

1.对方公司名称和地址:Datex Trading Co. Ltd.

536 Huayuan Street, Dalian, Liaoning, China

收件人姓名和头衔:Wang Hua Sales Manager







8.写信人: Fred Johns Purchase Manager

公司名称和地址:Kiddie Korner, Inc.

385 Richards Street, Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6B3A7

Kiddie Korner, Inc.

361385 Richards Street, Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6B3A7 (1分)

November 28, 2010 (1分)

Mr Wang Hua

Sales Manager

Datex Trading Co. Ltd.

536 Huayuan Street, Dalian, Liaoning

China (1分)

Dear Mr Wang(1分)

Thank you for being so prompt in sending the sales confirmation against our last order, No. KK10101. We have established the covering L/C, and the bank should be sending you an advice shortly (3分)

We have been dealing with you on the L/C basis for over a year and would like to change to payment by 30-day bill of exchange, documents against payment. (3分)

When we first contacted you in August last year, you told us that you would be prepared to reconsider terms of payment once we have established trading relations. We think that sufficient time has elapsed for us to be allowed the terms we have asked for. If you need references, we will be glad to supply them. (4分)

As we will be sending another order next month, could you please confirm that you agree to these new terms of payment? (2分)

Attached is the Sales Confirmation No. 1010913 we have countersigned and returned for your file. (2分)

Sincerely yours (1分)

Fred Johns

Purchase Manager(1分)

Attachment: Sales Confirmation

1.对方公司名称和地址:Indigo Company Limited.

85 Victory Street, Rotterdam, Holland







7.写信人: David Wong General Manager

公司名称和地址:Shanghai Silks Trading Co. Ltd.

580 Shuiqing Road, Shanghai 201101, China

Shanghai Silks Trading Co. Ltd.

580 Shuiqing Road, Shanghai 201101, China (1分)

May 28, 2011 (1分)

Indigo Company Limited.

85 Victory Street, Rotterdam

Holland (1分)

Dear Sir(1分)

We have obtained your name and address from Shanghai Chamber of Commerce and learned that your are the largest importers of silk garments in Holland. (2分) We are now writing to you in the hope of establishing business relations with you. (2分)

We are one of the leading exporters of silk products in Shanghai and our products are sold to countries and regions such as the United Sates, Japan and Southeast Asia. (2分) We now desire

to extend our export business into Holland. Meanwhile, we would like to trade with you on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. (2分)

Our silk garments are noted for their perfect design, fashionable style, excellent quality and competitive price, and will enjoy a ready market in Holland. (3分)

Enclosed are our latest catalogue and pricelist for your reference. (2分)

We look forward to receiving your reply soon. (1分)

Sincerely yours (1分)

David Wong

General Manager(1分)

Encl: catalogue and pricelist

1.对方公司名称和地址:London Foreign Trade Co. Ltd.

2891 Park StreetLondon, United Kingdom

收件人姓名和头衔:Dave BlankPurchase Manager






7.写信人: Chen HuaMarketing Manager

公司名称和地址:Shanghai Bicycles Trading Co. Ltd.

260 Qixing Road, Shanghai 201101, China

Shanghai Bicycles Trading Co. Ltd.

260 Qixing Road, Shanghai 201101, China (1分)

15 February 2011 (1分)

Mr. Dave Blank

Purchase Manager

London Foreign Trade Co. Ltd.

2891 Park Street, London

United Kingdom (1分)

Dear Mr. Blank (1分)

Thank you for your order No. 581 for 5,000 Forever Brand Bicycles and we are pleased to inform you that we can supply all the bicycles you required from stock and are arranging shipment by M.V. Mermaid, which can sail from Shanghai by the end of next month. (5分)

As stipulated in our Sales Confirmation No. 593, each bicycle is enclosed in a corrugated cardboard pack, and 25 are banded together and wrapped in plastic sheets. A container holds 250 bicycles and the whole shipment will therefore comprise 20 containers, each weighing 8.3 tons. (6分)

We would like to remind you that the covering L/C must reach us before March10 so that we can make shipment in good time. (2分)

We are looking forward to receiving your early reply. (1分)

Yours sincerely (1分)

Chen Hua

Marketing Manager (1分)

1. 对方公司名称和地址:Greek Tea Company Ltd.

