

考研保过班学员专用,请勿外传 www.kaoyan.in

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考研保过班学员专用,请勿外传 www.kaoyan.in ~ 2 ~



1. 出现频率高;

2. 或以正面宣扬形式出现(01, 04, 08),或以负面批评形式出现(07),或以正反对比和中性形式出现(12, 13),但不论表现形式如何,请以一个正面的词或短语总结中心思想;

3. 从谈这一品质的重要性入手最容易,具体见模板。

As is vividly portrayed in the picture , ____ (总体描写,可借鉴图中文字). In the front (On the right hand), ___, and in the rear (on the left hand), ____. (细节描写) At the bottom (top) of the picture, a line of words read_____(翻译图底或图顶的一行中文).

The author of this picture tries to convey to us such a message: ____ (中心词:节俭thrifty, 自信confidence, 勇气courage, 坚持persistence, 理性rationality, 乐观optimism, 追求梦想 to pursue one ’s dream, 坚强意志strong will, 奉献精神 the willing to sacrifice, 判断力the ability to judge, 心态开放an open mind, 时间管理能力the ability to manage one’s time) is of great significance in our life nowadays. Firstly, it is an indispensible character for every individual who wants to achieve some success today. Secondly, those who have the quality of___ (中心词) are inclined to be happier and thus lead a healthier life than those otherwise. Thirdly, if we look at this issue in a larger scale, we will find that it counts more for our community, our society and even the whole world. Suppose everyone strives to better themselves in this direction, and we are bound to see a brighter future.

In sum, ____ has become so important that no one affords to ignore it. In my opinion, more attention should be paid in this aspect and joint efforts should be made to cultivate this virtue through education, promotion via media, implementation of related policies, etc.


As is vividly portrayed in the picture , a woman and a man are standing beside a dustbin, showing different attitudes towards the waste. On the right side , the woman

考研保过班学员专用,请勿外传 www.kaoyan.in ~ 3 ~

is throwing several useless things away while on the left side , the man is wondering whether these things can be recycled.

The author of this picture tries to convey to us such as message: to lead a life of economy and to cultivate the sense of recycling are of great significance in our life nowadays . Firstly, it is an indispensible character for every individual who wants to accumulate a good amount of wealth. Secondly, those who practice the principle of economy are inclined to lead a more balanced life than those otherwise . Thirdly, if we look at this issue in a larger scale, we will find that it counts more for our community, our society and even the whole world. The application of this habit will reduce the consumption of resources, thus supporting a sustainable development of our society.

In sum, the sense of economy has become so important that no one affords to ignore it. In my opinion, more attention should be paid in this aspect and joint efforts should be made to cultivate this virtue through education, promotion via media, implementation of related policies, etc.


As is portrayed figuratively in the picture , a man holding a gift box labeled “sacrifice ” is hung on one end of a scale beam while on the other end the beam is balanced by a pound named “value ”. On the upper hand of this picture, a quotation from Einstein reads, “The value of a person is determined by what he gives rather than what he gets.”

The author of this picture tries to convey to us the spirit of sacrifice is of great significance in our life. Firstly, it is an indispensible character for every individual who wants to win some outstanding achievement. The more a person gives, the greater he/she is. Secondly, those people who love to give and share are inclined to be happier and lead a healthier life than those otherwise. Thirdly, if we look at this issue in a larger scale, we will find that it counts more for our society as a whole. If everyone cherishes such good quality, the society would be more harmonious.

考研保过班学员专用,请勿外传 www.kaoyan.in ~ 4 ~

In sum, the will of self-sacrifice has become so important that no one affords to ignore it. In my opinion, joint efforts should be made to cultivate this virtue among young people through education and promotion via media.



