


1. The smiles of the children were so warm that they lit up the room and my heart

was filled with love.

2. His eyes shone with sadness and pride.

3. As I passed, he looked at me in silence with burning tears that reminded me of

my shame.

4. To my surprise, I began looking forward to seeing their happy faces as well.

5. My heart warmed every time I heard their excited voices asking me for a story

or an answer to a question. I felt valued and no one could take my place.

6. I feel all the tiredness has gone after spending a day with them because I realize

that there is much more to life than money. It’s much more important to love than to be loved.

7. She was too quiet and introverted, shyly sitting in the corner of the sofa and

listening. She was careful not to allow our eyes to meet.

8. With tears running down, we smiled at one another.

9. Her face lit up whenever she talked about our friendship.

10. Tired but happy, we all did our best to make the school clean and beautiful. We

were very proud of what we had done.

11. Excitement took my breath away.

12. We felt a sense of achievement. (responsibility/confidence/ loss/ failure/ defeat /

humor/ direction)


1. 孩子们的笑容那样温暖,照亮了房间,并且我的心充满了爱。

2. 他的眼睛闪烁着悲伤和骄傲。

3. 当我走过的时候,他用充满泪水的目光沉默的望着我,让我想到我的羞愧。

4. 让我惊讶的是,我开始同样盼望看到他们开心的笑脸。

5. 每次当他们用激动的声音让我讲个故事或者问我一个问题的答案时,我的心都


6. 和他们相处一天后,我感觉所有的劳累都消失不见了,因为我意识到对于生活


7. 她太安静且内向了,害羞的坐在沙发的角落聆听着。她很小心的不让我们的目


8. 眼泪淌下来,我们互相微笑着。

9. 每次谈到我们的友谊,她的脸就亮了起来。

10. 虽然累但很开心,我们都尽最大努力让学校干净漂亮起来。我们对于自己的所

做十分骄傲。 11. 激动夺走了我的呼吸。

12. 我们感受到一种成就感(责任感、自信、失落感、失败、幽默感、方向感)。


1. The smiles of the children were so warm that they lit up the room and my heart

was filled with love.

2. His eyes shone with sadness and pride.

3. As I passed, he looked at me in silence with burning tears that reminded me of

my shame.

4. To my surprise, I began looking forward to seeing their happy faces as well.

5. My heart warmed every time I heard their excited voices asking me for a story

or an answer to a question. I felt valued and no one could take my place.

6. I feel all the tiredness has gone after spending a day with them because I realize

that there is much more to life than money. It’s much more important to love than to be loved.

7. She was too quiet and introverted, shyly sitting in the corner of the sofa and

listening. She was careful not to allow our eyes to meet.

8. With tears running down, we smiled at one another.

9. Her face lit up whenever she talked about our friendship.

10. Tired but happy, we all did our best to make the school clean and beautiful. We

were very proud of what we had done.

11. Excitement took my breath away.

12. We felt a sense of achievement. (responsibility/confidence/ loss/ failure/ defeat /

humor/ direction)


1. 孩子们的笑容那样温暖,照亮了房间,并且我的心充满了爱。

2. 他的眼睛闪烁着悲伤和骄傲。

3. 当我走过的时候,他用充满泪水的目光沉默的望着我,让我想到我的羞愧。

4. 让我惊讶的是,我开始同样盼望看到他们开心的笑脸。

5. 每次当他们用激动的声音让我讲个故事或者问我一个问题的答案时,我的心都


6. 和他们相处一天后,我感觉所有的劳累都消失不见了,因为我意识到对于生活


7. 她太安静且内向了,害羞的坐在沙发的角落聆听着。她很小心的不让我们的目


8. 眼泪淌下来,我们互相微笑着。

9. 每次谈到我们的友谊,她的脸就亮了起来。

10. 虽然累但很开心,我们都尽最大努力让学校干净漂亮起来。我们对于自己的所

做十分骄傲。 11. 激动夺走了我的呼吸。

12. 我们感受到一种成就感(责任感、自信、失落感、失败、幽默感、方向感)。


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