Direction: Plagiarism in academic studies is becoming a major problem worldwide,. Study the picture car efully.Your essay should include the following points:
1)a description of the illustration showing your understanging of the symbolic meaning;
2) your understanding theissue;
3) suggest counter measures.
You should write about 160~200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.
In the illustration p rovided, authors of what should be unique articles peer over at their colleague’s work. Perhaps they are looking for inspiration, but more likely, they are stealing ideas and using these ideas a s their own. It appears from this pictures that everyone is guilty of this crime; there is no strat or finish to the cycle of plagirism .
Academic plagiarism is a problem that is not limited to one or two schools in the word. One can o nly imagine that some form of academic is present everywhere. This process can occur innocently enoug h. One writer is looking for information on a certain topic and does not cite his work properly, the orig nal author is forgotten, and credit is not placed where it is due.
I believe that this issue is a very serious problem in universities today. The administration should do everything they can to stop plagiarism. This could include lecturing students on how to properly quote r eferences, and also raising the penalities for those who are found guility of plagiarism.
Nowadays, many female college graduates find it very hard to find a satisfying position because the emp loyers set extra requirements for them to meet. Study the following drawing carefully and write an essay in which you should
1) describe the picture;
2) discuss the causes of the phenomenon;
3) find some solutions.
You should write about 200 words neatly on Answer Sheet 2. (20 points)
I was profoundly shocked by what I have seen in this picture. As is shown in the picture, employer s are particular about the female applicants for vacancies. They have extra requirements that women job seekers should be young and beautiful, but ironically, they only offer the low-paying positions without ret irement pension, welfares, and weekends.
What is reveled in this picture is a prevalent phenomenon in contemporary society. Some employers set very high standards for their female employees who must be not only qualified in education, but also outstanding in personal appearance. Therefore, it is not strange to hear reports about female graduates fr om famous universities failing to find a job because of the prejudices and the high standard held by the employers.
Then what can we do to tackle this problem? One of the solutions, in my opinion, is that a positiv e attitude should be created in society towards female applicants. Women can over perform men in many aspects such as carefulness, patience, delicacy. On the other hand, female employers also should have c
onfidence and the firm belief hat if they are really, they can surely find a satisfactory job despite all the prejudices.
宫东风2010年考研英语作文预测三篇(附范文) 1、全球变暖
As the planet warms, rainfall patters shift, and extreme events such as droughts, floods, and forest fires become more frequent Millions in densely populated coastal areas and in island nations will lose their homes as the sea level rises. In Africa, Asia, and elsewhere, poor people face prospects of tragic crop failures, reduced agricultural productivity, and increasing huger,
malnutrition, and disease. It will become even harder to attain the Millennium Development Goals – and ensure a safe and sustainable future beyond 2015. Climate change is one of the most complex changes of our young century.
A “climate-smart” world is possible in our time. Yet, effecting such a transformation requires us to act now, act together, and act differently. We must act now, because what we do today determines both the climate of tomorrow and the choices that shape our future. Today, we are
emitting greenhouse gases that trap heat in the atmosphere for decades or even centuries. We must act together, because climate change is a crisis of the commons. Climate change cannot be solved without countries cooperating on a global scale to improve energy efficiencies, develop and deploy clean technologies, and expand natural “sinks” to grow green by absorbing gasses. We need to protect human life and ecological resources. Developed countries have produced most of the emissions of the emissions of the past, and have high per capita emissions. These countries should lead the way by significantly reducing their carbon footprints and stimulating research into green alternatives.
Much more is needed. We need action on climate issues before it is too late. If we act now, act together, and act differently, there are real opportunities to shape our climate future for a safe, inclusive, and sustainable globalization. China will cut carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP by 40 to 45 percent by 2020, taking 2005 as the base year. This is no easy task for a country that is undergoing rapid urbanization and industrialization, and cannot be fulfilled unless everyone – governments at all levels, private enterprises and individuals – does his bit to save energy and other resources and cut their carbon footprints. We do not need to wait for a low-carbon future. It starts now.