1. 这一类型出现频率较低,但典型性或规律性很强,今年来“啃老族”、“不让孩子输在起跑线上”、“年轻人赡养父母和子女的巨大压力”等话题一直很热,不应忽略;

2. 主体段从分析原因较容易入手,从家庭、个人、社会(文化传统、价值观)三方面分别解析;

3. 借助文字提示总结图画中心思想非常重要,否则论述必然流于空泛。

As is vividly portrayed in the picture , ____ (总体描写,可借鉴图中文字). In the front (On the right hand或 In the center), ___, and in the rear (on the left hand或at the corner), ____. (细节描写) At the bottom (top) of the picture, a line of words read_____(翻译图底或图顶的一行中文).

The picture above reveals to us such a phenomenon : more and more (young) people are likely to ____ (描写现象,如依赖父母rely on their parents, 投资教育invest a lot of time and money on their children’s education, 承受照顾家人的压力have great pressure of taking care of both their children and parents). This phenomenon occurs at least for the following reasons. Firstly, the rapid development of the society has left its imprint on one ’s family, which is the cell of the society. ____(总结现象,名词结构,如dependence on one ’s parents, greater investment on children’s education, the growing pressure of the youth) is a good example. Secondly, family means a lot for everyone. Therefore, most people tend to think of their family (可以具体是children, parents) first when they make a plan for their life. Thirdly, the traditional Chinese culture has always put great emphasis on family, which partially explains one’s _____ (dependence on 或great sense of responsibility to) their family members.

In sum, ____(如父母子女关系the relationship between children and parents) is worth thinking. In my opinion, people should take the welfare of family as a whole into consideration. Otherwise, a harmonious relationship among family members cannot be kept and a happy life cannot be guaranteed.


考研保过班学员专用,请勿外传 www.kaoyan.in

~ 5 ~

As is vividly portrayed in the picture, the young couple are shouldering very heavy burden in taking care of their family. They do not only have to carry the elder parents on the back, but also have a little kid to nurse.

The picture above reveals to us in a figurative way such a phenomenon: more and more young people in modern times are undertaking great pressure of supporting the older as well as the younger generation. This phenomenon occurs at least for the following reasons. Firstly, the national policy of family plan has left the most direct and profound imprint on the family , which leaves the nuclear family formed by two only children to attend to four old parents. Secondly, as the competition in the career has become increasingly fierce and cost of living high, to sustain a family mostly on the income of the young couple is not easy at all. Thirdly, the traditional Chinese culture has always put great emphasis on family, which partially explains people ’s great sense of responsibility for their family members.

In sum, the situation of the young people reflected by the cartoon is worth thinking. In my opinion, people should take the welfare of family as a whole into consideration. Otherwise, a harmonious relationship among family members cannot be kept and a happy life cannot be guaranteed.


考研保过班学员专用,请勿外传 www.kaoyan.in ~ 6 ~

As is vividly portrayed in the picture, three babies who can barely walk are put in front of a starting line, ready to participate in a contest of crawling; behind them are parents trying their best to push them forward. The kids appear to be quite unhappy, their parents also exhausted. The picture above reveals to us in a figurative way such a phenomenon: more and more young parents are quite anxious to make their kids keep ahead the moment they take on the long journey of life, although most of them are following this fashion blindly. This phenomenon occurs at least for the following reasons. Firstly, the rapid development of the society has left its imprint on the family. To invest great time and money on early education is a good example. Secondly, children ’s future mean s a lot for every family . Therefore, most people will try to provide the younger generation with high-quality education as possible as they can. Thirdly, the traditional Chinese culture has always put great emphasis on education , which partially explains some people’s anxiety or even desperation in this regard.

In my opinion, to emphasize education is a good thing as long as it won’t strain the whole family. A happy and relaxed environment is equally important as intellectual development, so I suggest that people should take the welfare of family as a whole into consideration.


1. 出现频率高,讨论的一般是热点或次热点话题,不会生僻;

2. 可以是正面的,负面的,也可以是中性或着正负影响皆有;

3. 几乎任何社会现象都可以从大环境到小环境到公众意识这三个方面去依次分析原因;

4. 划横线的部分,尽量选择具体、准确的描述。

As is vividly portrayed in the picture, ____ (总体描写,可借鉴图中文字). In the front (On the right hand), ___, and in the rear (on the left hand), ____. (细节描写) At the bottom (top) of the picture, a line of words read_____(翻译图底或图顶的一行中文).

