



As usual ,I went to that boite(新查的,用在这说不懂很合适,小饭店应该是个有故事的人开的。)again for lunch。Ate for a while, there was a middle age couple ,one of the man`s eye is blind, and he is carrying an erhu(网上百度到的翻译); and the woman is blind totally,she settled down on the table faced to me with the help of her husband

大概是街上卖艺的吧,我想。 Maybe they are busker,I thought


“Two bowls of rice flour with douhua ”and laied down the erhu next to the well.


After they settled for a while, the man standed to kuaizi,and then payed for the meal and murmur something to the waiter


And after a while ,rice flour came here,but it were a big one and a little one .The man made

It delicious by stirring and mixing carefully and let the women to eat the big one


And the woman ate for a whlie and then asked ,how about you

“我也是豆花米粉,大碗的,足够了。” I ordered the rice flour ,too,the big one and enough 我有些吃惊---- I felt a little surprised ---


“That is not the big one! ”the little boy announced suddenly. The little boy must think like that, the uncle payed for the big one mistakely.


The middle age man didn`t raise his head,and still ate maybe with a smile.


“Hey ,you are not eating the big one. ”The little boy repeated again ,because he thougt the uncle`s ears are bad too


The middle age man looked up ,and let the little boy be quite.


“Shut up. ”the mother of the boy said loudly (but there must be a smile in her eyes.


“That is the big one sincerely” the little did`t know the reason.

正吃着米粉的女人停了下来,侧着头仔细辨别声音的方向,她的脸轻轻地抽搐了一下。吃完米粉,他们搀扶着走出小店。 The woman who was eating the rice flour stopped and find out where did the voice came from carefully,and maybe she want to cry maybe she want to laugh maybe she want to know what`s up on the man now.

我被这一对盲人夫妇感动了,默默地走在他们后面。 I was moved by the couple, and followed with them quitely “今天吃的真饱。”男的说。 The rice flour is really delicious and I feel full up 女的沉默了一会儿---- The woman didn`t say anything for a little while


“You are lie to me ,you eat the little one ,you are lie to me .” The woman cry suddenly


“I don`t feel hungry ,I don`t feel hungry, please ,please

don`t cry... ”And the man did know what he should do and wipe the tears of his wife by his sleeve

我看着他们,泪水溢满了眼睛。 I looked at them ,and the tear was fulled of my eyes.



As usual ,I went to that boite(新查的,用在这说不懂很合适,小饭店应该是个有故事的人开的。)again for lunch。Ate for a while, there was a middle age couple ,one of the man`s eye is blind, and he is carrying an erhu(网上百度到的翻译); and the woman is blind totally,she settled down on the table faced to me with the help of her husband

大概是街上卖艺的吧,我想。 Maybe they are busker,I thought


“Two bowls of rice flour with douhua ”and laied down the erhu next to the well.


After they settled for a while, the man standed to kuaizi,and then payed for the meal and murmur something to the waiter


And after a while ,rice flour came here,but it were a big one and a little one .The man made

It delicious by stirring and mixing carefully and let the women to eat the big one


And the woman ate for a whlie and then asked ,how about you

“我也是豆花米粉,大碗的,足够了。” I ordered the rice flour ,too,the big one and enough 我有些吃惊---- I felt a little surprised ---


“That is not the big one! ”the little boy announced suddenly. The little boy must think like that, the uncle payed for the big one mistakely.


The middle age man didn`t raise his head,and still ate maybe with a smile.


“Hey ,you are not eating the big one. ”The little boy repeated again ,because he thougt the uncle`s ears are bad too


The middle age man looked up ,and let the little boy be quite.


“Shut up. ”the mother of the boy said loudly (but there must be a smile in her eyes.


“That is the big one sincerely” the little did`t know the reason.

正吃着米粉的女人停了下来,侧着头仔细辨别声音的方向,她的脸轻轻地抽搐了一下。吃完米粉,他们搀扶着走出小店。 The woman who was eating the rice flour stopped and find out where did the voice came from carefully,and maybe she want to cry maybe she want to laugh maybe she want to know what`s up on the man now.

我被这一对盲人夫妇感动了,默默地走在他们后面。 I was moved by the couple, and followed with them quitely “今天吃的真饱。”男的说。 The rice flour is really delicious and I feel full up 女的沉默了一会儿---- The woman didn`t say anything for a little while


“You are lie to me ,you eat the little one ,you are lie to me .” The woman cry suddenly


“I don`t feel hungry ,I don`t feel hungry, please ,please

don`t cry... ”And the man did know what he should do and wipe the tears of his wife by his sleeve

我看着他们,泪水溢满了眼睛。 I looked at them ,and the tear was fulled of my eyes.


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