

Cherry romantic feelings accompanied the early morning wake up accompanied by sunshine. I curl up in bed, eyes are the window overlooking the azure blue sky and yellow trunks. Although the house is still kind of warm in winter and dry heat. However, the faint aroma out of the window so I have a feeling that the room is outside of the atmosphere of early spring.

I walked out of the room, the winter has not gone cold, the air is always floating , the world shrouded in thick mist. Slowly moving in the road, and all of a sudden, a pure scent slowly with my heart inflow. I looked with the aroma, ah, that is cherry, it like a snow, flourish, delicate fragrance of cherry blossoms overflowing awake, and a brilliant white tree, heaters, Vibrato, charming . The fresh, cherry blossoms, a string, and like a fresh, elegant ink. Look down and found that the road the cherry petals, pink to the people that shop out of a beautiful road, and guide people to the real spring.

Pink cherry blossoms as if it is a soft layers of clouds, to show people the beauty of spring, and that is how elegant the brilliant pink, how wonderful, this has been covered with the earth brilliant. Saw video of the cherry tree branches scattered on the silver is a little bit to play up the course of events. In the wind, I drilled at the new leaves of a cherry tree, waves heaters to be left on the branches of the petals breeze on my face. Immediately triggered my thoughts so sudden bloom, the flowers of the same thing applies to just how short is the best!

Although cherry gone quietly, but was left in people's long-term memory, the better the image of how one will die of old age and then quietly disappeared? Looking at the sky, thought of life, how much life there will be some exciting and beautiful, amazing and sad at the ups and downs in between, leaving behind some beautiful memories. That second passion, life will continue, will become the eternal life. Sakura waved goodbye, a smile, set foot on the road home. And so on it, it should be making beautiful one-year, and so on it, and that next year's cherry blossoms. Cherry blossoms in full bloom, accompanied by feelings. Now, the cherry blossoms have been printed in my heart ... ...


我走出了房间,冬天的寒冷并未逝去,空气中总是飘着雨珠,整个世界 笼罩在浓浓的雾气中。缓缓地在马路上移动着,忽然,一种纯洁与馨香慢慢地流入我的心田。我随着香气望去,啊,那是樱花,那状如白雪,争奇斗艳,幽香四溢的樱花苏醒了,一树白色的灿烂,



樱花虽然悄然已逝,但却在人们心里留下了长久的记忆,这个美好形象怎么会因一次凋谢而悄然无踪呢? 望着天空,想到了人生,人生中多少会有一些精彩和美丽,在惊喜与感伤间跌宕起伏,留下一些美好的回忆。那一秒钟的激情,将延续着生命,将成为生命的永恒。挥手告别樱花,微笑地踏上了回家的道路。等等吧,那要酝酿一年的美丽,等等吧,那明年的樱花。樱花烂漫,情相伴。如今,樱花已经印在我的心里……

Cherry romantic feelings accompanied the early morning wake up accompanied by sunshine. I curl up in bed, eyes are the window overlooking the azure blue sky and yellow trunks. Although the house is still kind of warm in winter and dry heat. However, the faint aroma out of the window so I have a feeling that the room is outside of the atmosphere of early spring.

I walked out of the room, the winter has not gone cold, the air is always floating , the world shrouded in thick mist. Slowly moving in the road, and all of a sudden, a pure scent slowly with my heart inflow. I looked with the aroma, ah, that is cherry, it like a snow, flourish, delicate fragrance of cherry blossoms overflowing awake, and a brilliant white tree, heaters, Vibrato, charming . The fresh, cherry blossoms, a string, and like a fresh, elegant ink. Look down and found that the road the cherry petals, pink to the people that shop out of a beautiful road, and guide people to the real spring.

Pink cherry blossoms as if it is a soft layers of clouds, to show people the beauty of spring, and that is how elegant the brilliant pink, how wonderful, this has been covered with the earth brilliant. Saw video of the cherry tree branches scattered on the silver is a little bit to play up the course of events. In the wind, I drilled at the new leaves of a cherry tree, waves heaters to be left on the branches of the petals breeze on my face. Immediately triggered my thoughts so sudden bloom, the flowers of the same thing applies to just how short is the best!

Although cherry gone quietly, but was left in people's long-term memory, the better the image of how one will die of old age and then quietly disappeared? Looking at the sky, thought of life, how much life there will be some exciting and beautiful, amazing and sad at the ups and downs in between, leaving behind some beautiful memories. That second passion, life will continue, will become the eternal life. Sakura waved goodbye, a smile, set foot on the road home. And so on it, it should be making beautiful one-year, and so on it, and that next year's cherry blossoms. Cherry blossoms in full bloom, accompanied by feelings. Now, the cherry blossoms have been printed in my heart ... ...


我走出了房间,冬天的寒冷并未逝去,空气中总是飘着雨珠,整个世界 笼罩在浓浓的雾气中。缓缓地在马路上移动着,忽然,一种纯洁与馨香慢慢地流入我的心田。我随着香气望去,啊,那是樱花,那状如白雪,争奇斗艳,幽香四溢的樱花苏醒了,一树白色的灿烂,



樱花虽然悄然已逝,但却在人们心里留下了长久的记忆,这个美好形象怎么会因一次凋谢而悄然无踪呢? 望着天空,想到了人生,人生中多少会有一些精彩和美丽,在惊喜与感伤间跌宕起伏,留下一些美好的回忆。那一秒钟的激情,将延续着生命,将成为生命的永恒。挥手告别樱花,微笑地踏上了回家的道路。等等吧,那要酝酿一年的美丽,等等吧,那明年的樱花。樱花烂漫,情相伴。如今,樱花已经印在我的心里……


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