120 Star Street, Gr.16503, Athens, the Hellenic Republic

收件人姓名和头衔:Nomad Augustatos, President

2. 写信日期:2012年5月8日

3. 谢谢对方第HT200-96号订单。你方已关注到对方要求35%折扣。

4. 实际上,与其他供应商报价比起来你方所报价格是很有竞争力的,而且你方的利润幅度是很小的,所以在目前情况下你方只能给顾客25%的最大折扣。

5. 但是,考虑到我们长期的业务关系,如果对方能把订购数量增至5,000公斤,你方愿意给对方30%的特别折扣。希望对方利用好这一特别报价,报价有效至本月10日。

6. 期望收到对方的订单。

7. 写信人:Zhang Jun Sales Manager

公司名称和地址:Huangshan Tea Trading Co.Ltd.

150 Siling Street, Hefei, Anhui, China

Huangshan Tea Trading Co.Ltd.

150 Siling Street, Hefei, Anhui, China (1分)

August 5, 2010 (1分)

Mr. Nomad Augustatos, President

Greek Tea Company Ltd.

120 Star Street, Gr.16503, Athens

The Hellenic Republic (1分)

Dear Mr. Augustatos (1分)

Thank you for your order No HT200-96. We have noticed with interest that you are asking for a 35% discount.


As a matter of fact, the price we have quoted you is very competitive, compared with quotations from other supplies. Furthermore, we are working on an extremely narrow profit margin, so 25% is the most generous discount we can give our customers under the present situation. (5分)

However, considering the long-standing business relationship between us, we are prepared to let you have a special discount of 30% if you will increase your quantity to 5,000 kilograms. We hope

you will take advantage of this exceptional proposal, which remains open until the 10th of this month. (5分)

We are looking forward to receiving your order. (1分)

Sincerely yours (1分)

Zhang Jun

Sales Manager (1分)

1. 对方公司名称和地址:Eastern Trading Co. Ltd.

85 Mat Street Jakarta, Indonesia

收件人姓名和头衔:Tog Subbaraman, Export Manager

2. 写信日期:2012年12月1日

3. 告知对方你方已收到货运单据,并且提取了由昨日驶抵香港的“雅加达”号轮运来的货。

4. 核对货物时你方发现虽然在装箱单和发票上都写着第8号纸板箱里装有24,000支“香蕉”牌钢笔,但是里面只有15,000支。

5. 你方急需全部货物,以供应你方的三个大客户,所以要求对方必须尽快通过班机将另9,000支钢笔发运过来。

6. 警告对方这已是过去一年中对方第三次少装你方的订货。如果再发生此类事情,你方将被迫另找供应商。

7. 写信人为 Dave Wong Import Manager

公司名称和地址:New Times Trading Co. Ltd.

180 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong, China

New Times Trading Co. Ltd.

180 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong, China (1分)

1 December 2012 (1分)

Mr. Tog Subbaraman

Export Manager

Eastern Trading Co. Ltd.

85 Mat Street Jakarta

Indonesia (1分)

Dear Mr. Subbaraman (1分)

We have received the documents and taken delivery of the consignment which arrived at Hong Kong yesterday on the MV Jakarta. (3分)

When checking the goods we found that carton 8 contained only 15,000 Banana pens, although 24,000 had been entered on both the packing list and the invoice. (3分)

The full consignment is urgently required to complete orders from three of our major customers so it is absolutely essential that you send the additional 9,000 pens on the earliest possible flight from Jakarta. (4分)

This is the third time in the last twelve months that you have short-shipped one of our orders. If there is any further repetition of this, we will be forced to look for an alternative supplier. (4分)

Sincerely yours (1分)

Dave Wong

Import Manager (1分)

① 对方公司名称和地址:Hengshan Electronics Company

1568 Beijing Road Changsha, Hunan, China

收件人姓名和头衔:Mr. Lin Damin, Export Manager

② 写信日期:2013年5月8日

③ 告知对方:你方已领到新的进口许可证,现能将第BU00335号信用证的总金额增加至


④ 你方知道目前已不能在原定的交货日期前出运货物,因此已将信用证的装船期和有效期


⑤ 由于对方的密切合作使你方得以在如此短的时间内领取了进口许可证,对此你方再次表


⑥ 写信人:Salim Abbudula Import Manager

公司名称和地址:S. Abbudula & Company

218 Shillong Street #68, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh

S. Abbudula & Company

218 Shillong Street #68, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh (1分)

8 May 2013 (1分)

Mr. Lin Damin

Export Manager

Hengshan Electronics Company

1568 Beijing Road Changsha, Hunan

China (1分)

