

1 Vocabulary

2 Exercises

3 Dictation

4 Textual Analysis

On Environmental Care

On Volunteering

On Virtue

● T ell Right from wrong

● E njoy/have more friends. More popular among peers/mates.

● S ense worth; sense of actualization ● S ense of confidence

● R ole model. Society: sense of purpose / direction

● M any positions have special requirment as far as virtue is concerned. Sense of integrity.

A man of virtue / elevation /responsibility /

Cultivation / grace

On a Successful College Student

On Communication

Study or Part-time Jobs

Academic Courses or Practical Courses

Science material success efficiency

Humanity relationship, human care

Conclusion:Education pays

净化 before we discharge the polutants.

● A : punish Law Violator ● -A: encourage

● H igh Tech on purificaton of liquid

discharge. More investment/commitment to the cause of environmental care education


Discharge of ….

Car exhaust

Dismiss Discard

Wastes Plastic bags

Non-renewable resources Recyclable containers

One-off items

可持续发展=sustainability 环保型的 = eco-friendly Personal elevation

A man of elevation/cultivation Environmental awareness

Cherish settings

Encourage our relatives and friends to make any efforts to protect environment.

We are Focus on/caring for immediate convenience at the cost of strategic and long-term welfare. Everyone has responsibility to make his commitment due.






On Virtue

● A man of virtue enjoy more friends. Is more popular among his peers/mates.

● H as more confidence.

● M any positions have special requirement as far as virtue is concerned. (sense of integrity)

● S ense of worth/ sense of actualization

● R ole model. Direct others.

On communication


Study or part-time job

Think like man like computers Science


Chinese characters


Means ends

1 Vocabulary

2 Exercises

3 Dictation

4 Textual Analysis

On Environmental Care

On Volunteering

On Virtue

● T ell Right from wrong

● E njoy/have more friends. More popular among peers/mates.

● S ense worth; sense of actualization ● S ense of confidence

● R ole model. Society: sense of purpose / direction

● M any positions have special requirment as far as virtue is concerned. Sense of integrity.

A man of virtue / elevation /responsibility /

Cultivation / grace

On a Successful College Student

On Communication

Study or Part-time Jobs

Academic Courses or Practical Courses

Science material success efficiency

Humanity relationship, human care

Conclusion:Education pays

净化 before we discharge the polutants.

● A : punish Law Violator ● -A: encourage

● H igh Tech on purificaton of liquid

discharge. More investment/commitment to the cause of environmental care education


Discharge of ….

Car exhaust

Dismiss Discard

Wastes Plastic bags

Non-renewable resources Recyclable containers

One-off items

可持续发展=sustainability 环保型的 = eco-friendly Personal elevation

A man of elevation/cultivation Environmental awareness

Cherish settings

Encourage our relatives and friends to make any efforts to protect environment.

We are Focus on/caring for immediate convenience at the cost of strategic and long-term welfare. Everyone has responsibility to make his commitment due.






On Virtue

● A man of virtue enjoy more friends. Is more popular among his peers/mates.

● H as more confidence.

● M any positions have special requirement as far as virtue is concerned. (sense of integrity)

● S ense of worth/ sense of actualization

● R ole model. Direct others.

On communication


Study or part-time job

Think like man like computers Science


Chinese characters


Means ends


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