr. Johnson said that he will fly to Shanghai tomorrow morning, and he hopes that you will go to the airport and pick him. The plane will arrive at 17:10, and the flight no. is CUF2546.


10 ❝




浩瀚大酒店:Haohan International hotel❝

退房:Check out❝存储箱:Safe Deposit Box 前台,总台:the Front Desk Dear Customers,


From January 1st 2008, the check-out hour will be

changed from 12:00 am to 12:30 am. Please do return the key to the Front Desk while you are checking out. If you lose the key, we will charge you RMB 20 yuan.

If there are any valuable belongings with you, please

keep them in the free Safe Deposit Box at the Front Desk. We will be irresponsible for any loss in your room or in the publicarea of the hotel.

Haohan International Hotel

11 ❝二、说明:根据下列内容,以公司人事部的名义写一张通告全体办公室员工的内部通知。

❝内容:公司人事部决定为公司员工提供英语口语培训的机会。聘请一名有经验的美国老师帮助大家提高英语口语技能。时间安排在每周一、三、五下班前1小时,4:30—5:30。地点在公司的会议室。请参加的员工和人事部Green 小姐联系。课程从下周一开始。2007年12月15日。


❝To: employees working in all offices

❝From: Personnel Department

❝Re: spoken English training opportunities

❝Date: December 15, 2007

❝Personnel Department of our company has decided to offer spoken English training

opportunities to employees working in all offices. A experienced American teacher will be employed to help you improve your spoken English. You will be trained one hour before duty off on Monday,

Wednesday and Friday at company’s conference room. Those who will attend this program should contact Ms Green of the Personnel Department. The course will begin next week.

12 ❝

根据下列提示为日出软件公司行政办公室(administration office)写一则海报(poster )。写成一个段落,要求内容和格式完整。❝

你公司为了庆祝2008年新年,决定于2007年12月29日星期五下午3点在市体育中心举行一场足球友谊赛,由策划部(the Planning Department)对销售部,由著名裁判主哨,比赛由福利部(the Welfare Department )负责组织。❝出海报日期为12月25日。

❝In order to celebrate the New Year of 2008, our company has decided to hold a soccer friendly match which is organized by the Welfare Department in the Sports Centre at 3 o’clock on 29th December, 2007(Friday afternoon). The two teams are: the Planning Department vs. the Marketing Department. A famous referee will be invited to the match. Everyone in our company will be welcome.Administration Office December 25th, 2007

13 ❝

一、根据以下信息,给Miss Nancy Smith写一封电子邮件,内容如下:❝

To: Miss Nancy Smith❝

From: Lin Wei❝

Date: 2008-6-10❝

Address: Reservation@Hilton.com❝


1.Arison 公司计划在Hilton Hotel举办软件技术研讨会;❝

2. 计划安排20人入住,需要预定10个带浴室的双人房,需租用会议室3天,并需提供6月16-18日的午餐;❝

3. 入住日期是2008年6月16-18日;❝4. 希望尽快回复,并告知房价、会议室租金及用餐情况。❝

To: Miss Nancy Smith❝

From: Lin Wei❝

Date: 2008-6-10❝

Address: Reservation@Hilton.com❝

Subject: Hotel Booking ❝

Dear Miss Nancy Smith, ❝We are going to hold a workshop on software technology at Hilton Hotel. We would like to book ten double rooms with bath for twenty persons and the conference room for three days. What is more, the lunches for June 16 through 18 need be served in your hotel. We will stay in your hotel from June 16 to June 18, 2008. It is hoped toreceive your reply to give information about room rate, conference room rent and meal as soon as possible.