Dear Mr. Lin (1分)

We are glad to inform you that a new Import License has been granted and that we are able to increase the total amount of L/C No. BU00335 to USD800,000. You will soon receive our L/C amendment advice through your advising bank. (5分)

As we understand it is impossible to ship the goods before the originally agreed delivery date, we have extended the shipment and validity dates of the L/C to June 15 and 30 respectively. Please refer to the attached copy of our application for amendment to the said L/C. (6分)

We wish to thank you again for your close cooperation, which has enabled us to obtain the new Import License in such a short time. (3分)

Sincerely yours (1分)

Salim Abbudula

Import Manager (1分)

① 对方公司名称和地址:Shanghai Foreign Trading Company Ltd.

688 Gubei Road Shanghai 200336, China

收件人姓名和头衔:Mr. Dave Wong, Export Manager

② 写信日期:2013年12月7日

③ 此函是关于你方11月15日第129号订单项下的激光打印机事宜。

④ 请对方马上空运该订单的第一批货,你方顾客急需这批货。你方建议使用带折合盖的纸


⑤ 对于剩下货物要求对方还是继续海运安排。请将每一盒用防水袋密封(建议用塑料袋),


⑥ 请航空邮寄海运货箱内的装箱单复印件一份及原产地证书副本和商业发票,这将使你方


⑦ 写信人:Antonin Crajicek Import Manager

公司名称和地址:Vltava Trading Company Ltd.

18 Dvorak Street Prague, Czech Republic

Vltava Trading Company Ltd.

18 Dvorak Street Prague, Czech Republic (1分)

7 December 2013 (1分)

Mr. Dave Wong

Export Manager

Shanghai Foreign Trading Company Ltd.

688 Gubei Road Shanghai 200336

China (1分)

Dear Mr. Wong (1分)

We would refer to our order No. 129 of Nov 15th for laser printers. (2分)

Please now dispatch the first part of this order by air, as these are urgently required by our customers. We suggest the use of cartons with hinged lids to facilitate opening for Customs examination. (4分)

You will no doubt proceed with your arrangements for transport for the remainder of the consignment, and we would ask you to be particularlycareful to seal each box into a watertight bag — we recommend plastic — before packing into cases. In your last consignment we were obliged to remove a certain amount of rust, which we think had formed during the voyage. (4分)

We should be grateful if you could send us by airmail a copy of the packing list included in each case to be sent, and also duplicates of the Certificate of Origin andthe Commercial Invoice. This will enable us to arrange speedy passage through Customs on arrival of the consignment. (4分)

Yours sincerely (1分)

Antonin Crajicek

Import Manager (1分)

① 对方公司名称和地址:Tiddie Somer, Inc.

900 Richards Street, Vancouver, B.C., Canada

收件人姓名和头衔:Dave JohnsPurchase Manager

② 写信日期:2014年5月31日

③ 收到对方 2014年5月22日来函,要求你方代办男式皮鞋的保险事宜,保费由对方承担。 ④现在告知对方,你方已在中国人民保险公司为上述货物投保了一切险,投保金额为2.8万


⑤ 告知对方保险单正在准备中,将在本周末连同有关保险费的收款单一并寄给对方。

⑥ 告知对方:你方正在安排“东风”号轮承运该批5000双男鞋,该轮定于6月6日启航。 ⑦ 写信人:Eric Lee Sales Manager

公司名称和地址:Dalian Trading Co. Ltd.

689Huayuan Road, Dalian116000,Liaoning, China

Dalian Trading Co. Ltd.

689Huayuan Road, Dalian116000,Liaoning, China (1分)

May 31, 2014 (1分)

Mr. Dave Johns

Purchase Manager

Tiddie Somer, Inc.

