

For over a decade, the issue of clone has become a flashpoint in the world, setting off waves of fierce debates whether clone should be directly prohibited in law making in many countries, as well as imposing strongly divergence in medical field. Over the past few years, the proponents have placed human organ cloning at the center of their agenda, steering money and muscle to persuade the law makers.

Proponents of clone argue all the time that it is a bliss for human being to use cloning into organ transplantation. Whereas the opponents regard clone as a harmful challenge against the bottom line of moral. During the 59th United Nations General Assembly, Law Committee passed through a political declaration by the overwhelming majority, asking every country to forbid any form of human cloning which obeyed humanity. On the contrary, China held a definite attitude towards this question that China approved of using cloning in healing person. Though banned by the majority, this support gave the clone movement new momentum as well as let more people learn about therapeutic cloning.

The issue of clone came to the fore after the birthday of Sheep Dolly in 1996. Clone from then on became not only a reality but the same time a big problem confusing many countries for years as well. The debate on whether clone should be forbidden becomes more and more controversial and hasn’t reached an agreement yet.

For over a decade, the issue of clone has become a flashpoint in the world, setting off waves of fierce debates whether clone should be directly prohibited in law making in many countries, as well as imposing strongly divergence in medical field. Over the past few years, the proponents have placed human organ cloning at the center of their agenda, steering money and muscle to persuade the law makers.

Proponents of clone argue all the time that it is a bliss for human being to use cloning into organ transplantation. Whereas the opponents regard clone as a harmful challenge against the bottom line of moral. During the 59th United Nations General Assembly, Law Committee passed through a political declaration by the overwhelming majority, asking every country to forbid any form of human cloning which obeyed humanity. On the contrary, China held a definite attitude towards this question that China approved of using cloning in healing person. Though banned by the majority, this support gave the clone movement new momentum as well as let more people learn about therapeutic cloning.

The issue of clone came to the fore after the birthday of Sheep Dolly in 1996. Clone from then on became not only a reality but the same time a big problem confusing many countries for years as well. The debate on whether clone should be forbidden becomes more and more controversial and hasn’t reached an agreement yet.


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