

1. Can you tell any difference between the Chinese food culture and Western food culture?

Because of the differences in history, geography, belief, and other factors, the Chinese and Western food culture are also very different.From the selection of raw materials,Chinese food ingredients selection is very extensive,and western food in selecting materials has great limitations, commonly used raw materials are cattle, sheep, pork, poultry, eggs, milk and other, rarely on visceral choice.From the point of view of table manners, Chinese usually use chopsticks, western with a knife and fork, Chinese people pay attention to are lively and ostentation and extravagance, everyone gathered together, Westerners like to table to keep quiet, and pay more attention to the table manners.Compared with the western cuisine, Chinese cuisine is varied, the taste of dishes is also more diverse, Chinese dish mostly has obvious salty taste, and is rich in the change, most of the dishes are completely mature in edible, western tastes change relative not so much, but it pursuit the fresh of dishes, like steak, lamb chops.

2. Make a list of the Western festivals you have celebrated. Which one is your favorite and why?

In China, the most popular western holiday is Christmas, which is my favorite western festival, Christmas in December 23rd every year. This day celebrates the birth of Jesus. In western countries, people celebrate this festival in various ways. In China, every Christmas Eve, we can see many shops to paste the Christmas decoration, put up a Christmas tree, hung with Christmas cards and gifts, etc., to meet the arrival of that day. Young people also celebrate this day by a variety of ways, eating apples, Christmas hats, sending Christmas cards, Christmas parties, Christmas shopping have become a part of the lives of many Chinese people. In the school we can see many celebrations, there are singing and dancing performances, there are parades, it is lively. I remember the day before Christmas, the class monitor hand out the apples to classmates and wish us safeness every day.

3. Do you believe in any superstitions?

Superstition for people, there are advantages and disadvantages, and some superstition is a kind of belief, it can promote people's physical and mental healthy growth, make society more harmonious. Some superstition is not good, it will make people lose their way, let them make some damage to their own and other people, and undermine the stability of the society. Although growing under the influence of Lenin Marx and Mao Zedong thought, sometimes in my life I also believe in superstition, I have my own lucky numbers and lucky colors, when I get into trouble, I will pray for God's blessing to help me safely through the difficulties.When people encounter difficulties, I also tried my best to help others, because I believe in superstition, I think God will look at me.We should be far away from the bad faith, pursue good faith, so that our society will become more beautiful.

5. Make a list of some famous architecture around the world, and analyze their characteristics.

There are a number of famous buildings in the world, because of the distinctive features of people remember, they bring the beauty of the viewer is precisely the multi-level, multi direction. For example, Pyramid, Egypt, in the impression that it is a magical tomb: the base is a square, surrounded by four equal triangles, the formation of a square cone. Even more amazing thing, the stones of the Pyramid did not use any adhesive, because there is no gap, it is difficult to insert a sharp object. Another construction also amazing, it is the Eiffel Tower in France, in addition to the tilting tower known outside, full tower is divided into three layers, the first layer platform with shops and restaurants, second layer is provided with a cafe, in the third layer suddenly contracted at the structural, from side seen, look like the Y word of a mirror writing

6. What do you know about Western popular music? Who are your favorite artists?

There are many types of western pop music in my phone, all of which are my favorite songs. City Bruce, rock and roll, New Orleans jazz, etc.. American country music has its unique and irreplaceable charm, there are many famous singers, jewel Kilcher was one of my favorite country music singers,her works through the form of folk dissemination is easy to accept, she released the album "spirit", to accompany me all summer. What can be heard in her voice is the sweetness and light of the west, and the feeling of comfort. Country music has the bright side, but also has sad side, it can not hide my love of Kilcher Jewel,in a quiet night listening to his song is a great enjoyment. I will also share her music with my friends, and they will feel the charm of folk songs

1. Can you tell any difference between the Chinese food culture and Western food culture?

Because of the differences in history, geography, belief, and other factors, the Chinese and Western food culture are also very different.From the selection of raw materials,Chinese food ingredients selection is very extensive,and western food in selecting materials has great limitations, commonly used raw materials are cattle, sheep, pork, poultry, eggs, milk and other, rarely on visceral choice.From the point of view of table manners, Chinese usually use chopsticks, western with a knife and fork, Chinese people pay attention to are lively and ostentation and extravagance, everyone gathered together, Westerners like to table to keep quiet, and pay more attention to the table manners.Compared with the western cuisine, Chinese cuisine is varied, the taste of dishes is also more diverse, Chinese dish mostly has obvious salty taste, and is rich in the change, most of the dishes are completely mature in edible, western tastes change relative not so much, but it pursuit the fresh of dishes, like steak, lamb chops.

2. Make a list of the Western festivals you have celebrated. Which one is your favorite and why?

In China, the most popular western holiday is Christmas, which is my favorite western festival, Christmas in December 23rd every year. This day celebrates the birth of Jesus. In western countries, people celebrate this festival in various ways. In China, every Christmas Eve, we can see many shops to paste the Christmas decoration, put up a Christmas tree, hung with Christmas cards and gifts, etc., to meet the arrival of that day. Young people also celebrate this day by a variety of ways, eating apples, Christmas hats, sending Christmas cards, Christmas parties, Christmas shopping have become a part of the lives of many Chinese people. In the school we can see many celebrations, there are singing and dancing performances, there are parades, it is lively. I remember the day before Christmas, the class monitor hand out the apples to classmates and wish us safeness every day.

3. Do you believe in any superstitions?

Superstition for people, there are advantages and disadvantages, and some superstition is a kind of belief, it can promote people's physical and mental healthy growth, make society more harmonious. Some superstition is not good, it will make people lose their way, let them make some damage to their own and other people, and undermine the stability of the society. Although growing under the influence of Lenin Marx and Mao Zedong thought, sometimes in my life I also believe in superstition, I have my own lucky numbers and lucky colors, when I get into trouble, I will pray for God's blessing to help me safely through the difficulties.When people encounter difficulties, I also tried my best to help others, because I believe in superstition, I think God will look at me.We should be far away from the bad faith, pursue good faith, so that our society will become more beautiful.

5. Make a list of some famous architecture around the world, and analyze their characteristics.

There are a number of famous buildings in the world, because of the distinctive features of people remember, they bring the beauty of the viewer is precisely the multi-level, multi direction. For example, Pyramid, Egypt, in the impression that it is a magical tomb: the base is a square, surrounded by four equal triangles, the formation of a square cone. Even more amazing thing, the stones of the Pyramid did not use any adhesive, because there is no gap, it is difficult to insert a sharp object. Another construction also amazing, it is the Eiffel Tower in France, in addition to the tilting tower known outside, full tower is divided into three layers, the first layer platform with shops and restaurants, second layer is provided with a cafe, in the third layer suddenly contracted at the structural, from side seen, look like the Y word of a mirror writing

6. What do you know about Western popular music? Who are your favorite artists?

There are many types of western pop music in my phone, all of which are my favorite songs. City Bruce, rock and roll, New Orleans jazz, etc.. American country music has its unique and irreplaceable charm, there are many famous singers, jewel Kilcher was one of my favorite country music singers,her works through the form of folk dissemination is easy to accept, she released the album "spirit", to accompany me all summer. What can be heard in her voice is the sweetness and light of the west, and the feeling of comfort. Country music has the bright side, but also has sad side, it can not hide my love of Kilcher Jewel,in a quiet night listening to his song is a great enjoyment. I will also share her music with my friends, and they will feel the charm of folk songs


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