900 Richards Street, Vancouver, B.C.

Canada (1分)

Dear Mr. Johns (1分)

We have received your letter of May 22, 2014, requesting us to cover insurance on the Men’s shoes for your account. (3分)

We are pleased to inform you that we have insured the above shipment with the People’s Insurance Company of China against All Risks for US$28000.The policy is being prepared accordingly and will be forwarded to you by the end of this week, together with our debit note for the premium. (7分)

For your information, we are making arrangements to ship the 5000 pairs of Men’s shoes by the SS“East Wind”,which is scheduled to sailon June 6, 2014. (4分)

Sincerely yours (1分)

Eric Lee

Sales Manager (1分)

① 对方公司名称和地址:Global Trading Inc.

635 Orange Street, New York., USA

收件人姓名和头衔:Jonson Smith Purchase Manager

② 写信日期:2014年12月6日

③ 通知对方201489号订单项下的货物已装上“美人鱼”号轮,该轮定于12月9日驶往你


④ 随函附上该批货的装运单据一套,包括海运提单一份、商业发票一式两份、检验证书


⑤ 装运单据的正本正通过我方银行寄送对方。相信货物能及时运抵对方以满足其急需,


⑥ 向对方保证我方会迅速、认真地办理其今后的所有订货。

⑦ 写信人:Frank Wong Sales Manager

公司名称和地址:Shanghai Foreign Trading Co. Ltd.

3095 Tianshan Road, Shanghai 200336, China

Shanghai Foreign Trading Co. Ltd.

3095 Tianshan Road, Shanghai 200336,China (1分)

December 6, 2014 (1分)

Mr. Jonson Smith

Purchase Manager

Global Trading Inc.

635 Orange Street, New York

USA (1分)

Dear Mr. Smith (1分)

We are pleased to inform you that the goods under your order No. 201489 are now on board the SS “Mermaid ”, which will sail for your port on December 9. (3分)

We are now enclosing a set of shipping documents for this consignment, including an ocean Bill of Lading, our Commercial Invoice in duplicate, a Certificate of Inspection and an Insurance Policy. (4分)

The originals of the shipping documents are being sent to you through our bank. (2分)

We trust that the goods will reach you as scheduled to meet your urgent demand and you will be satisfied with the consignment. (3分)

We can assure you of our prompt and careful attendance to all your future orders. (2分)

Sincerely yours (1分)

Frank Wong

Sales Manager (1分)

1.对方公司名称和地址:Datex Trading Co. Ltd.

536 Huayuan Street, Dalian, Liaoning, China

收件人姓名和头衔:Wang Hua Sales Manager







8.写信人: Fred Johns Purchase Manager

公司名称和地址:Kiddie Korner, Inc.

385 Richards Street, Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6B3A7

Kiddie Korner, Inc.

361385 Richards Street, Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6B3A7 (1分)

November 28, 2010 (1分)

Mr Wang Hua

Sales Manager

Datex Trading Co. Ltd.

536 Huayuan Street, Dalian, Liaoning

China (1分)

Dear Mr Wang(1分)

Thank you for being so prompt in sending the sales confirmation against our last order, No. KK10101. We have established the covering L/C, and the bank should be sending you an advice shortly (3分)

We have been dealing with you on the L/C basis for over a year and would like to change to payment by 30-day bill of exchange, documents against payment. (3分)

When we first contacted you in August last year, you told us that you would be prepared to reconsider terms of payment once we have established trading relations. We think that sufficient time has elapsed for us to be allowed the terms we have asked for. If you need references, we will be glad to supply them. (4分)

As we will be sending another order next month, could you please confirm that you agree to these new terms of payment? (2分)

Attached is the Sales Confirmation No. 1010913 we have countersigned and returned for your file. (2分)

Sincerely yours (1分)

Fred Johns

Purchase Manager(1分)

Attachment: Sales Confirmation

1.对方公司名称和地址:Indigo Company Limited.

85 Victory Street, Rotterdam, Holland







7.写信人: David Wong General Manager

公司名称和地址:Shanghai Silks Trading Co. Ltd.

580 Shuiqing Road, Shanghai 201101, China

Shanghai Silks Trading Co. Ltd.

580 Shuiqing Road, Shanghai 201101, China (1分)

May 28, 2011 (1分)

Indigo Company Limited.