❝Yours sincerely,

❝Arison Company

Lin Wei

14 Mrs.Eder 有一所大房子,想找两人合租,请你根据下列

内容写一份出租广告。内容如下:紧邻Kennedy 路和Portland 地铁站,但所处街道安静。两个大房间,有花园,中央供暖,家具齐全。不吸烟者优先,大学生更好。房租周付,110美金。


Words for reference:中央供暖:Central-heated


A Large House to Share

Kennedy Rd.-Portland Subway Station, quiet, 2 lrg br with garden, Ch, furn, non-smoker/

college student preferable, 110 US. dollars p/w, call 721-4592, Mrs. Eller


  • 我的妹妹作文300字
  • 我的妹妹叫刘星辰,今年4岁,小脸红扑扑的,一双黑亮的眼睛像是两颗黑宝石,笑起来嘴角还有一个小酒窝,她像洋娃娃一样可爱.她是个又淘气又聪明的小娃娃. 妹妹和我有一个共同的爱好--喜欢英语.虽然她只有三岁,可她已经会唱英语的二十六个字母歌.苹果红.我爱咖啡我爱茶.早上好等多首英语儿歌了.虽然她只是有的单 ...

  • 我的老师作文400字
  • 我的老师有一双大大的眼睛,一张能说善辩的嘴巴,一双灵巧的小手,这就是我的姚老师. 我们的姚老师可是个大才女,她不仅英语和语文十分精通,数学也讲得非常好.有一次,我们的英语课本上竟然出现了一个数学题,即使教师给我们翻译了一遍,我们仍然听不懂.这时,姚老师发话了:"都不会吗?那好吧,那我今天就 ...

  • 139班的成长,我们共同见证作文2900字
  • 引子 还没来得及跟童年说再见,我们就已经被推上青春的列车,还没能享受够爸妈的"怀抱"却已不得不尝试着独自奔向远行的驿站.我们一群懵懵懂懂的青春少年,带着童年的天真,学着中年的老成,用我们的执著在蓝天下书写我们自己的乐章. 年的九月金秋,我们不约而同地相聚在鸡街中学,组成了如家般温 ...

  • 随笔作文500字
  • 一台农陈啊土攒了一辈子的钱一次随团出游豪华团,标准的一人间,好不自在.早晨服务生送早餐来大声说到陈啊土不解的楞住了,想到大多数是问你贵姓与是便大声的答到,我叫陈啊土.随之到第二天也是如此,陈啊土非常生气,这个服务生太笨了天天告诉他叫什么又记不住,终于他忍不住问导游是什么意思导游不不好意思的告诉他是什 ...

  • 感动作文600字
  • 这是一件发生在学校里的事,让我久久不能忘怀. 这次的数学考试我原本以为可以考到八.九十分左右,但是试卷发下来后,我快要吓死了,居然只考了六十多分.我想老师知道后肯定会批评我的,回家要也一定会被妈妈揍的.到下午第七节课的时候,程老师突然问:"今天试卷发下来了吧!""发下来 ...

  • 状元考前支招 高考前夕调整心态比复习更重要作文1400字
  • 焦虑.失眠.一大堆未解决的疑难.近日,2004年我省高考三位女状元分别接受了记者电话采访,就高考前最后这段时间如何备考发表看法.记者发现,三个女状元的看法中有惊人相似点:调整心态比继续复习更重要. 外语状元 张筱月 查缺补漏 有的放矢 2004年我省高考外语类状元张筱月在电话里说,高考前最后阶段的复 ...

  • 读[鲁滨逊漂流记]有感作文700字
  • 读<鲁滨孙漂流记>有感 五年一班 曲陈晨 读了笛福的<鲁滨孙漂流记>,我深深地被这本书所吸引,它让我体会到了鲁滨逊那惊人 的毅力和百折不挠的精神. 鲁滨孙是本书的主人公.在一次航海中,鲁宾逊所乘的船在一个荒岛附近触礁,船上的水 手和乘客全被淹死了,只有鲁滨逊一个人幸运地活了下 ...

  • 给老师的一封信作文800字
  • 张老师: 您好!老师,今天我们做了一件对不起老师您的事情. 今天早晨,我回到了班上,发现桌椅全都被摆成开家长会时"凹"形的样子.我一愣,放下书包,心想:"哦,不!桌子怎么会这样的?星期天的家长会结束后没摆回原来的样子吗?"于是,我叫同学们把桌子摆好.但同学们却 ...

  • 作文素材作文0字