


1、 Learning to understand your mother well is what you should do. Here are the best tips towards a better relationship with her.

2、 Knowing our mother’(在。。。方面)her psychological and physical state(心理和生理状态), often helps us to understand her better.

3、 Listening to your mother is very important. If you respect her point of view, even if you don’t share(有相同看法) it, it will help your mother feel close to you.

4、 Asking your mother about your childhood history will also help with your relationship. Understanding your roots and your childhood can not only help you know more clearly about yourself but also make you understand your mother’s love better.

5、 When we are able to accept our mother—with all her failings(缺点、过失), we can understand her better and it can also help us to know about our shortcomings.

6、 He smiled at me with a pair of bright eyes.

7、 It ’s clear that family dinners are important for a child’s development. Because dinnertime offers busy families a good chance to sit down together and talk. And good family relationships help children develop self-respect and a sense of belonging.

8、 Tears ran down from my cheeks, and I was filled with regret \shame. 9、 Her patience and kindness helped me get through many hard times. 10、 I learned to smile and accept the fact. I decided to make my uniqueness an advantage rather than a disadvantage. What I lack in height, I made up for in personality.

11、 You’d better know that failure is part of the life , so keep trying instead of complaining and fight against difficulties bravely

12、 You should be brave and responsible to help your friend get rid of the bad habits.

13、 It’s common that moms sometimes can’t understand teenagers. If I were you, I would be more understanding and think about something from others’ point of view. 关于亲情关系作文句

2. 知道妈妈的年龄,不仅仅是岁数而是心理和生理状态方面,经常帮助我们更好地理解她。

3. 听妈妈的话非常重要。如果你尊重她的观点,即使你不持相同看法,这也将帮助你的妈妈感觉和你更亲近。

4. 问你妈妈关于你的童年历史也将有助你们的关系。理解你的根和你的童年不仅能帮助你更清晰了解自己而且让你更理解妈妈的爱。

5. 他用一双明亮的双眼对我微笑。

7. 明显的是家庭晚餐对孩子的发展有好处。因为晚餐时间给忙碌的 家庭提供一个很好的一起坐下并聊天的机会。好的家庭关系帮助孩 子培养自尊和归属感。

8. 眼泪流下我的脸颊,我充满了后悔\羞愧。

9. 她的耐心和善良帮助我渡过了许多困难时刻。

11. 你最好知道失败是人生的一个部分,所以坚持努力而不是抱怨并 勇敢地和困难抗争。

12. 你应该勇敢、有责任心的帮助你的朋友改掉坏习惯。

13. 有时候妈妈不理解青少年是很正常的。假如我是你,我会更理解 人并从别人的角度考虑事情。


1、 Learning to understand your mother well is what you should do. Here are the best tips towards a better relationship with her.

2、 Knowing our mother’(在。。。方面)her psychological and physical state(心理和生理状态), often helps us to understand her better.

3、 Listening to your mother is very important. If you respect her point of view, even if you don’t share(有相同看法) it, it will help your mother feel close to you.

4、 Asking your mother about your childhood history will also help with your relationship. Understanding your roots and your childhood can not only help you know more clearly about yourself but also make you understand your mother’s love better.

5、 When we are able to accept our mother—with all her failings(缺点、过失), we can understand her better and it can also help us to know about our shortcomings.

6、 He smiled at me with a pair of bright eyes.

7、 It ’s clear that family dinners are important for a child’s development. Because dinnertime offers busy families a good chance to sit down together and talk. And good family relationships help children develop self-respect and a sense of belonging.

8、 Tears ran down from my cheeks, and I was filled with regret \shame. 9、 Her patience and kindness helped me get through many hard times. 10、 I learned to smile and accept the fact. I decided to make my uniqueness an advantage rather than a disadvantage. What I lack in height, I made up for in personality.

11、 You’d better know that failure is part of the life , so keep trying instead of complaining and fight against difficulties bravely

12、 You should be brave and responsible to help your friend get rid of the bad habits.

13、 It’s common that moms sometimes can’t understand teenagers. If I were you, I would be more understanding and think about something from others’ point of view. 关于亲情关系作文句

2. 知道妈妈的年龄,不仅仅是岁数而是心理和生理状态方面,经常帮助我们更好地理解她。

3. 听妈妈的话非常重要。如果你尊重她的观点,即使你不持相同看法,这也将帮助你的妈妈感觉和你更亲近。

4. 问你妈妈关于你的童年历史也将有助你们的关系。理解你的根和你的童年不仅能帮助你更清晰了解自己而且让你更理解妈妈的爱。

5. 他用一双明亮的双眼对我微笑。

7. 明显的是家庭晚餐对孩子的发展有好处。因为晚餐时间给忙碌的 家庭提供一个很好的一起坐下并聊天的机会。好的家庭关系帮助孩 子培养自尊和归属感。

8. 眼泪流下我的脸颊,我充满了后悔\羞愧。

9. 她的耐心和善良帮助我渡过了许多困难时刻。

11. 你最好知道失败是人生的一个部分,所以坚持努力而不是抱怨并 勇敢地和困难抗争。

12. 你应该勇敢、有责任心的帮助你的朋友改掉坏习惯。

13. 有时候妈妈不理解青少年是很正常的。假如我是你,我会更理解 人并从别人的角度考虑事情。


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