85 Victory Street, Rotterdam

Holland (1分)

Dear Sir(1分)

We have obtained your name and address from Shanghai Chamber of Commerce and learned that your are the largest importers of silk garments in Holland. (2分) We are now writing to you in the hope of establishing business relations with you. (2分)

We are one of the leading exporters of silk products in Shanghai and our products are sold to countries and regions such as the United Sates, Japan and Southeast Asia. (2分) We now desire

to extend our export business into Holland. Meanwhile, we would like to trade with you on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. (2分)

Our silk garments are noted for their perfect design, fashionable style, excellent quality and competitive price, and will enjoy a ready market in Holland. (3分)

Enclosed are our latest catalogue and pricelist for your reference. (2分)

We look forward to receiving your reply soon. (1分)

Sincerely yours (1分)

David Wong

General Manager(1分)

Encl: catalogue and pricelist

1.对方公司名称和地址:London Foreign Trade Co. Ltd.

2891 Park StreetLondon, United Kingdom

收件人姓名和头衔:Dave BlankPurchase Manager






7.写信人: Chen HuaMarketing Manager

公司名称和地址:Shanghai Bicycles Trading Co. Ltd.

260 Qixing Road, Shanghai 201101, China

Shanghai Bicycles Trading Co. Ltd.

260 Qixing Road, Shanghai 201101, China (1分)

15 February 2011 (1分)

Mr. Dave Blank

Purchase Manager

London Foreign Trade Co. Ltd.

2891 Park Street, London

United Kingdom (1分)

Dear Mr. Blank (1分)

Thank you for your order No. 581 for 5,000 Forever Brand Bicycles and we are pleased to inform you that we can supply all the bicycles you required from stock and are arranging shipment by M.V. Mermaid, which can sail from Shanghai by the end of next month. (5分)

As stipulated in our Sales Confirmation No. 593, each bicycle is enclosed in a corrugated cardboard pack, and 25 are banded together and wrapped in plastic sheets. A container holds 250 bicycles and the whole shipment will therefore comprise 20 containers, each weighing 8.3 tons. (6分)

We would like to remind you that the covering L/C must reach us before March10 so that we can make shipment in good time. (2分)

We are looking forward to receiving your early reply. (1分)

Yours sincerely (1分)

Chen Hua

Marketing Manager (1分)

1. 对方公司名称和地址:Greek Tea Company Ltd.

120 Star Street, Gr.16503, Athens, the Hellenic Republic

收件人姓名和头衔:Nomad Augustatos, President

2. 写信日期:2012年5月8日

3. 谢谢对方第HT200-96号订单。你方已关注到对方要求35%折扣。

4. 实际上,与其他供应商报价比起来你方所报价格是很有竞争力的,而且你方的利润幅度是很小的,所以在目前情况下你方只能给顾客25%的最大折扣。

5. 但是,考虑到我们长期的业务关系,如果对方能把订购数量增至5,000公斤,你方愿意给对方30%的特别折扣。希望对方利用好这一特别报价,报价有效至本月10日。

6. 期望收到对方的订单。

7. 写信人:Zhang Jun Sales Manager

公司名称和地址:Huangshan Tea Trading Co.Ltd.

150 Siling Street, Hefei, Anhui, China

Huangshan Tea Trading Co.Ltd.

150 Siling Street, Hefei, Anhui, China (1分)

August 5, 2010 (1分)

Mr. Nomad Augustatos, President

Greek Tea Company Ltd.

120 Star Street, Gr.16503, Athens

The Hellenic Republic (1分)

Dear Mr. Augustatos (1分)

Thank you for your order No HT200-96. We have noticed with interest that you are asking for a 35% discount.


As a matter of fact, the price we have quoted you is very competitive, compared with quotations from other supplies. Furthermore, we are working on an extremely narrow profit margin, so 25% is the most generous discount we can give our customers under the present situation. (5分)

However, considering the long-standing business relationship between us, we are prepared to let you have a special discount of 30% if you will increase your quantity to 5,000 kilograms. We hope

you will take advantage of this exceptional proposal, which remains open until the 10th of this month. (5分)

We are looking forward to receiving your order. (1分)

Sincerely yours (1分)

Zhang Jun

Sales Manager (1分)

1. 对方公司名称和地址:Eastern Trading Co. Ltd.