The picture above reveals to us that _____ (正面的:文化交流cultural exchange, 帮助他人to help other people;负面的:铺张浪费extravagance and waste, [物质、非物质]资源过度开发overexploitation of resources, 老龄化aging population, 全球变暖global warming) has become a phenomenon that is not uncommon to see. It can be looked at from the following perspectives . Firstly, the occurrence of this phenomenon is not accidental but an outcome that is caused by the development of our society (可视情况替换成更具体的,如经济economy ,科技science and technology等), so it’s better to analyze it against that background. Secondly, atmosphere in the ___ (该现象所属的具体范畴,如国际交流global exchange ,生活方式lifestyle ,旅游tourism ,环保environment 等) has encouraged the trend of its development (可换成更具体的词) to a large extent. Thirdly, people ’s attitude towards it, be it positive or negative, also has played an important part in its existence . (此处可简单举一例).

In my opinion, this phenomenon reflected by this picture should be addressed with due emphasis. Further analysis should be made on it and proper measures should be taken. Only in this way can we enjoy more advantages brought by it and avoid the disadvantages (积极和消极或者兼而有之根据情况选择) thereof.

考研保过班学员专用,请勿外传 www.kaoyan.in ~ 7 ~


As is vividly portrayed in the picture, three tourists are posing for a photo shot with a sculpture of Buddha, one standing on one lap, one sitting on one shoulder and another even sitting on the Buddha’s head.

The picture above reveals to us that the improper behavior of tourists has become such a serious problem that it is being hotly discussed almost on a daily basis. It can be looked at from the following perspectives . Firstly, the occurrence of this phenomenon is not accidental but an outcome of the long neglect of public ethnics in education. Secondly, the ill-management of some hot spots has encouraged the worsening of such situation to some extent. Thirdly, other people’s tolerance towards it also has played an important part in its existence .

In my opinion, this phenomenon reflected by this picture should be addressed with due emphasis. More rules should be made and implemented to curb this tendency. In addition, everyone need take their own responsibility in this course. On in the way can we expect a perfect solution of this problem in long run.

As is vividly portrayed in the picture, an ancient architecture is being torn down even though one tries to stop the process saying it is a cultural site under governmental protection.

考研保过班学员专用,请勿外传 www.kaoyan.in ~ 8 ~

The picture above reveals to us that many cultural sites of historical importance are confronted with the threat of destruction in the course of city reconstruction. It can be looked at from the following perspectives . Firstly, the occurrence of this phenomenon is not accidental but an outcome of the rapid pace of city expansion and irrational city planning. Secondly , unfulfilled administration of the government has encouraged the worsening of such situation to some extent. Thirdly, the silence of media in these cases also has played an important part in its existence .

In my opinion, this phenomenon reflected by this picture should be addressed with due emphasis. Laws and policies should be made and implemented to protect the valuable cultural sites. People ’s awareness of cultural heritage protection should also be raised. Only in this way can we expect a perfect solution of this problem in long run.


1. 根据上表,把历年真题的中心词代入相应的模板,试着按模板的框架写出一篇紧扣题意、逻辑自洽、长短合适的作文。

2. 牢记模板和模板中提供的可能出现的关键词。

3. 关注模板中提到的关键词和热点事件,业余时间甚至可以自己按人生哲理(个人品质)、家庭关系、社会问题三个方面去思考总结话题。

4. 掌握模板的解题思路,尽可能少用模板中的现成语句。

5. 绝大多数情况下,题干只要求describe the picture, interpret its meaning and give your comments ,对如何分析并不具体要求;但万一题干要求举例论证,请在以上模板基础上简单举一例说明即可;若特别指明要分析原因或结果,请在模板中的主体段中作适当选择。

请大家结合视频课程理解并熟记,NBF 助您考研成功!

