


In the picture, a girl is riding a bicycle but her father is on her left showing the direction, her mother on her right with a first-aid box and behind her is her granny, who is already out of breath. They are all running as they are holding the bicycle. Sweat is falling down their foreheads. The girl is shouting, "Leave me alone. I can manage."

Today parents and grandparents tend to worry too much about their children. As an only child in the family, I am too much looked after by my parents. But is it necessary for them to do so? No. Indeed, they love me, but I don't want this kind of love. I need independence more, because independence is important in modern society. Without is, we'll not be able to meet challenges in the future. Certainly, I don't mean that I don't need my parents' help, but I want them to help me gain my independence


In the picture, a girl is riding a bicycle but her father is on her left showing the direction, her mother on her right with a first-aid box and behind her is her granny, who is already out of breath. They are all running as they are holding the bicycle. Sweat is falling down their foreheads. The girl is shouting, "Leave me alone. I can manage."

Today parents and grandparents tend to worry too much about their children. As an only child in the family, I am too much looked after by my parents. But is it necessary for them to do so? No. Indeed, they love me, but I don't want this kind of love. I need independence more, because independence is important in modern society. Without is, we'll not be able to meet challenges in the future. Certainly, I don't mean that I don't need my parents' help, but I want them to help me gain my independence


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