

Business English Writing (1)

Course Code: XJB01029

Course Status: Compulsory

Class Hours: 2 per week, 36 in total

Credit Value: 2

Prerequisite: Comprehensive English, English Grammar

Objectives and content:

Writing does not mean writing down some words on the paper. It is a communicative process by making use of words. In this course students will experience the whole process step by step and complete the writing as their final achievement. This course will provide students with a large number of practices and chances for their mastering writing techniques. What counts is that all the writing is based on their own knowledge, experiences and reflection on their reading. Therefore, they will systematically master the basic knowledge and skills for English writing through the study of this course. Finally, they will be able to write a standard 100-word business-oriented essay or document with a distinct theme and without serious grammatical errors and within the specified time limit (about 20 minutes).

The course book contains various types of writing materials and writing practice steps. 1) Pre-writing paragraph reading and analysis. 2) Detailed explanation of structure and language on the basis of model essays. 3) Comments on students ’ writing practice. 4) Writing practice. Its main feature is to require students to summarize the characteristics of an essay on the basis of reading and analysis, after which detailed writing techniques and methods will be taught. Besides, the comments on and analysis of students ’ compositions will help them to identify and recognize their problems and shortcomings in them.

Through the study of this course, students will not only learn the basic theory and common knowledge of writing, but also write a composition paragraph by paragraph according to detailed study requirements. In addition, they will master certain writing skills and formats for writing notes and invitation letters in English.

Course book:

1. Hei Yuqin, Basic English Writing, Xi'an Jiaotong University Press, 2008.

2. M Krigline & D.H. Scott, Senior Practical English Writing , Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2008.

3. Joseph Gibaldi, MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001.

Assessment: Exam


Daily Performance (40%); Final Exam (60%)


1 课程编码:XJB01029

2 课程性质:必修

3 教学时数:2小时/周, 共36小时

4 学分:2

5 先修课程:综合英语, 英语语法


写作不仅仅是把词语写在纸上,而是通过使用词语进行交际的过程。在教学的中,学生会一步一步经历整个过程,以自己的最终成果完成写作任务。通过教材给学生提供了大量练习和掌握写作技巧的机会。最为重要的是,所有的写作都基于学生自己的知识、经历以及读后感。所以,通过学习本课程, 学生可以系统地掌握英语写作的基本知识和基本技能。继而,能做到在明确的写作规范和时间限定内(大约二十分钟), 学生可以写出没有严重语法错误而且意思准确的100字商务短文。


通过这些内容的学习,学生不但可以学习写作的基本理论和常识,而且可以根据具体的要求学习如何逐段编写作文。此外, 学生还可以掌握一定的便条和邀请函的写作技巧和写作格式。

7 推荐教材:

(1) 《基础英语写作》,黑玉琴, 西安:西安交通大学出版,2008.

(2) Krigline M & Scott D.H, Senior practical English writing, Foreign Language Teaching and Rese arch Press, 2008.

(3) Gibaldi, Joseph, MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001.

8 考核方式: 考试


Business English Writing (1)

Course Code: XJB01029

Course Status: Compulsory

Class Hours: 2 per week, 36 in total

Credit Value: 2

Prerequisite: Comprehensive English, English Grammar

Objectives and content:

Writing does not mean writing down some words on the paper. It is a communicative process by making use of words. In this course students will experience the whole process step by step and complete the writing as their final achievement. This course will provide students with a large number of practices and chances for their mastering writing techniques. What counts is that all the writing is based on their own knowledge, experiences and reflection on their reading. Therefore, they will systematically master the basic knowledge and skills for English writing through the study of this course. Finally, they will be able to write a standard 100-word business-oriented essay or document with a distinct theme and without serious grammatical errors and within the specified time limit (about 20 minutes).

The course book contains various types of writing materials and writing practice steps. 1) Pre-writing paragraph reading and analysis. 2) Detailed explanation of structure and language on the basis of model essays. 3) Comments on students ’ writing practice. 4) Writing practice. Its main feature is to require students to summarize the characteristics of an essay on the basis of reading and analysis, after which detailed writing techniques and methods will be taught. Besides, the comments on and analysis of students ’ compositions will help them to identify and recognize their problems and shortcomings in them.

Through the study of this course, students will not only learn the basic theory and common knowledge of writing, but also write a composition paragraph by paragraph according to detailed study requirements. In addition, they will master certain writing skills and formats for writing notes and invitation letters in English.

Course book:

1. Hei Yuqin, Basic English Writing, Xi'an Jiaotong University Press, 2008.

2. M Krigline & D.H. Scott, Senior Practical English Writing , Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2008.

3. Joseph Gibaldi, MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001.

Assessment: Exam


Daily Performance (40%); Final Exam (60%)


1 课程编码:XJB01029

2 课程性质:必修

3 教学时数:2小时/周, 共36小时

4 学分:2

5 先修课程:综合英语, 英语语法


写作不仅仅是把词语写在纸上,而是通过使用词语进行交际的过程。在教学的中,学生会一步一步经历整个过程,以自己的最终成果完成写作任务。通过教材给学生提供了大量练习和掌握写作技巧的机会。最为重要的是,所有的写作都基于学生自己的知识、经历以及读后感。所以,通过学习本课程, 学生可以系统地掌握英语写作的基本知识和基本技能。继而,能做到在明确的写作规范和时间限定内(大约二十分钟), 学生可以写出没有严重语法错误而且意思准确的100字商务短文。


通过这些内容的学习,学生不但可以学习写作的基本理论和常识,而且可以根据具体的要求学习如何逐段编写作文。此外, 学生还可以掌握一定的便条和邀请函的写作技巧和写作格式。

7 推荐教材:

(1) 《基础英语写作》,黑玉琴, 西安:西安交通大学出版,2008.

(2) Krigline M & Scott D.H, Senior practical English writing, Foreign Language Teaching and Rese arch Press, 2008.

(3) Gibaldi, Joseph, MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001.

8 考核方式: 考试



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