

We are all known the Hitler’s violence, and the heavier was nearly abnormal. Anne said,” I’ve only got dismal and depressing news for you today. Our many Jewish friends are being taken away by the dozen. These people are treated by the Gestapo without a shred of decency, being loaded into cattle trucks and sent to Westerbork, the big Jewish camp in Drente. Westerbork sounds terrible: only one washing cubicle for a hundred people and not near ly enough lavatories.” We don’t experience it, so it’s really beyond our imagination. Like this, we always associate Nanjing massacre in China. So much atrocity happened. It was indelible shadow for sufferers.

However, kindness and humanism still exit. In the book, Elli and Miep helped the Anne’s family. They collected their rations for them and sent information. At the troublous surroundings, most people believe “the less trouble the better“。 But some others thought they should try their best to save Jews. Although many Jews were caught, saving a person even one was better. In the book, when Dussel, a new number came to the attic, they were all willing to welcome him. Anne’s father said” If we can save someone, then everything else is of secondary importance.” We must know the famous movie Schindler’s List. At first, Schindler was only a merchant who want to profit from the war. But at the ending, he changed his mind and save Jews. He would rather help others r than making money. It’s original humanity that makes he do it.

We are all known the Hitler’s violence, and the heavier was nearly abnormal. Anne said,” I’ve only got dismal and depressing news for you today. Our many Jewish friends are being taken away by the dozen. These people are treated by the Gestapo without a shred of decency, being loaded into cattle trucks and sent to Westerbork, the big Jewish camp in Drente. Westerbork sounds terrible: only one washing cubicle for a hundred people and not near ly enough lavatories.” We don’t experience it, so it’s really beyond our imagination. Like this, we always associate Nanjing massacre in China. So much atrocity happened. It was indelible shadow for sufferers.

However, kindness and humanism still exit. In the book, Elli and Miep helped the Anne’s family. They collected their rations for them and sent information. At the troublous surroundings, most people believe “the less trouble the better“。 But some others thought they should try their best to save Jews. Although many Jews were caught, saving a person even one was better. In the book, when Dussel, a new number came to the attic, they were all willing to welcome him. Anne’s father said” If we can save someone, then everything else is of secondary importance.” We must know the famous movie Schindler’s List. At first, Schindler was only a merchant who want to profit from the war. But at the ending, he changed his mind and save Jews. He would rather help others r than making money. It’s original humanity that makes he do it.


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