


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then discuss whether there is a shortcut to learning. You should give sound arguments to support your views and write at least 150 words but no more than200 words.


(引入图画)This is a simple but enlightening cartoon: (图画描述:环境+相关人/物+动作+文字)in a bookshop or a library, a youngster asks the salesgirl or the librarian for a book of learning; however, the lady responds, “„How To Do Well In School Without Studying‟ is over there in the fiction section.

(图画联系主旨)Apparently, this cartoon can be naturally associated with students‟ illusions about “shortcut” to learning. (主题评论)But if youngsters intend to achieve success, it is advisable for them to try their utmost to study. (意义)It is efforts that enable teenagers to gain sound knowledge, skills and competence. (举例:排比)Numerous examples can be given: without mastering vocabulary and basic grammar, English learners can never write or speak fluently; without learning basic formulas in math, students can never become a master of math. (万能总结)As a matter of fact, intelligent individuals in large numbers have come to realize that there is no shortcut to learning. (现象)However, in

contemporary society, it is common phenomenon for some teenagers to pursue the so-called shortcut in their study. (举例)A case in point is the guy in the picture.

(观点)I, as a college student, am convinced that it is of great necessity for youngsters to enhance our quality by constant efforts and endeavors in study. (建议)Thus, teachers should educate, advocate and encourage their students to cultivate a positive attitude toward learning. (号召)Do bear in mind: full preparation and efforts are the way to success in learning.



Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled On Maintaining Trust by commenting on the saying, “It takes years to build trust, and a few seconds to destroy it.” You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

(主题评论) If individuals intend to acquire and enjoy long-time trust from either family

members, friends, colleagues or acquaintances, it is advisable for them to cherish. (话语引出)

Hence, when hearing the saying --It takes years to build trust, and a few seconds to destroy it.--we can perceive/appreciate its connotations.

(话语联系主题) Apparently, this saying can be naturally associated with the significance of

maintaining trust. (现象)In daily communication ,it is a common expectation for a host of people to enjoy a harmonious relation with others. (万能强调句:意义)It is a trustful relation that enables us to live in comfort, to work in efficiency, and to study in confidence. (相关人+感受:排比)How ever ,an increasing number of people find it easy to gain others‟ trust for one time, hard to maintain trust for a long time. (万能举例:排比)Two examples can be given: if a student cheats in a test, he may not be trusted by teachers for a term; if an employee lies to his boss for minor matters, he may gain no opportunity of promotion in future. (万能总结) As a matter of fact, intelligent people in large numbers have come to realize the significance of maintaining trust in work and life.

(号召)Do bear in mind: maintaining trust ensures a harmonious relation in communication. (观

点:排比递进),as a youngster, am convinced that it is exceedingly necessary for college students to


勤奋Diligence 耐心Patience 成功Success 机遇Opportunity

挑战Challenge 勤俭节约Thrifty 创新Innovation 拼搏精神The Determined

Spirit 奉献精神The Dedication Spirit 自信Self-Confidence 诚实Honesty 谦虚Modesty 奋斗Strive 团队精神&合作Teamwork Spirit &Cooperation 竞争

Competition 实事求是The Fittest Is the Best 社会公德Public Morality礼貌Politeness 提高个人修养Shaping the Morality 爱心Love

责任Responsibility 美丽Beauty 理解、谅解Understanding

和谐社会Harmonious Society 打好基础的重要性The Importance of Fundamentals/Basic Skills 可持续发展Sustainable Development

美德Virtue 谨慎Prudence

尊老爱幼Respect the Old and Care for the Young 仁义道德Virtue and Morality 挫折与坎坷Twists and Turns

逆境Set back 成功无捷径There Is No Shortcut to Success

终身学习Life-Long Study 从小事做起Start from Small Details

人生处处面临选择We Are Always Faced Various Choices 幽默感A Sense of Humor 沟通

Communication 身心健康Physical and Mental Health 捐献Donation

人才的素质The Qualities of the Talents 业余爱好Hobbies

爱国主义Patriotism 感谢对手Expressing Thanks to Our Rivals

欣赏Appreciation 关爱True Love 信念Conviction 奉献 Contributions 梦想 Ambitions 希望 Hope


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Education Pays based on the statistics provided in the chart below (Weekly earnings in 2010). Please give a brief

description of the chart first and then make comments on it. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

This is a simple but enlightening chart by US Bureau of Labor: in 2010, it had become a trend for doctors, masters and bachelors to earn more money in a week in US--- $1551, $1272 and

$1038.Meanwhile, other individuals could not enjoy satisfactory earnings, if they did not receive better education or gained higher degrees.

Obviously, this chart can be naturally associated with the importance of education: if individuals

intend to acquire better earnings, it is advisable for them to gain higher degrees. In contemporary America, it is a common phenomenon for a host of major companies ,corporations or organizations to recruit doctors and masters and pay them better salaries. Meanwhile, an increasing number of

youngsters will find it rather difficult to gain nice-pay jobs, if they have no degrees. It is education that enables them to build up adequate knowledge, skills and ability to deal with important tasks. As a matter of fact, employees and employers in large numbers have come to realize the significance of higher degrees.

