英语作文 勿以善小而不为作文作文1900字


古人云:勿以善小而不为。文章必须包括:一:你的一小善。二:你的感悟。 范文

If you want your life to stand for peace and kindness, it's helpful to do kind, peaceful things. One of my favorite ways to do this is by developing my own helping rituals. These little acts of kindness are opportunities to be of service and reminders of how good it feels to be kind and helpful.

I live in a rural area of Shanghai. Most of what we see is beauty and nature. One of the exceptions to the beauty is the litter that some people throw out of their windows as they are driving on the rural roads.

A helping ritual that I practice regularly is picking up litter in our surrounding areas. I ’ve become so accustomed to doing this that my five-year-old nephew will often say to me in animated voices, "There's some litter, uncle, let ’s go and pick it up!"

It may seem strange, but I actually enjoy it. I pick up litter in parks, on sidewalks, practically anywhere. Once I even saw a complete stranger picking up litter close to where we live. He smiled at me and said, "I see you doing it, and it seems like a good idea."

Picking up litter is only one of an endless supply of possible helping rituals. You might like holding a door open for people, visiting lonely elderly people in nursing homes, or shoveling snow off someone else's driveway. Think of something that seems effortless yet helpful. It's funny, personally rewarding, and can be a good example. And everyone benefits.

勿以善小而不为的英语翻译:We must do good rather than evil, on however humble a scale.

Don't fail to do good even if it is small.


1. 熟读课文1-6课,背诵1-6课语言点(见每课学案),不漏一个点

2. 复习巩固本学期每日翻译,重点词汇反复记,记反复。如:involve, in spite of, be qualified to do, the first time, no sooner等

3. 整理的倒装句和强调句必考,一定要熟背。

4. 背诵本学期作文范文,一定要知道作文常用句型,基本结构。

5. 收音设备要有备无患,最好有2个,其实每次考试本年级总有10位左右的同学会因为收音设备问题而失分惨重,考前为高三同学借好备用设备。

6. 不要以为考过的阅读不会考,如果我们去年参加联考,我们会发现听力的2篇、阅读的2篇我们都曾做过。不排除今年联考不会考到做过的题目。

7. 不要抱怨英语难,你平时的努力投入和付出是最终结果是成正比的。我们全体英语老师肯定这两天的专注复习还能让你增加5分。

古人云:勿以善小而不为。文章必须包括:一:你的一小善。二:你的感悟。 范文

If you want your life to stand for peace and kindness, it's helpful to do kind, peaceful things. One of my favorite ways to do this is by developing my own helping rituals. These little acts of kindness are opportunities to be of service and reminders of how good it feels to be kind and helpful.

I live in a rural area of Shanghai. Most of what we see is beauty and nature. One of the exceptions to the beauty is the litter that some people throw out of their windows as they are driving on the rural roads.

A helping ritual that I practice regularly is picking up litter in our surrounding areas. I ’ve become so accustomed to doing this that my five-year-old nephew will often say to me in animated voices, "There's some litter, uncle, let ’s go and pick it up!"

It may seem strange, but I actually enjoy it. I pick up litter in parks, on sidewalks, practically anywhere. Once I even saw a complete stranger picking up litter close to where we live. He smiled at me and said, "I see you doing it, and it seems like a good idea."

Picking up litter is only one of an endless supply of possible helping rituals. You might like holding a door open for people, visiting lonely elderly people in nursing homes, or shoveling snow off someone else's driveway. Think of something that seems effortless yet helpful. It's funny, personally rewarding, and can be a good example. And everyone benefits.

勿以善小而不为的英语翻译:We must do good rather than evil, on however humble a scale.

Don't fail to do good even if it is small.


1. 熟读课文1-6课,背诵1-6课语言点(见每课学案),不漏一个点

2. 复习巩固本学期每日翻译,重点词汇反复记,记反复。如:involve, in spite of, be qualified to do, the first time, no sooner等

3. 整理的倒装句和强调句必考,一定要熟背。

4. 背诵本学期作文范文,一定要知道作文常用句型,基本结构。

5. 收音设备要有备无患,最好有2个,其实每次考试本年级总有10位左右的同学会因为收音设备问题而失分惨重,考前为高三同学借好备用设备。

6. 不要以为考过的阅读不会考,如果我们去年参加联考,我们会发现听力的2篇、阅读的2篇我们都曾做过。不排除今年联考不会考到做过的题目。

7. 不要抱怨英语难,你平时的努力投入和付出是最终结果是成正比的。我们全体英语老师肯定这两天的专注复习还能让你增加5分。


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