考研保过班学员专用,请勿外传 www.kaoyan.in

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考研保过班学员专用,请勿外传 www.kaoyan.in ~ 2 ~



1. 出现频率高;

2. 或以正面宣扬形式出现(01, 04, 08),或以负面批评形式出现(07),或以正反对比和中性形式出现(12, 13),但不论表现形式如何,请以一个正面的词或短语总结中心思想;

3. 从谈这一品质的重要性入手最容易,具体见模板。

As is vividly portrayed in the picture , ____ (总体描写,可借鉴图中文字). In the front (On the right hand), ___, and in the rear (on the left hand), ____. (细节描写) At the bottom (top) of the picture, a line of words read_____(翻译图底或图顶的一行中文).

The author of this picture tries to convey to us such a message: ____ (中心词:节俭thrifty, 自信confidence, 勇气courage, 坚持persistence, 理性rationality, 乐观optimism, 追求梦想 to pursue one ’s dream, 坚强意志strong will, 奉献精神 the willing to sacrifice, 判断力the ability to judge, 心态开放an open mind, 时间管理能力the ability to manage one’s time) is of great significance in our life nowadays. Firstly, it is an indispensible character for every individual who wants to achieve some success today. Secondly, those who have the quality of___ (中心词) are inclined to be happier and thus lead a healthier life than those otherwise. Thirdly, if we look at this issue in a larger scale, we will find that it counts more for our community, our society and even the whole world. Suppose everyone strives to better themselves in this direction, and we are bound to see a brighter future.

In sum, ____ has become so important that no one affords to ignore it. In my opinion, more attention should be paid in this aspect and joint efforts should be made to cultivate this virtue through education, promotion via media, implementation of related policies, etc.


As is vividly portrayed in the picture , a woman and a man are standing beside a dustbin, showing different attitudes towards the waste. On the right side , the woman

考研保过班学员专用,请勿外传 www.kaoyan.in ~ 3 ~

is throwing several useless things away while on the left side , the man is wondering whether these things can be recycled.

The author of this picture tries to convey to us such as message: to lead a life of economy and to cultivate the sense of recycling are of great significance in our life nowadays . Firstly, it is an indispensible character for every individual who wants to accumulate a good amount of wealth. Secondly, those who practice the principle of economy are inclined to lead a more balanced life than those otherwise . Thirdly, if we look at this issue in a larger scale, we will find that it counts more for our community, our society and even the whole world. The application of this habit will reduce the consumption of resources, thus supporting a sustainable development of our society.

In sum, the sense of economy has become so important that no one affords to ignore it. In my opinion, more attention should be paid in this aspect and joint efforts should be made to cultivate this virtue through education, promotion via media, implementation of related policies, etc.


As is portrayed figuratively in the picture , a man holding a gift box labeled “sacrifice ” is hung on one end of a scale beam while on the other end the beam is balanced by a pound named “value ”. On the upper hand of this picture, a quotation from Einstein reads, “The value of a person is determined by what he gives rather than what he gets.”

The author of this picture tries to convey to us the spirit of sacrifice is of great significance in our life. Firstly, it is an indispensible character for every individual who wants to win some outstanding achievement. The more a person gives, the greater he/she is. Secondly, those people who love to give and share are inclined to be happier and lead a healthier life than those otherwise. Thirdly, if we look at this issue in a larger scale, we will find that it counts more for our society as a whole. If everyone cherishes such good quality, the society would be more harmonious.

考研保过班学员专用,请勿外传 www.kaoyan.in ~ 4 ~

In sum, the will of self-sacrifice has become so important that no one affords to ignore it. In my opinion, joint efforts should be made to cultivate this virtue among young people through education and promotion via media.



