


There are four seasons in a year. Spring is the first season in a year. In spring, it is warm and rainy. Everything begins grow. We can see new leaves, the flowers bloom.

The children take off their winter clothes. They put on sweaters and go outside to play. They can fly a kite on the grass. They feel very happy.

Spring is a beautiful season!


There are four seasons in a year. Summer is the second season in a year. In summer, it is hot and rainy. Everything grows very well. Trees have green leaves, the flowers bloom very beautiful.

The children take off the sweaters. The boys put on the T-shirts and shorts. The girls put on the skirts and dresses. They can swim in the swimming pool.

Summer is a hot and happy season!


There are four seasons in a year. Autumn is the third season in a year. In autumn, it is cool. All the leaves turn red and yellow. The apples turn red.

The children put on their trousers 、sweaters and coats. In autumn, there is an important festival---Middle Autumn Day.We can eat mooncakes.

Autumn is a harvest season!


There are four seasons in a year. Winter is the fourth season in a year. In winter, it is cold and snowy. Snow often flies in the sky. The houses are white, the trees are all white, too.

The children put on their hats, scarfs and winter coats.They are playing games in the playground. Look! A snowman is there. How happy they are!

Winter is a cold season!


There are four seasons in a year. Spring is the first season in a year. In spring, it is warm and rainy. Everything begins grow. We can see new leaves, the flowers bloom.

The children take off their winter clothes. They put on sweaters and go outside to play. They can fly a kite on the grass. They feel very happy.

Spring is a beautiful season!


There are four seasons in a year. Summer is the second season in a year. In summer, it is hot and rainy. Everything grows very well. Trees have green leaves, the flowers bloom very beautiful.

The children take off the sweaters. The boys put on the T-shirts and shorts. The girls put on the skirts and dresses. They can swim in the swimming pool.

Summer is a hot and happy season!


There are four seasons in a year. Autumn is the third season in a year. In autumn, it is cool. All the leaves turn red and yellow. The apples turn red.

The children put on their trousers 、sweaters and coats. In autumn, there is an important festival---Middle Autumn Day.We can eat mooncakes.

Autumn is a harvest season!


There are four seasons in a year. Winter is the fourth season in a year. In winter, it is cold and snowy. Snow often flies in the sky. The houses are white, the trees are all white, too.

The children put on their hats, scarfs and winter coats.They are playing games in the playground. Look! A snowman is there. How happy they are!

Winter is a cold season!


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