85 Mat Street Jakarta, Indonesia

收件人姓名和头衔:Tog Subbaraman, Export Manager

2. 写信日期:2012年12月1日

3. 告知对方你方已收到货运单据,并且提取了由昨日驶抵香港的“雅加达”号轮运来的货。

4. 核对货物时你方发现虽然在装箱单和发票上都写着第8号纸板箱里装有24,000支“香蕉”牌钢笔,但是里面只有15,000支。

5. 你方急需全部货物,以供应你方的三个大客户,所以要求对方必须尽快通过班机将另9,000支钢笔发运过来。

6. 警告对方这已是过去一年中对方第三次少装你方的订货。如果再发生此类事情,你方将被迫另找供应商。

7. 写信人为 Dave Wong Import Manager

公司名称和地址:New Times Trading Co. Ltd.

180 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong, China

New Times Trading Co. Ltd.

180 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong, China (1分)

1 December 2012 (1分)

Mr. Tog Subbaraman

Export Manager

Eastern Trading Co. Ltd.

85 Mat Street Jakarta

Indonesia (1分)

Dear Mr. Subbaraman (1分)

We have received the documents and taken delivery of the consignment which arrived at Hong Kong yesterday on the MV Jakarta. (3分)

When checking the goods we found that carton 8 contained only 15,000 Banana pens, although 24,000 had been entered on both the packing list and the invoice. (3分)

The full consignment is urgently required to complete orders from three of our major customers so it is absolutely essential that you send the additional 9,000 pens on the earliest possible flight from Jakarta. (4分)

This is the third time in the last twelve months that you have short-shipped one of our orders. If there is any further repetition of this, we will be forced to look for an alternative supplier. (4分)

Sincerely yours (1分)

Dave Wong

Import Manager (1分)

① 对方公司名称和地址:Hengshan Electronics Company

1568 Beijing Road Changsha, Hunan, China

收件人姓名和头衔:Mr. Lin Damin, Export Manager

② 写信日期:2013年5月8日

③ 告知对方:你方已领到新的进口许可证,现能将第BU00335号信用证的总金额增加至


④ 你方知道目前已不能在原定的交货日期前出运货物,因此已将信用证的装船期和有效期


⑤ 由于对方的密切合作使你方得以在如此短的时间内领取了进口许可证,对此你方再次表


⑥ 写信人:Salim Abbudula Import Manager

公司名称和地址:S. Abbudula & Company

218 Shillong Street #68, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh

S. Abbudula & Company

218 Shillong Street #68, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh (1分)

8 May 2013 (1分)

Mr. Lin Damin

Export Manager

Hengshan Electronics Company

1568 Beijing Road Changsha, Hunan

China (1分)

Dear Mr. Lin (1分)

We are glad to inform you that a new Import License has been granted and that we are able to increase the total amount of L/C No. BU00335 to USD800,000. You will soon receive our L/C amendment advice through your advising bank. (5分)

As we understand it is impossible to ship the goods before the originally agreed delivery date, we have extended the shipment and validity dates of the L/C to June 15 and 30 respectively. Please refer to the attached copy of our application for amendment to the said L/C. (6分)

We wish to thank you again for your close cooperation, which has enabled us to obtain the new Import License in such a short time. (3分)

Sincerely yours (1分)

Salim Abbudula

Import Manager (1分)

① 对方公司名称和地址:Shanghai Foreign Trading Company Ltd.

688 Gubei Road Shanghai 200336, China

收件人姓名和头衔:Mr. Dave Wong, Export Manager

② 写信日期:2013年12月7日

③ 此函是关于你方11月15日第129号订单项下的激光打印机事宜。

④ 请对方马上空运该订单的第一批货,你方顾客急需这批货。你方建议使用带折合盖的纸


⑤ 对于剩下货物要求对方还是继续海运安排。请将每一盒用防水袋密封(建议用塑料袋),


⑥ 请航空邮寄海运货箱内的装箱单复印件一份及原产地证书副本和商业发票,这将使你方


⑦ 写信人:Antonin Crajicek Import Manager

公司名称和地址:Vltava Trading Company Ltd.

18 Dvorak Street Prague, Czech Republic

Vltava Trading Company Ltd.

18 Dvorak Street Prague, Czech Republic (1分)

7 December 2013 (1分)

Mr. Dave Wong

Export Manager

Shanghai Foreign Trading Company Ltd.

