A Particular Mid-Autumn Festival
Chinese people celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival by eating mooncakes and admiring the moon every year with laughter and warmth. This day carries people ’s wishes to the families they love and reunites them. However, people of Xiamen had a particular one this year because of the Typhoon Meranti.
We all regard that night as a horrible dream. And almost every family had power-off and had no fresh water. Although the typhoon broke so many trees and houses, as soon as it was gone, citizens volunteered to clean up the streets and rebuild our home.
I feel lucky to live in Xiamen because I see the beauty of humanity through this typhoon. It did break many things apart, but it brought families and neighbors closer together. And that is the true meaning of the Mid-Autumn Festival.
A Particular Mid-Autumn Festival
Chinese people celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival by eating mooncakes and admiring the moon every year with laughter and warmth. This day carries people ’s wishes to the families they love and reunites them. However, people of Xiamen had a particular one this year because of the Typhoon Meranti.
We all regard that night as a horrible dream. And almost every family had power-off and had no fresh water. Although the typhoon broke so many trees and houses, as soon as it was gone, citizens volunteered to clean up the streets and rebuild our home.
I feel lucky to live in Xiamen because I see the beauty of humanity through this typhoon. It did break many things apart, but it brought families and neighbors closer together. And that is the true meaning of the Mid-Autumn Festival.
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