As is vividly depicted in the drawing above, a drunk-driver is scolding a pedestrian who is crossing a street at zebra crossing. What is revealed in the drawing is not uncommon in our routine life and the phenomenon is most thought-provoking to each responsible citizen of our society. Driving under influence (DUI) is a common practice for many Chinese. In many cities, police checkpoints for DUI are only set up for a month in a year or even two weeks. These occasional crackdown campaigns are like typhoons, they go as fast as they come. In the first half of this year, 222,ooo people on the Chinese mainland were found driving under influence (DUI), up 8.7
percent over the same period last year. Our roads have simply become the most dangerous in the world. With three percent of the total vehicles in the world, the country accounts for 16 percent of the global traffic deaths. Each year, some 100,000 Chinese die in traffic accidents in the
country-274 deaths a day. Each year traffic accidents take away more lives in China than other mishap. An all-out war on drink and drunk driving and other forms of rash driving should definitely be a national priority.
Strong measure should be taken to prevent reckless driving, and I would suggest three steps to begin with. First, our laws should be made tougher to show zero tolerance to such murderous driving. Many countries, such as the United Sates, Sweden and Singapore, have stricter
punishment for DUI. Second, police offices should enforce the law at all times and in all places, leaving no gaps of which violators can take advantage. Crackdown on DUI is not something that should be carried out of only two months. It should stay as long as there’s dangerous driving on our roads. Third, while laws and punishments are necessary, we should start educating our
population about the threat of DUI on other’s lives. While driver should restrain themselves, our drinking culture, which often means endless rounds of bottoms-up, needs to be checked.
For sever thousands of years, academia has been considered as an ivory tower. Such fine qualities as spirit of dedication, hard work and perseverance have always been associated with intellectuals involved in academic study. A renowned ancient scholar tied his hair to the house beam to keep himself awake in order to learn more. Another one pricked his thigh with an awl every time he started dozing off. Such stories have inspired generations of scholars to devote themselves to higher learning. What they get in re turn is respect for their knowledge and vision. However, a national survey in the field of science and technology recently came up with a shocking result: almost half of the scholars polled claimed that plagiarism and fabrication are prevalent. Despite public anger over academic corruption, the cases of plagiarism exposed so far are only the tip of the iceberg. Writing dissertations is a way of training students on logical
thinking and establishing their own creative argument. Imagine a world where degrees, diplomas, appraisals and professional titles could be obtained by means of cheating – plagiarism and fabrication. What would it matter who you are?
Direction: Plagiarism in academic studies is becoming a major problem worldwide,. Study the picture car efully.Your essay should include the following points:
1)a description of the illustration showing your understanging of the symbolic meaning;
2) your understanding theissue;
3) suggest counter measures.
You should write about 160~200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.
In the illustration p rovided, authors of what should be unique articles peer over at their colleague’s work. Perhaps they are looking for inspiration, but more likely, they are stealing ideas and using these ideas a s their own. It appears from this pictures that everyone is guilty of this crime; there is no strat or finish to the cycle of plagirism .
Academic plagiarism is a problem that is not limited to one or two schools in the word. One can o nly imagine that some form of academic is present everywhere. This process can occur innocently enoug h. One writer is looking for information on a certain topic and does not cite his work properly, the orig nal author is forgotten, and credit is not placed where it is due.
I believe that this issue is a very serious problem in universities today. The administration should do everything they can to stop plagiarism. This could include lecturing students on how to properly quote r eferences, and also raising the penalities for those who are found guility of plagiarism.
Nowadays, many female college graduates find it very hard to find a satisfying position because the emp loyers set extra requirements for them to meet. Study the following drawing carefully and write an essay in which you should
1) describe the picture;
2) discuss the causes of the phenomenon;
3) find some solutions.
You should write about 200 words neatly on Answer Sheet 2. (20 points)
I was profoundly shocked by what I have seen in this picture. As is shown in the picture, employer s are particular about the female applicants for vacancies. They have extra requirements that women job seekers should be young and beautiful, but ironically, they only offer the low-paying positions without ret irement pension, welfares, and weekends.
What is reveled in this picture is a prevalent phenomenon in contemporary society. Some employers set very high standards for their female employees who must be not only qualified in education, but also outstanding in personal appearance. Therefore, it is not strange to hear reports about female graduates fr om famous universities failing to find a job because of the prejudices and the high standard held by the employers.
Then what can we do to tackle this problem? One of the solutions, in my opinion, is that a positiv e attitude should be created in society towards female applicants. Women can over perform men in many aspects such as carefulness, patience, delicacy. On the other hand, female employers also should have c
onfidence and the firm belief hat if they are really, they can surely find a satisfactory job despite all the prejudices.