688 Gubei Road Shanghai 200336

China (1分)

Dear Mr. Wong (1分)

We would refer to our order No. 129 of Nov 15th for laser printers. (2分)

Please now dispatch the first part of this order by air, as these are urgently required by our customers. We suggest the use of cartons with hinged lids to facilitate opening for Customs examination. (4分)

You will no doubt proceed with your arrangements for transport for the remainder of the consignment, and we would ask you to be particularlycareful to seal each box into a watertight bag — we recommend plastic — before packing into cases. In your last consignment we were obliged to remove a certain amount of rust, which we think had formed during the voyage. (4分)

We should be grateful if you could send us by airmail a copy of the packing list included in each case to be sent, and also duplicates of the Certificate of Origin andthe Commercial Invoice. This will enable us to arrange speedy passage through Customs on arrival of the consignment. (4分)

Yours sincerely (1分)

Antonin Crajicek

Import Manager (1分)

① 对方公司名称和地址:Tiddie Somer, Inc.

900 Richards Street, Vancouver, B.C., Canada

收件人姓名和头衔:Dave JohnsPurchase Manager

② 写信日期:2014年5月31日

③ 收到对方 2014年5月22日来函,要求你方代办男式皮鞋的保险事宜,保费由对方承担。 ④现在告知对方,你方已在中国人民保险公司为上述货物投保了一切险,投保金额为2.8万


⑤ 告知对方保险单正在准备中,将在本周末连同有关保险费的收款单一并寄给对方。

⑥ 告知对方:你方正在安排“东风”号轮承运该批5000双男鞋,该轮定于6月6日启航。 ⑦ 写信人:Eric Lee Sales Manager

公司名称和地址:Dalian Trading Co. Ltd.

689Huayuan Road, Dalian116000,Liaoning, China

Dalian Trading Co. Ltd.

689Huayuan Road, Dalian116000,Liaoning, China (1分)

May 31, 2014 (1分)

Mr. Dave Johns

Purchase Manager

Tiddie Somer, Inc.

900 Richards Street, Vancouver, B.C.

Canada (1分)

Dear Mr. Johns (1分)

We have received your letter of May 22, 2014, requesting us to cover insurance on the Men’s shoes for your account. (3分)

We are pleased to inform you that we have insured the above shipment with the People’s Insurance Company of China against All Risks for US$28000.The policy is being prepared accordingly and will be forwarded to you by the end of this week, together with our debit note for the premium. (7分)

For your information, we are making arrangements to ship the 5000 pairs of Men’s shoes by the SS“East Wind”,which is scheduled to sailon June 6, 2014. (4分)

Sincerely yours (1分)

Eric Lee

Sales Manager (1分)

① 对方公司名称和地址:Global Trading Inc.

635 Orange Street, New York., USA

收件人姓名和头衔:Jonson Smith Purchase Manager

② 写信日期:2014年12月6日

③ 通知对方201489号订单项下的货物已装上“美人鱼”号轮,该轮定于12月9日驶往你


④ 随函附上该批货的装运单据一套,包括海运提单一份、商业发票一式两份、检验证书


⑤ 装运单据的正本正通过我方银行寄送对方。相信货物能及时运抵对方以满足其急需,


⑥ 向对方保证我方会迅速、认真地办理其今后的所有订货。

⑦ 写信人:Frank Wong Sales Manager

公司名称和地址:Shanghai Foreign Trading Co. Ltd.

3095 Tianshan Road, Shanghai 200336, China

Shanghai Foreign Trading Co. Ltd.

3095 Tianshan Road, Shanghai 200336,China (1分)

December 6, 2014 (1分)

Mr. Jonson Smith

Purchase Manager

Global Trading Inc.

635 Orange Street, New York

USA (1分)

Dear Mr. Smith (1分)

We are pleased to inform you that the goods under your order No. 201489 are now on board the SS “Mermaid ”, which will sail for your port on December 9. (3分)

We are now enclosing a set of shipping documents for this consignment, including an ocean Bill of Lading, our Commercial Invoice in duplicate, a Certificate of Inspection and an Insurance Policy. (4分)

The originals of the shipping documents are being sent to you through our bank. (2分)

We trust that the goods will reach you as scheduled to meet your urgent demand and you will be satisfied with the consignment. (3分)

We can assure you of our prompt and careful attendance to all your future orders. (2分)

Sincerely yours (1分)

Frank Wong

Sales Manager (1分)


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