As a college student, I am convinced that it is of great necessity for youngsters to enhance

ourselves by studying hard and getting better degrees. Do bear in mind: education means a worthy investment. (204 words)


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay explaining your understanding on the remark by Ziglar, “”. You can give examples of your life to illustrate your point. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200words.


This is a simple but thought-provoking remark by Ziglar, “Your attitude, not your aptitude, will

determine your altitude”. Apparently, this saying can be naturally associated with the importance of attitude: if individuals intend to achieve success, it is advisable for them to possess a positive mind.

In contemporary society, it is a common phenomenon for a host of people to face various

difficulties or challenges in life, work and study. Meanwhile, an increasing number of youngsters find it

rather difficult to succeed, if they have only aptitude, with no desire to win .A case in point is me: my aptitude of English is not adequate, but I study hard and make progresses every day. It is our positive attitudes that enable us to build up enough hope, confidence and optimism to conquer difficulties. As a matter of fact, intelligent people in large numbers have come to realize the close relation among attitude, aptitude and altitude.

Do bear in mind: nothing succeeds without as trong will. Thus, we should educate, advocate and encourage our friends ,classmates and acquaintances not to give up in any hardships. As a college

student, I am convinced that it is of great necessity for youngsters to enhance our attitudes to reach ideal altitudes. (205)


Directions: For this part, you are allowed30 minutes to write a short essay based on the picture below. You should focus on the impact of social networking websites on reading. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


This is a simple, funny but thought-provoking carton, in which two lovers are discussing about their hobby of reading. To our shock, the guy tells his girlfriend, “I love reading. I read about 3 hours a day. My favorite book is Face book”.

This picture, apparently, can be naturally associated with the negative impact of social networks on reading. If individuals intend to acquire and enjoy long-time pleasure of reading, it is not advisable for them to read merely through networks. However, in contemporary society, it is a common phenomenon for a host of youngsters to spend too much time in reading, sharing and chatting with friends on social networks. It is these websites that do not enable teenagers to have adequate opportunities or time to read traditional books. As a matter of fact, intelligent people in large numbers have come to realize the severe influences of this trend on modern life: some young people have become addicted to these social websites.

I, as a college student, am convinced that it is exceedingly necessary for youngsters to read on social networking websites, but it is of greater necessity for them to acquire knowledge from traditional books, like classic novels, poems and essays. Do bear in mind: social networks are just our tools and never can we become their slaves.


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then discuss whether there is a shortcut to learning. You should give sound arguments to support your views and write at least 150 words but no more than200 words.


(引入图画)This is a simple but enlightening cartoon: (图画描述:环境+相关人/物+动作+文字)in a bookshop or a library, a youngster asks the salesgirl or the librarian for a book of learning; however, the lady responds, “„How To Do Well In School Without Studying‟ is over there in the fiction section.

(图画联系主旨)Apparently, this cartoon can be naturally associated with students‟ illusions about “shortcut” to learning. (主题评论)But if youngsters intend to achieve success, it is advisable for them to try their utmost to study. (意义)It is efforts that enable teenagers to gain sound knowledge, skills and competence. (举例:排比)Numerous examples can be given: without mastering vocabulary and basic grammar, English learners can never write or speak fluently; without learning basic formulas in math, students can never become a master of math. (万能总结)As a matter of fact, intelligent individuals in large numbers have come to realize that there is no shortcut to learning. (现象)However, in

contemporary society, it is common phenomenon for some teenagers to pursue the so-called shortcut in their study. (举例)A case in point is the guy in the picture.

(观点)I, as a college student, am convinced that it is of great necessity for youngsters to enhance our quality by constant efforts and endeavors in study. (建议)Thus, teachers should educate, advocate and encourage their students to cultivate a positive attitude toward learning. (号召)Do bear in mind: full preparation and efforts are the way to success in learning.



Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled On Maintaining Trust by commenting on the saying, “It takes years to build trust, and a few seconds to destroy it.” You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

(主题评论) If individuals intend to acquire and enjoy long-time trust from either family

members, friends, colleagues or acquaintances, it is advisable for them to cherish. (话语引出)

Hence, when hearing the saying --It takes years to build trust, and a few seconds to destroy it.--we can perceive/appreciate its connotations.

(话语联系主题) Apparently, this saying can be naturally associated with the significance of

maintaining trust. (现象)In daily communication ,it is a common expectation for a host of people to enjoy a harmonious relation with others. (万能强调句:意义)It is a trustful relation that enables us to live in comfort, to work in efficiency, and to study in confidence. (相关人+感受:排比)How ever ,an increasing number of people find it easy to gain others‟ trust for one time, hard to maintain trust for a long time. (万能举例:排比)Two examples can be given: if a student cheats in a test, he may not be trusted by teachers for a term; if an employee lies to his boss for minor matters, he may gain no opportunity of promotion in future. (万能总结) As a matter of fact, intelligent people in large numbers have come to realize the significance of maintaining trust in work and life.