1. 这一类型出现频率较低,但典型性或规律性很强,今年来“啃老族”、“不让孩子输在起跑线上”、“年轻人赡养父母和子女的巨大压力”等话题一直很热,不应忽略;

2. 主体段从分析原因较容易入手,从家庭、个人、社会(文化传统、价值观)三方面分别解析;

3. 借助文字提示总结图画中心思想非常重要,否则论述必然流于空泛。

As is vividly portrayed in the picture , ____ (总体描写,可借鉴图中文字). In the front (On the right hand或 In the center), ___, and in the rear (on the left hand或at the corner), ____. (细节描写) At the bottom (top) of the picture, a line of words read_____(翻译图底或图顶的一行中文).

The picture above reveals to us such a phenomenon : more and more (young) people are likely to ____ (描写现象,如依赖父母rely on their parents, 投资教育invest a lot of time and money on their children’s education, 承受照顾家人的压力have great pressure of taking care of both their children and parents). This phenomenon occurs at least for the following reasons. Firstly, the rapid development of the society has left its imprint on one ’s family, which is the cell of the society. ____(总结现象,名词结构,如dependence on one ’s parents, greater investment on children’s education, the growing pressure of the youth) is a good example. Secondly, family means a lot for everyone. Therefore, most people tend to think of their family (可以具体是children, parents) first when they make a plan for their life. Thirdly, the traditional Chinese culture has always put great emphasis on family, which partially explains one’s _____ (dependence on 或great sense of responsibility to) their family members.

In sum, ____(如父母子女关系the relationship between children and parents) is worth thinking. In my opinion, people should take the welfare of family as a whole into consideration. Otherwise, a harmonious relationship among family members cannot be kept and a happy life cannot be guaranteed.


考研保过班学员专用,请勿外传 www.kaoyan.in

~ 5 ~

As is vividly portrayed in the picture, the young couple are shouldering very heavy burden in taking care of their family. They do not only have to carry the elder parents on the back, but also have a little kid to nurse.

The picture above reveals to us in a figurative way such a phenomenon: more and more young people in modern times are undertaking great pressure of supporting the older as well as the younger generation. This phenomenon occurs at least for the following reasons. Firstly, the national policy of family plan has left the most direct and profound imprint on the family , which leaves the nuclear family formed by two only children to attend to four old parents. Secondly, as the competition in the career has become increasingly fierce and cost of living high, to sustain a family mostly on the income of the young couple is not easy at all. Thirdly, the traditional Chinese culture has always put great emphasis on family, which partially explains people ’s great sense of responsibility for their family members.

In sum, the situation of the young people reflected by the cartoon is worth thinking. In my opinion, people should take the welfare of family as a whole into consideration. Otherwise, a harmonious relationship among family members cannot be kept and a happy life cannot be guaranteed.


考研保过班学员专用,请勿外传 www.kaoyan.in ~ 6 ~

As is vividly portrayed in the picture, three babies who can barely walk are put in front of a starting line, ready to participate in a contest of crawling; behind them are parents trying their best to push them forward. The kids appear to be quite unhappy, their parents also exhausted. The picture above reveals to us in a figurative way such a phenomenon: more and more young parents are quite anxious to make their kids keep ahead the moment they take on the long journey of life, although most of them are following this fashion blindly. This phenomenon occurs at least for the following reasons. Firstly, the rapid development of the society has left its imprint on the family. To invest great time and money on early education is a good example. Secondly, children ’s future mean s a lot for every family . Therefore, most people will try to provide the younger generation with high-quality education as possible as they can. Thirdly, the traditional Chinese culture has always put great emphasis on education , which partially explains some people’s anxiety or even desperation in this regard.

In my opinion, to emphasize education is a good thing as long as it won’t strain the whole family. A happy and relaxed environment is equally important as intellectual development, so I suggest that people should take the welfare of family as a whole into consideration.


1. 出现频率高,讨论的一般是热点或次热点话题,不会生僻;

2. 可以是正面的,负面的,也可以是中性或着正负影响皆有;

3. 几乎任何社会现象都可以从大环境到小环境到公众意识这三个方面去依次分析原因;

4. 划横线的部分,尽量选择具体、准确的描述。

As is vividly portrayed in the picture, ____ (总体描写,可借鉴图中文字). In the front (On the right hand), ___, and in the rear (on the left hand), ____. (细节描写) At the bottom (top) of the picture, a line of words read_____(翻译图底或图顶的一行中文).

