

Chinese writer Mo Yan won Nobel Prize for literature

Chinese writer Mo Yan,who left school for a life working the fields at the age of 12,has become the first citizen ever to win the Nobel in literature .All the Chinese people are proud of him.

Why were Chinese so excited when they heard the news? As is known to all, China has a long history of five thousand years and it has a lot of outstanding writers, such as Lu Xun, Lao She, Shen Congwen and so on. But none of them won Nobel Prize in the past. It is really a pity that Chinese hasn’t won the world’s highest honor –Nobel Prize until Mo Yan’s winning.

Because of the special meaning of Nobel Prize for Chinese,Mo Yan’s success brings a great influence both in people’s daily life and the nation’s international status. After Mo Yan won Nobel Prize, a lot of people want to follow the trend of buying his novels, therefore, his novels sell very well, many bookstores are out of stock. Besides, there is no doubt that his success will improve china’s international status and more and more foreigners have an interesting in Chinese literature. As a result, the word will know china better.

Above all, it is not hard to find that Mo Yan’s success is precious. But what’s the reason for his success.

The Swedish Academy praised his work which "with hallucinatory realism merges folk tales, history and the contemporary".

Through a mixture of fantasy and reality, historical and social perspectives, Mo Yan has created a world reminiscent in its complexity of those in the writings of William Faulkner and Gabriel García Márquez, at the same time finding a departure point in old Chinese literature and in oral tradition,” the citation for the award declared, striking what seemed a careful balance after campaigns of vilification against other Chinese Nobel laureates.

Chinese writer Mo Yan won Nobel Prize for literature

Chinese writer Mo Yan,who left school for a life working the fields at the age of 12,has become the first citizen ever to win the Nobel in literature .All the Chinese people are proud of him.

Why were Chinese so excited when they heard the news? As is known to all, China has a long history of five thousand years and it has a lot of outstanding writers, such as Lu Xun, Lao She, Shen Congwen and so on. But none of them won Nobel Prize in the past. It is really a pity that Chinese hasn’t won the world’s highest honor –Nobel Prize until Mo Yan’s winning.

Because of the special meaning of Nobel Prize for Chinese,Mo Yan’s success brings a great influence both in people’s daily life and the nation’s international status. After Mo Yan won Nobel Prize, a lot of people want to follow the trend of buying his novels, therefore, his novels sell very well, many bookstores are out of stock. Besides, there is no doubt that his success will improve china’s international status and more and more foreigners have an interesting in Chinese literature. As a result, the word will know china better.

Above all, it is not hard to find that Mo Yan’s success is precious. But what’s the reason for his success.

The Swedish Academy praised his work which "with hallucinatory realism merges folk tales, history and the contemporary".

Through a mixture of fantasy and reality, historical and social perspectives, Mo Yan has created a world reminiscent in its complexity of those in the writings of William Faulkner and Gabriel García Márquez, at the same time finding a departure point in old Chinese literature and in oral tradition,” the citation for the award declared, striking what seemed a careful balance after campaigns of vilification against other Chinese Nobel laureates.


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