宫东风2010年考研英语作文预测三篇(附范文) 1、全球变暖
As the planet warms, rainfall patters shift, and extreme events such as droughts, floods, and forest fires become more frequent Millions in densely populated coastal areas and in island nations will lose their homes as the sea level rises. In Africa, Asia, and elsewhere, poor people face prospects of tragic crop failures, reduced agricultural productivity, and increasing huger,
malnutrition, and disease. It will become even harder to attain the Millennium Development Goals – and ensure a safe and sustainable future beyond 2015. Climate change is one of the most complex changes of our young century.
A “climate-smart” world is possible in our time. Yet, effecting such a transformation requires us to act now, act together, and act differently. We must act now, because what we do today determines both the climate of tomorrow and the choices that shape our future. Today, we are
emitting greenhouse gases that trap heat in the atmosphere for decades or even centuries. We must act together, because climate change is a crisis of the commons. Climate change cannot be solved without countries cooperating on a global scale to improve energy efficiencies, develop and deploy clean technologies, and expand natural “sinks” to grow green by absorbing gasses. We need to protect human life and ecological resources. Developed countries have produced most of the emissions of the emissions of the past, and have high per capita emissions. These countries should lead the way by significantly reducing their carbon footprints and stimulating research into green alternatives.
Much more is needed. We need action on climate issues before it is too late. If we act now, act together, and act differently, there are real opportunities to shape our climate future for a safe, inclusive, and sustainable globalization. China will cut carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP by 40 to 45 percent by 2020, taking 2005 as the base year. This is no easy task for a country that is undergoing rapid urbanization and industrialization, and cannot be fulfilled unless everyone – governments at all levels, private enterprises and individuals – does his bit to save energy and other resources and cut their carbon footprints. We do not need to wait for a low-carbon future. It starts now.
As is vividly depicted in the drawing above, a drunk-driver is scolding a pedestrian who is crossing a street at zebra crossing. What is revealed in the drawing is not uncommon in our routine life and the phenomenon is most thought-provoking to each responsible citizen of our society. Driving under influence (DUI) is a common practice for many Chinese. In many cities, police checkpoints for DUI are only set up for a month in a year or even two weeks. These occasional crackdown campaigns are like typhoons, they go as fast as they come. In the first half of this year, 222,ooo people on the Chinese mainland were found driving under influence (DUI), up 8.7
percent over the same period last year. Our roads have simply become the most dangerous in the world. With three percent of the total vehicles in the world, the country accounts for 16 percent of the global traffic deaths. Each year, some 100,000 Chinese die in traffic accidents in the
country-274 deaths a day. Each year traffic accidents take away more lives in China than other mishap. An all-out war on drink and drunk driving and other forms of rash driving should definitely be a national priority.
Strong measure should be taken to prevent reckless driving, and I would suggest three steps to begin with. First, our laws should be made tougher to show zero tolerance to such murderous driving. Many countries, such as the United Sates, Sweden and Singapore, have stricter
punishment for DUI. Second, police offices should enforce the law at all times and in all places, leaving no gaps of which violators can take advantage. Crackdown on DUI is not something that should be carried out of only two months. It should stay as long as there’s dangerous driving on our roads. Third, while laws and punishments are necessary, we should start educating our
population about the threat of DUI on other’s lives. While driver should restrain themselves, our drinking culture, which often means endless rounds of bottoms-up, needs to be checked.
For sever thousands of years, academia has been considered as an ivory tower. Such fine qualities as spirit of dedication, hard work and perseverance have always been associated with intellectuals involved in academic study. A renowned ancient scholar tied his hair to the house beam to keep himself awake in order to learn more. Another one pricked his thigh with an awl every time he started dozing off. Such stories have inspired generations of scholars to devote themselves to higher learning. What they get in re turn is respect for their knowledge and vision. However, a national survey in the field of science and technology recently came up with a shocking result: almost half of the scholars polled claimed that plagiarism and fabrication are prevalent. Despite public anger over academic corruption, the cases of plagiarism exposed so far are only the tip of the iceberg. Writing dissertations is a way of training students on logical
thinking and establishing their own creative argument. Imagine a world where degrees, diplomas, appraisals and professional titles could be obtained by means of cheating – plagiarism and fabrication. What would it matter who you are?