住校与通校 英语作文作文1300字


Whether Students Should be Non-residential or Not

Recently,many people discuss about whether students should be non-resitential or not.Generally speaking,both ways have the benefit and unconvenient sides.In my opinion,all the students should be resitential. Firstly,if the students are all staying at school,they will comunicate with each other very well.It is good for them to know about each other and develop their relationship.As the most of the students are only child in their families,staying at school can prevent them from feeling loneliness and train their ability of communicating.Secondly,walking to school from home everyday should wastes alot of time ,it is quite convenient to stay at school.Thirdly,it is easy for school to manage the study and life of the students.

All in all,i think students should stay at shool after class.

Advantages:1.It's very convinent for us to communicate with other students . 优点:1. 便于和其它同学交流.

2.It also gives us opportunity to learn how to cooperate with others,both in daily life and study.

2. 给我们机会去学习在日常生活或者学习中, 如何与他人合作共事.

3.It can let us have a regular schedule every day.

3. 使我们每天有规律地作息.

4.It may give you golden memories in your life.

4. 可以给我们留下一生中美好的回忆.

Disadvantages:1.You may miss your parents and relatives if you live in the dormitory for a long time.

缺点:1. 如果你长期住校可能会想念你的父母和亲人你.

Whether Students Should be Non-residential or Not

Recently,many people discuss about whether students should be non-resitential or not.Generally speaking,both ways have the benefit and unconvenient sides.In my opinion,all the students should be resitential. Firstly,if the students are all staying at school,they will comunicate with each other very well.It is good for them to know about each other and develop their relationship.As the most of the students are only child in their families,staying at school can prevent them from feeling loneliness and train their ability of communicating.Secondly,walking to school from home everyday should wastes alot of time ,it is quite convenient to stay at school.Thirdly,it is easy for school to manage the study and life of the students.

All in all,i think students should stay at shool after class.

Advantages:1.It's very convinent for us to communicate with other students . 优点:1. 便于和其它同学交流.

2.It also gives us opportunity to learn how to cooperate with others,both in daily life and study.

2. 给我们机会去学习在日常生活或者学习中, 如何与他人合作共事.

3.It can let us have a regular schedule every day.

3. 使我们每天有规律地作息.

4.It may give you golden memories in your life.

4. 可以给我们留下一生中美好的回忆.

Disadvantages:1.You may miss your parents and relatives if you live in the dormitory for a long time.

缺点:1. 如果你长期住校可能会想念你的父母和亲人你.


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