

I ’m writing to express my disappointment . The unpleasant memory for seeing an aged man walking along the street and looking in vain for a taxi is still vivid. Generally speaking,the aged can’t take a taxi service is unepected and annoying. I ’m sad that there rarely are empty taxies available to the aged.

Ignorance of aged people do not be good at modern software is to blame for the embarrassing situation. I hope an effective solution could be achieved. You are epected to arrange telephone booking service or more empty taxies for aged people.

I ’m writing to express my sadness . The unpleasant memory for seeing seeing people struggling in natrual disasters is still vivid. Generally speaking,increasing frequent natrual disasters is unepected and painful. Flood alternates with drought in south China this year,leading to disasters that are more serious and costly. I ’m sad that innocent victims are greatly suffering.

The environmental damage is to blame for the frequent natrual disasters . I hope an effective solution could be achieved. You are epected to allow environmental protection to be at the top of the agenda.

I ’m writing to express my anger . The unpleasant memory for this purchase is still vivid. Generally speaking,receiving a pirated book is unepected and annoying. I ’m angry that after spending so much money I only got a book full of mistakes. I hope an effective solution could be achieved. You are epected to provide a quality-guaranteed product for replacement or

refund my money.


Dear friends

I ’m writing to express my anger/gratitude/gladness/guilt/sadness/dissapointment. The (un)pleasant memory foris still vivid.

Generally speaking,is spectacular and satisfactory(unepected and annoying). I ’m angry/sorry/sad/delighted that.

/Wish you a good future./

Please accept my gratitude./I feel extreamly sorry forand hope you can forgive me.

Dear friends,

I can’t wait to express my strong interest in the attemt to bring back the blue sky. It is my dream to be able to contribute to the battle against increasingly frequent heavy haze. The moment when I realized that low-carbon life could reduce the frequency of havy haze,I knew it was what I was looking for. Perhaps you will find it interesting to contribute to the environmental protection too. Hopefully,you will find it convenient to live low-carbon life.

I wish you could reduce the use of your private cars and other equipments driven by fuels. Your willingness to accept the environmentally friendly lifesyle will be appreciated.

Dear friends

I have to inform you that I have decided to withdraw from two courses: Itroduction Education andTeaching Methods. It is my dream to be able to contribute to the battle against increasingly frequent heavy haze. The moment when I realized that low-carbon life could reduce the frequency of havy haze,I knew it was what I was looking for. Perhaps you will find it interesting to contribute to the environmental protection too. Hopefully,you will find it convenient to live low-carbon life.

I wish you could reduce the use of your private cars and other equipments driven by fuels. Your willingness to accept the environmentally friendly lifesyle will be appreciated.

I ’m writing to express my disappointment . The unpleasant memory for seeing an aged man walking along the street and looking in vain for a taxi is still vivid. Generally speaking,the aged can’t take a taxi service is unepected and annoying. I ’m sad that there rarely are empty taxies available to the aged.

Ignorance of aged people do not be good at modern software is to blame for the embarrassing situation. I hope an effective solution could be achieved. You are epected to arrange telephone booking service or more empty taxies for aged people.

I ’m writing to express my sadness . The unpleasant memory for seeing seeing people struggling in natrual disasters is still vivid. Generally speaking,increasing frequent natrual disasters is unepected and painful. Flood alternates with drought in south China this year,leading to disasters that are more serious and costly. I ’m sad that innocent victims are greatly suffering.

The environmental damage is to blame for the frequent natrual disasters . I hope an effective solution could be achieved. You are epected to allow environmental protection to be at the top of the agenda.

I ’m writing to express my anger . The unpleasant memory for this purchase is still vivid. Generally speaking,receiving a pirated book is unepected and annoying. I ’m angry that after spending so much money I only got a book full of mistakes. I hope an effective solution could be achieved. You are epected to provide a quality-guaranteed product for replacement or

refund my money.


Dear friends

I ’m writing to express my anger/gratitude/gladness/guilt/sadness/dissapointment. The (un)pleasant memory foris still vivid.

Generally speaking,is spectacular and satisfactory(unepected and annoying). I ’m angry/sorry/sad/delighted that.

/Wish you a good future./

Please accept my gratitude./I feel extreamly sorry forand hope you can forgive me.

Dear friends,

I can’t wait to express my strong interest in the attemt to bring back the blue sky. It is my dream to be able to contribute to the battle against increasingly frequent heavy haze. The moment when I realized that low-carbon life could reduce the frequency of havy haze,I knew it was what I was looking for. Perhaps you will find it interesting to contribute to the environmental protection too. Hopefully,you will find it convenient to live low-carbon life.

I wish you could reduce the use of your private cars and other equipments driven by fuels. Your willingness to accept the environmentally friendly lifesyle will be appreciated.

Dear friends

I have to inform you that I have decided to withdraw from two courses: Itroduction Education andTeaching Methods. It is my dream to be able to contribute to the battle against increasingly frequent heavy haze. The moment when I realized that low-carbon life could reduce the frequency of havy haze,I knew it was what I was looking for. Perhaps you will find it interesting to contribute to the environmental protection too. Hopefully,you will find it convenient to live low-carbon life.

I wish you could reduce the use of your private cars and other equipments driven by fuels. Your willingness to accept the environmentally friendly lifesyle will be appreciated.


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