


1. Start from the bus stop. 2 Take the No.1 bus .3 Get off at the post office. 4 Walk east for three minutes 5 Find the red building. 6.Look for me near the door.

作文二 介绍家人职业及爱好

My family

There are four people in my family.They are my father ,my mother ,my sister and me. My father is a singer.He sings very well.He likes reading books.My mother is a teacher.She is very kind.She likes going shopping.My sister is a student.She likes doing sports. she is very tall .I am a student,too .I likes raeading books very much. This is my family.

作文三:介绍你的周末计划 My weedend plan

I'm going to have a busy weekend! On saturdayI'm going to the bookstore by bus.I'm going to buy a new book.Then,I'm going to go home and read the new book.On SandayI'm going to go shopping with my moyher.We're going to watch TV in the eveing .That will be fun!What are you going to do on the weekend? Can you tell me?

作文四介绍你的爱好 My hobby

I have many hobbies.I like reading books.I like playing football.Ilike drawing pictures.I like sports very much.Playing pingpong is my favourite sport.I often play pingpong with my father on Sundays.Sometimes I draw pictures on Sundays,too.The hobbies are helpful for me.

作文五:介绍一个人的职业及爱好:My friend /My father

I have a friend .He is my father.My father is a teacher.He is 35 years old.He is very kind.He works in a school.He goes to work by bus.My father likes reading books .He often reads books after dinner.He likes playing football.We often play football on Sundays.I love my father .He loves me ,too.

种树或者种花之类的作文 How to plant a tree/ flower?

1. First,dig the soil.

2. Put the seeds in the soil.

3. Put the pot in the sun.

4. Add water often.

5. Wait for a flower.

6. Wait for a flower to grow.


1. Start from the bus stop. 2 Take the No.1 bus .3 Get off at the post office. 4 Walk east for three minutes 5 Find the red building. 6.Look for me near the door.

作文二 介绍家人职业及爱好

My family

There are four people in my family.They are my father ,my mother ,my sister and me. My father is a singer.He sings very well.He likes reading books.My mother is a teacher.She is very kind.She likes going shopping.My sister is a student.She likes doing sports. she is very tall .I am a student,too .I likes raeading books very much. This is my family.

作文三:介绍你的周末计划 My weedend plan

I'm going to have a busy weekend! On saturdayI'm going to the bookstore by bus.I'm going to buy a new book.Then,I'm going to go home and read the new book.On SandayI'm going to go shopping with my moyher.We're going to watch TV in the eveing .That will be fun!What are you going to do on the weekend? Can you tell me?

作文四介绍你的爱好 My hobby

I have many hobbies.I like reading books.I like playing football.Ilike drawing pictures.I like sports very much.Playing pingpong is my favourite sport.I often play pingpong with my father on Sundays.Sometimes I draw pictures on Sundays,too.The hobbies are helpful for me.

作文五:介绍一个人的职业及爱好:My friend /My father

I have a friend .He is my father.My father is a teacher.He is 35 years old.He is very kind.He works in a school.He goes to work by bus.My father likes reading books .He often reads books after dinner.He likes playing football.We often play football on Sundays.I love my father .He loves me ,too.

种树或者种花之类的作文 How to plant a tree/ flower?

1. First,dig the soil.

2. Put the seeds in the soil.

3. Put the pot in the sun.

4. Add water often.

5. Wait for a flower.

6. Wait for a flower to grow.


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