你能给你的学校带来什么 英语作文作文1300字


What can you bring to your university, to some extent, is a philosophy question.

First of all I want to state that everyone in the universe is unique. We know that the original form of a person is a combination of a sperm and an egg, called zygote. Before the progress, millions of sperms fight a severe war and at last only one of them survive to fertilize. From this perspective, it can be said that the existing people are the favourite of god. Then pay attention to some data: every year among the new born babies, only 86.9% can live on, and 94.4% of them are healthy ones, which means that nearly 5 in 100 babies are born with some diseases or disability. Therefore, as the comparatively unique and fortunate one, that I come, I see, I stand here, is the best and biggest gift I bring to the university.

On the other hand, at present I am a part of your school thus when I am in other places I always keep the belief in mind that on no account can I do harm to the school’s reputation and in the meanwhile I should make every effort to do credit to our school. With regard to the future, infinite possibilities lie there, whether I become eminent or ordinary, I will inherit and spread the concept of your school to a wider world.

That ’s my topic, thank you.

What can you bring to your university, to some extent, is a philosophy question.

First of all I want to state that everyone in the universe is unique. We know that the original form of a person is a combination of a sperm and an egg, called zygote. Before the progress, millions of sperms fight a severe war and at last only one of them survive to fertilize. From this perspective, it can be said that the existing people are the favourite of god. Then pay attention to some data: every year among the new born babies, only 86.9% can live on, and 94.4% of them are healthy ones, which means that nearly 5 in 100 babies are born with some diseases or disability. Therefore, as the comparatively unique and fortunate one, that I come, I see, I stand here, is the best and biggest gift I bring to the university.

On the other hand, at present I am a part of your school thus when I am in other places I always keep the belief in mind that on no account can I do harm to the school’s reputation and in the meanwhile I should make every effort to do credit to our school. With regard to the future, infinite possibilities lie there, whether I become eminent or ordinary, I will inherit and spread the concept of your school to a wider world.

That ’s my topic, thank you.


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