十二生肖.礼尚往来 英语四级作文翻译作文0字


礼尚往来 The exchange of gifts


Chinese people pay great attention to gifts, they believe that only a valuable gift can best convey their feelings. This is why they often use precious or expensive items as gifts. The gift should be decently priced, well wrapped and should have some unique meanings. It is always a challenge to buy a gift for a Chinese person. During the Mid Autumn Festival, people will buy well-packaged, high quality moon cakes for gifts and keep the ordinary ones for their own consumption. Some people spend a lot of time and effort buying gifts with Chinese features before going abroad, such as Beijing opera masks, Chinese fans and knots.

十二生肖The twelve animal signs


In traditional Chinese culture, the 12 animal signs were used to record years. According to one legend, the Yellow Emperor invited all the animals to his kingdom, but unfortunately, only a total of 12 turned up, the mouse was naturally the first, followed by the ox, then tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep (goat), monkey, cock (rooster), dog and pig (boar). Out of gratitude, the Yellow Emperor decided to name the year after each of the animals in their order of arrival. Many Chinese people strongly believe that the time of a person's birth is a primary factor in determining that person's characteristics.

礼尚往来 The exchange of gifts


Chinese people pay great attention to gifts, they believe that only a valuable gift can best convey their feelings. This is why they often use precious or expensive items as gifts. The gift should be decently priced, well wrapped and should have some unique meanings. It is always a challenge to buy a gift for a Chinese person. During the Mid Autumn Festival, people will buy well-packaged, high quality moon cakes for gifts and keep the ordinary ones for their own consumption. Some people spend a lot of time and effort buying gifts with Chinese features before going abroad, such as Beijing opera masks, Chinese fans and knots.

十二生肖The twelve animal signs


In traditional Chinese culture, the 12 animal signs were used to record years. According to one legend, the Yellow Emperor invited all the animals to his kingdom, but unfortunately, only a total of 12 turned up, the mouse was naturally the first, followed by the ox, then tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep (goat), monkey, cock (rooster), dog and pig (boar). Out of gratitude, the Yellow Emperor decided to name the year after each of the animals in their order of arrival. Many Chinese people strongly believe that the time of a person's birth is a primary factor in determining that person's characteristics.


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