was
追逐)
by
长腿)
猎狗)
in
a
树林里,两只长腿猎狗正在追一只野兔。
“I
need
to
run
you
run
away
from
us.”
“我需要跑快。”
“停下,你不能从我们这儿逃走。”
The
best
but
the
猎狗使劲跑,但还是放弃追野兔了。
a
the
said
讽刺)
to
his
“You
have
long
fast
why
you
that
”
过了一会儿,猎人讽刺地对他的猎狗说:“你们有又长又快的腿,为什么捉不住一只小野兔呢?”
One
of
the
we
and
the
are
The
ran
for
it’s
just
for
依靠)
on
you.
一只猎狗说:“瞧,我们和野兔不同。野兔跑是因为想活下来,而我们只是追逐食物。”
我们一切都靠着你呢。
was
追逐)
by
长腿)
猎狗)
in
a
树林里,两只长腿猎狗正在追一只野兔。
“I
need
to
run
you
run
away
from
us.”
“我需要跑快。”
“停下,你不能从我们这儿逃走。”
The
best
but
the
猎狗使劲跑,但还是放弃追野兔了。
a
the
said
讽刺)
to
his
“You
have
long
fast
why
you
that
”
过了一会儿,猎人讽刺地对他的猎狗说:“你们有又长又快的腿,为什么捉不住一只小野兔呢?”
One
of
the
we
and
the
are
The
ran
for
it’s
just
for
依靠)
on
you.
一只猎狗说:“瞧,我们和野兔不同。野兔跑是因为想活下来,而我们只是追逐食物。”
我们一切都靠着你呢。