

Thanks to the development of information technology as well as the popularity of computer, nowadays, people can learn about the world eventsmore easily. However, on the other hand, the increasing number of children who have access to computer games has aroused more and more attention on the question: should children be allowed to play computer games? My answer to this question is definitely "no".

First and foremost, the violence elements in the computer games tend to have a negative from wrong. Considering the shortcoming of children, poor self-control and bad ability to tell right from wrong, they are more likely to imitate the behavior that they have seen in the computer games, therefore leading to an increasing possibility of committing crimes. According to the Xinhua Press, among the teenager crimes, over fifty percent of the

teenagers played computer games which contain inappropriate information about violence including Crossfire and Leagues of Legends, contributing to their crimes. At the same time, 28 percent of the interviewees admitted that they had the impulse to kill or to beat people after playing computer games. As a result, we'd better not allow them to play computer games in order to reduce the occurrence of such tragedies.

Secondly, spending too much time playing computer games could also bring a series of health problems for the adolescents. Sitting in front of the computers for a long time is thought to be a main cause for short-sightedness, neck ache as well as obesity for teenagers nowadays. Considering that children are in a special period when their bodies are still developing, these health problems may have a life-long influence on them. Take my classmate Mike as an example, who once dreamed to join the army. Unfortunately, he began to be addicted to computer games in his eleventh grade and became seriously short-sighted and weak a year later. In the end, he failed to realize his dream due to his body conditions and he felt really regretful.

To sum up, playing computer games does harm to children physically and mentally further does harm to the whole society. As a result, children should not be allowed to play computer games.

Thanks to the development of information technology as well as the popularity of computer, nowadays, people can learn about the world eventsmore easily. However, on the other hand, the increasing number of children who have access to computer games has aroused more and more attention on the question: should children be allowed to play computer games? My answer to this question is definitely "no".

First and foremost, the violence elements in the computer games tend to have a negative from wrong. Considering the shortcoming of children, poor self-control and bad ability to tell right from wrong, they are more likely to imitate the behavior that they have seen in the computer games, therefore leading to an increasing possibility of committing crimes. According to the Xinhua Press, among the teenager crimes, over fifty percent of the

teenagers played computer games which contain inappropriate information about violence including Crossfire and Leagues of Legends, contributing to their crimes. At the same time, 28 percent of the interviewees admitted that they had the impulse to kill or to beat people after playing computer games. As a result, we'd better not allow them to play computer games in order to reduce the occurrence of such tragedies.

Secondly, spending too much time playing computer games could also bring a series of health problems for the adolescents. Sitting in front of the computers for a long time is thought to be a main cause for short-sightedness, neck ache as well as obesity for teenagers nowadays. Considering that children are in a special period when their bodies are still developing, these health problems may have a life-long influence on them. Take my classmate Mike as an example, who once dreamed to join the army. Unfortunately, he began to be addicted to computer games in his eleventh grade and became seriously short-sighted and weak a year later. In the end, he failed to realize his dream due to his body conditions and he felt really regretful.

To sum up, playing computer games does harm to children physically and mentally further does harm to the whole society. As a result, children should not be allowed to play computer games.


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