

Dose advice given by older people more valuable than from people your age?


There exist dozens of challenges and difficulties in daily life which we can ’t deal with all by ourselves, therefore we have to turn to others for assistance. Although people of all ages can give good advice to you, it’s better to get advice from older people than from people your same age, which could be more valuable.

It’s admitted that older people have more experience than your age people. Older people have suffered from bitterness caused by failure and gained happiness from success, so they have more long-term view than us, which could be obtained upon their experience. Besides, many difficulties we are encountering today are the same as what the old people have met, especially in daily life, work and study, therefore following their advice is more likely to help us avoid some unnecessary mistakes.


In addition, the peers who can’t offer you valuable suggestions will lead you to waste a lot of time and solve problems less efficiently. Since their level of knowledge acquired the same as you or suggestions they given to you can be figured out by yourselves.

Admittedly, older people, with more experiences, have suffered from bitterness caused by failure and gained happiness from success, so they have more long-term view than us, which could be obtained upon their experience. Their experiences are their treasure from which they can get useful things and good advices. Take my father as an example. He is older than me, of course, so sometimes he can give me right choices and decisions. I remembered the time when I got the opportunity to be recommended for further study in graduate school, I was confused whether to choose going to other university or stay in Xiamen? My father thought that going outside and experiencing different cultures would be beneficial for my future development, so he recommended me to apply universities in Beijing. Now I think that’s quite a judicious decision.


In addition


In conclusion

分论点一:因为老年人经验丰富,可能有过类似的经历,所以他的建议更有价值 分论点二:因为老年人做事沉稳,想的更周全,而同龄人做事毛躁,冲动


Dose advice given by older people more valuable than from people your age?


There exist dozens of challenges and difficulties in daily life which we can ’t deal with all by ourselves, therefore we have to turn to others for assistance. Although people of all ages can give good advice to you, it’s better to get advice from older people than from people your same age, which could be more valuable.

It’s admitted that older people have more experience than your age people. Older people have suffered from bitterness caused by failure and gained happiness from success, so they have more long-term view than us, which could be obtained upon their experience. Besides, many difficulties we are encountering today are the same as what the old people have met, especially in daily life, work and study, therefore following their advice is more likely to help us avoid some unnecessary mistakes.


In addition, the peers who can’t offer you valuable suggestions will lead you to waste a lot of time and solve problems less efficiently. Since their level of knowledge acquired the same as you or suggestions they given to you can be figured out by yourselves.

Admittedly, older people, with more experiences, have suffered from bitterness caused by failure and gained happiness from success, so they have more long-term view than us, which could be obtained upon their experience. Their experiences are their treasure from which they can get useful things and good advices. Take my father as an example. He is older than me, of course, so sometimes he can give me right choices and decisions. I remembered the time when I got the opportunity to be recommended for further study in graduate school, I was confused whether to choose going to other university or stay in Xiamen? My father thought that going outside and experiencing different cultures would be beneficial for my future development, so he recommended me to apply universities in Beijing. Now I think that’s quite a judicious decision.


In addition


In conclusion

分论点一:因为老年人经验丰富,可能有过类似的经历,所以他的建议更有价值 分论点二:因为老年人做事沉稳,想的更周全,而同龄人做事毛躁,冲动



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