The picture above reveals to us that _____ (正面的:文化交流cultural exchange, 帮助他人to help other people;负面的:铺张浪费extravagance and waste, [物质、非物质]资源过度开发overexploitation of resources, 老龄化aging population, 全球变暖global warming) has become a phenomenon that is not uncommon to see. It can be looked at from the following perspectives . Firstly, the occurrence of this phenomenon is not accidental but an outcome that is caused by the development of our society (可视情况替换成更具体的,如经济economy ,科技science and technology等), so it’s better to analyze it against that background. Secondly, atmosphere in the ___ (该现象所属的具体范畴,如国际交流global exchange ,生活方式lifestyle ,旅游tourism ,环保environment 等) has encouraged the trend of its development (可换成更具体的词) to a large extent. Thirdly, people ’s attitude towards it, be it positive or negative, also has played an important part in its existence . (此处可简单举一例).

In my opinion, this phenomenon reflected by this picture should be addressed with due emphasis. Further analysis should be made on it and proper measures should be taken. Only in this way can we enjoy more advantages brought by it and avoid the disadvantages (积极和消极或者兼而有之根据情况选择) thereof.

考研保过班学员专用,请勿外传 www.kaoyan.in ~ 7 ~


As is vividly portrayed in the picture, three tourists are posing for a photo shot with a sculpture of Buddha, one standing on one lap, one sitting on one shoulder and another even sitting on the Buddha’s head.

The picture above reveals to us that the improper behavior of tourists has become such a serious problem that it is being hotly discussed almost on a daily basis. It can be looked at from the following perspectives . Firstly, the occurrence of this phenomenon is not accidental but an outcome of the long neglect of public ethnics in education. Secondly, the ill-management of some hot spots has encouraged the worsening of such situation to some extent. Thirdly, other people’s tolerance towards it also has played an important part in its existence .

In my opinion, this phenomenon reflected by this picture should be addressed with due emphasis. More rules should be made and implemented to curb this tendency. In addition, everyone need take their own responsibility in this course. On in the way can we expect a perfect solution of this problem in long run.

As is vividly portrayed in the picture, an ancient architecture is being torn down even though one tries to stop the process saying it is a cultural site under governmental protection.

考研保过班学员专用,请勿外传 www.kaoyan.in ~ 8 ~

The picture above reveals to us that many cultural sites of historical importance are confronted with the threat of destruction in the course of city reconstruction. It can be looked at from the following perspectives . Firstly, the occurrence of this phenomenon is not accidental but an outcome of the rapid pace of city expansion and irrational city planning. Secondly , unfulfilled administration of the government has encouraged the worsening of such situation to some extent. Thirdly, the silence of media in these cases also has played an important part in its existence .

In my opinion, this phenomenon reflected by this picture should be addressed with due emphasis. Laws and policies should be made and implemented to protect the valuable cultural sites. People ’s awareness of cultural heritage protection should also be raised. Only in this way can we expect a perfect solution of this problem in long run.


1. 根据上表,把历年真题的中心词代入相应的模板,试着按模板的框架写出一篇紧扣题意、逻辑自洽、长短合适的作文。

2. 牢记模板和模板中提供的可能出现的关键词。

3. 关注模板中提到的关键词和热点事件,业余时间甚至可以自己按人生哲理(个人品质)、家庭关系、社会问题三个方面去思考总结话题。

4. 掌握模板的解题思路,尽可能少用模板中的现成语句。

5. 绝大多数情况下,题干只要求describe the picture, interpret its meaning and give your comments ,对如何分析并不具体要求;但万一题干要求举例论证,请在以上模板基础上简单举一例说明即可;若特别指明要分析原因或结果,请在模板中的主体段中作适当选择。

请大家结合视频课程理解并熟记,NBF 助您考研成功!


