

My view on campus love

Love, as a kind of fine sentiment for human beings, has its unique charm. If you fall in love with a girl or a boy ,I think it’s very normal. Because ,as a university student, we are too old to bear the consequences of the matter and youth people are gradually enriching the connotation of love.

While recently, the phenomenon of opposite sex staying overnight in campus .This has created bad influence among university students. In my opinion, In short term, this will affect the normal life of students around them; in long term, this will damage the building of advanced campus culture. In addition, many student lovers around campus don’t pay attention to their image and act intimately in public, but they have ignored other people’s feeling; some students are just busy in dating with their girl friends or boy friends without considering their scholar achievements; what is worse, some students, with money in hand which is painfully earned by their parents, spend money like water to buy luxury and romance during love journey. Facing such phenomenon, we should think carefully!

My view on campus love

Love, as a kind of fine sentiment for human beings, has its unique charm. If you fall in love with a girl or a boy ,I think it’s very normal. Because ,as a university student, we are too old to bear the consequences of the matter and youth people are gradually enriching the connotation of love.

While recently, the phenomenon of opposite sex staying overnight in campus .This has created bad influence among university students. In my opinion, In short term, this will affect the normal life of students around them; in long term, this will damage the building of advanced campus culture. In addition, many student lovers around campus don’t pay attention to their image and act intimately in public, but they have ignored other people’s feeling; some students are just busy in dating with their girl friends or boy friends without considering their scholar achievements; what is worse, some students, with money in hand which is painfully earned by their parents, spend money like water to buy luxury and romance during love journey. Facing such phenomenon, we should think carefully!


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