(号召)Do bear in mind: maintaining trust ensures a harmonious relation in communication. (观

点:排比递进),as a youngster, am convinced that it is exceedingly necessary for college students to


勤奋Diligence 耐心Patience 成功Success 机遇Opportunity

挑战Challenge 勤俭节约Thrifty 创新Innovation 拼搏精神The Determined

Spirit 奉献精神The Dedication Spirit 自信Self-Confidence 诚实Honesty 谦虚Modesty 奋斗Strive 团队精神&合作Teamwork Spirit &Cooperation 竞争

Competition 实事求是The Fittest Is the Best 社会公德Public Morality礼貌Politeness 提高个人修养Shaping the Morality 爱心Love

责任Responsibility 美丽Beauty 理解、谅解Understanding

和谐社会Harmonious Society 打好基础的重要性The Importance of Fundamentals/Basic Skills 可持续发展Sustainable Development

美德Virtue 谨慎Prudence

尊老爱幼Respect the Old and Care for the Young 仁义道德Virtue and Morality 挫折与坎坷Twists and Turns

逆境Set back 成功无捷径There Is No Shortcut to Success

终身学习Life-Long Study 从小事做起Start from Small Details

人生处处面临选择We Are Always Faced Various Choices 幽默感A Sense of Humor 沟通

Communication 身心健康Physical and Mental Health 捐献Donation

人才的素质The Qualities of the Talents 业余爱好Hobbies

爱国主义Patriotism 感谢对手Expressing Thanks to Our Rivals

欣赏Appreciation 关爱True Love 信念Conviction 奉献 Contributions 梦想 Ambitions 希望 Hope


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Education Pays based on the statistics provided in the chart below (Weekly earnings in 2010). Please give a brief

description of the chart first and then make comments on it. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

This is a simple but enlightening chart by US Bureau of Labor: in 2010, it had become a trend for doctors, masters and bachelors to earn more money in a week in US--- $1551, $1272 and

$1038.Meanwhile, other individuals could not enjoy satisfactory earnings, if they did not receive better education or gained higher degrees.

Obviously, this chart can be naturally associated with the importance of education: if individuals

intend to acquire better earnings, it is advisable for them to gain higher degrees. In contemporary America, it is a common phenomenon for a host of major companies ,corporations or organizations to recruit doctors and masters and pay them better salaries. Meanwhile, an increasing number of

youngsters will find it rather difficult to gain nice-pay jobs, if they have no degrees. It is education that enables them to build up adequate knowledge, skills and ability to deal with important tasks. As a matter of fact, employees and employers in large numbers have come to realize the significance of higher degrees.

As a college student, I am convinced that it is of great necessity for youngsters to enhance

ourselves by studying hard and getting better degrees. Do bear in mind: education means a worthy investment. (204 words)


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay explaining your understanding on the remark by Ziglar, “”. You can give examples of your life to illustrate your point. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200words.


This is a simple but thought-provoking remark by Ziglar, “Your attitude, not your aptitude, will

determine your altitude”. Apparently, this saying can be naturally associated with the importance of attitude: if individuals intend to achieve success, it is advisable for them to possess a positive mind.

In contemporary society, it is a common phenomenon for a host of people to face various

difficulties or challenges in life, work and study. Meanwhile, an increasing number of youngsters find it

rather difficult to succeed, if they have only aptitude, with no desire to win .A case in point is me: my aptitude of English is not adequate, but I study hard and make progresses every day. It is our positive attitudes that enable us to build up enough hope, confidence and optimism to conquer difficulties. As a matter of fact, intelligent people in large numbers have come to realize the close relation among attitude, aptitude and altitude.

Do bear in mind: nothing succeeds without as trong will. Thus, we should educate, advocate and encourage our friends ,classmates and acquaintances not to give up in any hardships. As a college

student, I am convinced that it is of great necessity for youngsters to enhance our attitudes to reach ideal altitudes. (205)


Directions: For this part, you are allowed30 minutes to write a short essay based on the picture below. You should focus on the impact of social networking websites on reading. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


This is a simple, funny but thought-provoking carton, in which two lovers are discussing about their hobby of reading. To our shock, the guy tells his girlfriend, “I love reading. I read about 3 hours a day. My favorite book is Face book”.

This picture, apparently, can be naturally associated with the negative impact of social networks on reading. If individuals intend to acquire and enjoy long-time pleasure of reading, it is not advisable for them to read merely through networks. However, in contemporary society, it is a common phenomenon for a host of youngsters to spend too much time in reading, sharing and chatting with friends on social networks. It is these websites that do not enable teenagers to have adequate opportunities or time to read traditional books. As a matter of fact, intelligent people in large numbers have come to realize the severe influences of this trend on modern life: some young people have become addicted to these social websites.

I, as a college student, am convinced that it is exceedingly necessary for youngsters to read on social networking websites, but it is of greater necessity for them to acquire knowledge from traditional books, like classic novels, poems and essays. Do bear in mind: social networks are just our tools and never can we become their slaves.


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