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  • 首先,我是抱着一个初学者的心态去一个字一个字写下这篇日志的,也算是对前一个阶段辛苦岁月的小小总结,目的是为了交流与沟通,学音乐的人总要在技艺上跟人比划两下子,至于其他领域上,如自觉稍有见识而发到网上让大家围观,也算是一个经验分享,我英语并不是很好,多有不足之处,请勿喷我! 纵观近数十年考研英语大作文 ...

  • 英语作文作文10900字
  • 一.背景 2009年2月,华东某省(为考研大省之一)考研英语主观题阅卷工作举行,笔者全程参与了阅卷工作,主要负责批改主观题的大作文部分,并对翻译和小作文的评卷流程有了直观的体会,在此梳理成文,希望对未来考生有所助益. 16日早上八点来钟来到阅卷大厅,先是负责统筹工作的组织者针对今年的考研人数.阅卷规 ...

  • 2016考研英语图画作文作文1000字
  • wenduedu.com/kaoyan/ 2016考研英语图画作文 从历年考研英语真题作文中,文都教育的英语研究者发现,考研英语写作的题目多集中在社会伦理.人生哲理.社会现象.文化与交流等方面.最近几年的命题多与当前的社会现实和热点问题有关,这就要求考生要对社会现象和社会的经济.文化生活有所关注和思 ...

  • 2018考研英语作文模板作文3000字
  • 考研英语作文模板(英语一) 大作文 考研英语大作文一般是看图写作,从一幅图分析含义及意义,所以只需要几个好的模板,根据题目套上去就行了.题目反映的意义无非三种:积极,消极和中性.所以我准备了三个不同类型的模板,到时候大家根据题目自己分析一个写作方向,再结合模板,把内容填进模板就好了. 模板只是保证文 ...

  • 2015年考研英语作文作文1500字
  • 2015年考研英语(一)大纲解析:写作备考 2015年考研英语(一)大纲于2014年9月13日公布.写作部分和去年相比,没有任何变动,仍然由A .B 两节组成.主要考查考生的书面表达能力,共30分. A 节是应用文,需要考生根据所给情景写出约100词(标点符号不计算在内) 的应用性短文,包括私人和公 ...

  • 十一写作黄金突击班讲义--大作文作文2200字
  • 绝地学社,国内考研最大学习社群. 1 写作黄金突击班 主讲:王新 微博:Hello 王新老师 I didn't think too much when I fell down. I just wanted to get up and that was all. ---刚学习走路的你 You did ...

  • 考研英语图画作文写作技巧:拿下第一段否则全文乱作文1700字
  • 来源:凯程考研集训营,资料获取.课程辅导咨询凯程老师 第 1 页 共 1 页 考研英语图画作文写作技巧:拿下第一 段否则全文乱 考研英语作文(英语一) ,从1997年开始命制漫画作文,是考研英语命题史上的一次重大变革,同时也是一次成功的变革.漫画作文的出现,很好的打击了江湖上传言的"作文押 ...

  • 考研英语作文书哪本好作文800字
  • 考研英语作文书哪个好 作文,是英语唯一一个可以突击复习的题型.英语作文考察的就是词汇.语法以及写作的能力,词汇和语法是前中期复习就已经解决的事情,而写作能力就是最后突击的重点.在复习的最后阶段,一本高质量的作文书,能够有效提升写作能力. 张国静的<写作160篇>就是一本高质量的写作复习书 ...

  • 过来人告诉你考研英语2写作如何复习作文1200字
  • 过来人告诉你考研英语2写作如何复习 考研英语二写作部分和英语一相似,分为小作文(应用文)和大作文(短文),但分值较英语一少五分. 下面我就详细的讲一讲考研英语二写作复习的攻略吧.都是从我自己的复习经验中得来的,不一定适用于所有人,但是相信还是具有一定的参考性的. 一.在考研英语复习的初级阶段注意积累 ...
